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Magnus Gibson's Journal, Entry #6: July 31st
Joined 5496 days ago
Last seen 3614 days ago
Magnus Gibson's Journal, Entry #6: July 31st
Posted 5032 days ago
Monday. A new week begins.
It's almost hard to believe that just a few weeks ago I was just a citizen. Look at me now, a fighter pilot for the Lumarion Alliance, brimming full of potential. Exciting, breathtaking, daring, are only a few of the words that I could use to explain the past week.
However, as is to be expected of any career choice, some days are more eventful than others. Today is one of the others. I had to escort a small fleet of trade vessels from Tertius Prime, the Lumarion Alliance home planet, to Tradeport Xenith, an LA owned interplanetary trading post. I was informed by several of my superior officers that this would become one of my most traveled routes as a fighter pilot due to the frequency in which the Tradeport needs to be restocked. I hope to become a larger part in the alliance in the future, as I can see myself getting frustrated by the menial tasks at hand if they become the majority of assignments that I must complete.
Last week's tangle with an enemy vessel seems to have been a rarity for a newly initiated fighter pilot to have encounted. Albeit a well handled rarity, it was the importance of the vessel we were escorting that attracted the ship. However, It seems that my performance has indeed been recognized by the higher ups so I hope to hear from someone soon about riskier missions than escorting trade ships.
Monday ended with nary a scratch on my ship, but I suppose I should enjoy the lull of peace in our quadrant while it lasts.
Here's to hoping for more exciting times to come.
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Magnus Gibson's Journal, Entry #6: July 31st
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