Forums > Fan creations > Magnus Gibson's Journal, Entry #4: July 27th
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Magnus Gibson's Journal, Entry #4: July 27th
Posted 5032 days ago
Today a number of my squadmates and I had decided to practice our flight maneuvers in the training section of Lumarion Starbase Alpha. By the time we had returned from our escort mission yesterday, word had gotten around about how we easily disabled the enemy ship that was waiting for us. After we had started our training session, many of those who had heard of our victory the day before had come to watch us practice. Deciding to show off our skills a little, we performed a similar move to the one we had performed yesterday, on an training attack drone. While I drew the attention of the drone's firing power, my two squadmates flew behind it and struck it several times from behind while it was distracted by my flying. Needless to say the drone was no match for us.

The crowd was pleased, and I had started to feel pride welling up inside of me.

My skills are improving by the day, my dreams may not be so far away after all.
Forums > Fan creations > Magnus Gibson's Journal, Entry #4: July 27th
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