Forums > Diary > Summon Haulers
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Last seen 12 days ago
Summon Haulers
Posted 3383 days ago
The spell Summon Haulers is bad and I feel bad.

Forcing players to login only to click a button 50 times is not good gameplay design.
The spell was always intended to be temporary until proper ship building was added.
But I am leaning towards removing it sooner in favor of a planetary buff.

The buff would be something along the lines of ''All outgoing goods are collected instantly'' and would be a toggle-spell. If turned on it will remain on until turned off again. While on it would consume some Power and maybe even 5% of the transferred goods, or somesuch.

Thoughts? Feedback? Hate? Love?
Joined 3388 days ago
Last seen 3119 days ago
Re. Summon Haulers
Posted 3383 days ago
Well, I'm waiting on a more complete game before I dive back in, but I might be able to offer an opinion, at least.

If you replace Summon Hauler with, for lack of a better term, Divine Transport, you run the risk of giving people an incentive to have it on all the time. You need to balance it against building Haulers of your own.

Optimally, a player would want to choose between the two depending on the situation. Haulers act as a throttle on industrial production, so if a player hits a point where it hurts to choose between Power or accepting a temporary industrial bottleneck while building more Haulers you've done right.
Joined 4918 days ago
Last seen 1819 days ago
Re. Summon Haulers
Posted 3382 days ago
As an alternate method you could have surface based transport. It would be far slower and more inefficient but toggleable to be automatic to specific buildings (similar to how build by hand works). That way you incentivize people to build haulers to speed up gameplay but also give them a way around simply spamming ''summon hauler''.
Joined 4917 days ago
Last seen 3376 days ago
Re. Summon Haulers
Posted 3377 days ago
As an alternate method you could have surface based transport. It would be far slower and more inefficient but toggleable to be automatic to specific buildings (similar to how build by hand works). That way you incentivize people to build haulers to speed up gameplay but also give them a way around simply spamming ''summon hauler''.

I agree with this one, or it could simply be a global spell where a small percentage of goods is transferred over every 5 seconds. (5% of outgoing goods distributed evenly among all locations demanding it would be cool, and a nice minimum as well as less stop-starty for the long supply/production chains.)
O hai thur
Forums > Diary > Summon Haulers
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