Forums > General discussion > Hearts of iron 4?
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Last seen 797 days ago
Hearts of iron 4?
Posted 3367 days ago
Whos hyped? I'm hyped thats who! I have never played hoi before, but when I took a gander at hoi4 it looked great! This made me pick up hoi3 just so I can learn abit about the game and what not and it was on sale for like 3 bucks, so yeah I picked it up.

First time playing I picked Germany, not because I like the ideals of the nation, but because it was mostly land based with nothing going on colonially making it a good starter nation imo!

This is my campaign thus far in an attempt to conquer the world!

Start of the game.

My progression thus far.

So I didn't really follow Germany's historical path. Some of the first major moves for me was to take all of Poland and not share with Russia! I also turned all of the states such as Croatia, Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey into puppets! My allies consist of Japan, Italy, Persia, Austria and some others I can't remember. I had great plans to conquer much of the middle east and even India, due to the fact I have Persia as my allies and many puppet states I have full access to the middles east and am able to move a special army I created to the borders of India and the French and British controlled middle easter nations.

I have yet to even declare war on the allies, this is why France is untouched. This is the major difference between the historical events as I decided to cripple Russia before taking on the allies! Now they are little threat and I get some much needed resources as Germany for the world war to come with the allies.

Things were progressing so well. I had such great plans! Plans that I felt were no doubt achievable. soon to own France, India and the ally controlled middle eastern areas I would have been HUGE and eventually would have began a build up to conquer America.

Sadly though I am thwarted! Every time I start up the save to declare war on the allies, shortly after it all begins and provinces begin to get captured.... IT CRASHES!!!!! oh the horror :(

Anyway idk I thought i'd share and see if any of you are interested in Hearts of Iron 4 to be released soonish. Maybe we could all get a big game going sometime if anyone ends up playing :P BYE BYE!
Joined 4918 days ago
Last seen 1820 days ago
Re. Hearts of iron 4?
Posted 3367 days ago
I've played HoI3 before, I play CK2 and EU4 a lot more though. I am looking forward to HOI4 though :D
Joined 5857 days ago
Last seen 797 days ago
Re. Hearts of iron 4?
Posted 3367 days ago
Cool Cool. I have also played both ck2 and eu4 alot more hoi3 just crashes way too often.
Forums > General discussion > Hearts of iron 4?
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