Gods and Idols is an MMORTS where you play as a god in a bid to dominate the universe.
In this open, dynamic, and massive universe, you are one of the powerful immortals capable of refashioning entire planets.
Use your divine abilities to blanket out harmful radiation from the stars,
or unleash the wrath of supernovas, asteroids, and massive fleets of ships on your enemies.
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Be the deity you want to be...
- Command the power to destroy entire star systems
- Create raw planets and their moons from asteroid belts
- Develop an intricate economy with dozens of resources
- Upgrade and develop your planets with gleaming cities
- Construct powerful fortresses to crush your foes
- Erect monumental temples in your own honor
- Command vast fleets faithful to your godliness
- Duel ancient monsters in the depths of space
Gods and Idols is free to download, and free to play. If you want to support us there is a shop where you can purchase Essence, a resource used for many things in the game.
Essence is also gained by just playing the game.

NEWS: Gods and Idols 1.x source code
Sep 9th 2011
We are happy to announce that we are releasing the Gods and Idols version 1.x source code to the community; as version 2 verges on completion, it seems only fitting that we release the precursor so that others in the independent development community can benefit from our work. And by benefit we mean stare in agony at the horror!
Looking back, it is interesting to see how much of the effort was ultimately just the daring to try things out and give it our best shot. We commonly hear about the importance of development documents and other forms of pre-coding design, and those concepts are expounded daily in academia and journalism. Certainly having a basic plan and a vision helped, but ultimately, not as much as simply going out and doing it: trying to the best of our ability to come up with something fun, and learn something along the way.
It is something that hundreds of other creators have discovered, and we hope that if you look at our source code, you’ll find it to be true in the footprints we leave behind. It is neither the most perfect of all code (read: It's horrible! Avert your eyes!), nor did we always have an idea what it would turn out when we started, but with a good dose of faith and humor and nights powered by [Insert name of famous energy drink that did not sponsor us so we're withholding their name, take that!] have led us to create something that we enjoy.
So here it is, the fabled 1.x source code in all its hideous, festering mess. No support will be provided and no warranties are implied or extended, if your head catches on fire it's your own damned fault! Click the icon to download and begin your descent into madness.
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