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Patch 3.23.315 (Shipyards and Haulers)
Joined 6435 days ago
Last seen 12 days ago
Patch 3.23.315 (Shipyards and Haulers)
Posted 2982 days ago
- Goods transfer rate now depend on active production slots and construction sites
- Metal, Life, and Gas matter again, added tooltips to buildings that are affected
- Shipyard unlocked, can produce Haulers
- Warehouses, Granaries, and Chemtanks no longer provide Haulers
- Farm renamed to Industrial scale farm, it can no longer be built by hand
- Changed cost of Industrial scale farm
- Increased number of slots in Industrial scale farm from 4 to 6
- Housing no longer has any production slot
- Essence and Power production will be moved to Temple
- Population Health now matters
- Population Happiness now matters
- Vaccines and Alcohol is now consumed by Population
- Added several missing building descriptions
- Updated some building descriptions
- You can now move slightly closer to planet surfaces
- Adjusted data transmission rate for unselected, or hostile, planets
- AMD/ATi graphics cards are no longer incorrectly reported as deprecated
- Reported video memory on AMD/Ati cards should now be accurate
- Buildings now affect the terrain around them
- Changed planet surfaces to a more appropriate _temporary_ surface
- Added engine trails to Haulers
- Building goods productions are now visible on the planet surface
- Paused buildings are now grayed out on the planet surface
- Haulers no longer go to paused buildings or buildings without productions
- Binary stars now orbit slower and closer together
- Distant stars are now scaled depending on resolution
- Greatly improved the chat widget
- Chat no longer shows joins and quits by default
- Planet stockpile is now sorted alphabetically
- Warehouse, Granary, and Chemtank goods lists are now sorted alphabetically
- Goods production is now grayed out if insufficient workers or no gender selected
- Building management list has been removed
- Goods production list is now sorted alphabetically
- Building goods costs are now sorted alphabetically
- Goods production requirements are now sorted alphabetically
- Removed irrelevant decimal points
- Added warning if a building is producing more goods than the haulers can handle
- Tidied up gender-selection warning
- Clarified food consumption in planet summary
- Fixed issue that would prevent new buildings from being placed on very built-up planets
- Additional tutorial widgets no longer spawn when you change settings
- Fixed building circles appearing under the planet surface
- Fixed some issues related to the IRC handler
- Camera no longer goes insane if Gods and Idols is launched outside the primary monitor
- Tutorial no longer re-appears once completed
- Fixed server-side issue that could cause up to an hour rollback for random planets on server shutdown
- Limited chat history to the last 100 lines to prevent lag when chat is very active
- Fixed issue that could freeze stockpile values if planet data wasn't loaded when a goods production was being picked
- Added missing total population growth value to planet summary
- Fixed issue that would cause the Auth node to not accept new connections
- All tutorial steps no longer briefly flash on the left side of the screen after connecting
HOTFIX 313>315
- Fixed missing planet UI after using Seed
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Patch 3.23.315 (Shipyards and Haulers)
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