Gods and Idols is an MMORTS where you play as a god in a bid to dominate the universe.
In this open, dynamic, and massive universe, you are one of the powerful immortals capable of refashioning entire planets.
Use your divine abilities to blanket out harmful radiation from the stars,
or unleash the wrath of supernovas, asteroids, and massive fleets of ships on your enemies.
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Be the deity you want to be...
- Command the power to destroy entire star systems
- Create raw planets and their moons from asteroid belts
- Develop an intricate economy with dozens of resources
- Upgrade and develop your planets with gleaming cities
- Construct powerful fortresses to crush your foes
- Erect monumental temples in your own honor
- Command vast fleets faithful to your godliness
- Duel ancient monsters in the depths of space
Gods and Idols is free to download, and free to play. If you want to support us there is a shop where you can purchase Essence, a resource used for many things in the game.
Essence is also gained by just playing the game.
The universe of 1.x has been devastated by the ravaging force of the Black Sun, vanquished beyond recognition and warped into the primordial eternity that is neither creation nor destruction, the doom caught upon the universe sealed by the power of the Black Sun. But the gods persist even beyond the end of this universe, or indeed, was this universe but an illusion of the truth that comes? Of the actual battleground, where the final fate of Oberon's children against the Nephilim and the other minions of the Dark Soul must vie for the final fate of all?
After almost two years in development, the release of Gods and Idols 2.0 is less than a month away. We have nearly completed our work, and we're proud to see it come to fruition. As we iron out the final kinks of this universe, correcting a few wayward stars and squishing a rogue Nephilim or another that has managed to get into our pristine reboot of the universe, feel free to continue to participate in the community using either the chat or forums by accessing the menus above.
Its been one heck of a fun journey so far - let's see what the future brings!
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