Forums > Fan creations > The Birth of a Universe
Joined 5496 days ago
Last seen 3614 days ago
The Birth of a Universe
Posted 5032 days ago
Abysmal darkness blanketed the vast depths of the universe for eons. Until it all began.


With an explosion so loud, it brought sound itself into existence, the universe sprung to life from the once cold and dead void.

As all matter that was, is, and ever shall be began to expand throughout the universe, it was only a matter of time until the first celestial clouds of primordial star dust began to collect and form what would soon become known as Galaxies, which themselves would soon produce planets and stars, and celestial bodies of all types. Magnificent beauty had been born at last.

However, beauty is an understatement for this masterpiece. The universe in all of it's wonder, as if to say ''No. This is still not enough.'' gave birth to where our story truly begins.

Life, consciousness, being, the sole entity that would be able to appreciate the universe in all of its beauty, began to develop almost immediately after it's formation. For no matter how beautiful the universe was, if there was no one to experience it, it would surely be as if it never existed in the first place.

As one of the many who have been granted the gift of life, how will you come to respect the universe? How will you come to appreciate it's beauty? Will you take it by your hands and swear to become a figure of unwavering power? Or will you become someone who exists only to percieve what life has to offer, a passive entity living peacefully amongst the environment, enjoying life as it be.

The choice is in your hands.
Forums > Fan creations > The Birth of a Universe
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