Forums > Patches > Patch 3.23.523 (Divine Distractions)
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Last seen 6 days ago
Patch 3.23.523 (Divine Distractions)
Posted 2647 days ago
  • Many abandoned planets have been cleared!
  • Split Industrial Farm into Crop farm and Livestock farm
  • Farmed goods and animal products are now split between the two farm types
  • Added Garden building
  • Added Stadium building
  • Added Theatre building
  • Changed unlock progression of several buildings
  • Housing is now Metropolis
  • Added Town which provides 100 houses
  • Metropolis provides 300 houses
  • Rebalanced population growth
  • Increased Cloth production from 0.96/min to 3/min
  • Population in Towns and Metropolises can be hired to transport goods to supplement Haulers
  • Made scrollbars more visible
  • Re-arranged goods by tier in theplanetary stockpile view
  • Fixed crash when returning to main menu if there was a fleet present near the player
  • Some main menu widgets were not properly reloading after an error message
Forums > Patches > Patch 3.23.523 (Divine Distractions)
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