Forums > Fan creations > Magnus Gibson's Journal, Entry #7: August 1st
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Magnus Gibson's Journal, Entry #7: August 1st
Posted 5032 days ago

You know some days I just get in my ship, and I take everything at face value, and mostly for granted and just get on with my job or my mission for the day, whatever it might be. However, there are other days where I take the time to actually admire the advanced technology that has gone into building my fighter. People have become complacent in dealing with their day to day lives. More people should stop for even just a fleeting moment, to appreciate the many things taken for granted. For example, there was a time when a majority of the controls on a ship, or a vehicle of any kind needed to be controlled manually. And some still do for extreme precision, but take my frigate for example.

All I need to do is get into the proper seated position, and lean my headback in order to come into contact with a device that not only allows me to control the ship with my mind, but almost makes it an extension of my body. I've been practicing with this specifically alot lately, and I must say that the countless decades that have gone into perfecting this amazing technology have not gone unnoticed. In the blink of an eye I can maneuver out of any situation I am in as long as I have the confidence, the motivation, and the pure strength of will to send the impulse into the ship.

Perhaps I am merely talking to myself right now, but if at some point in the future a successor to myself, or even a future child of mine, picks this journal up, it would have been worth it to impart the experience into them through this medium.
Forums > Fan creations > Magnus Gibson's Journal, Entry #7: August 1st
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