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Upcoming patch Phase III
Joined 6435 days ago
Last seen 12 days ago
Upcoming patch Phase III
Posted 2101 days ago
Once the countdown hits 0 all services will be taken offline for maintenance and updates.
There is no estimate for how long the downtime will be, but expect a minimum of 24 hours.
Once maintenance and updating is complete Phase III will finally go live after another short countdown.
- New mechanic: Space elevators
- New mechanic: Shipyards
- New mechanic: Colonization
- Complete rework of goods production
- Complete rework of resources
- Complete rework of buildings
- New mechanic: Building Artifacts
- New mechanic: Population based slot unlocks
- New mechanic: Crafting
- New mechanic: Craftable Artifacts
- New mechanic: Artifact tiers/quality
- Several things added around the universe
- Gods and Idols is now DPI aware
- Many performance improvements in UI rendering
- UI scaling can now be set
- Major overhaul of UI design and layout
- Transparent objects could be rendered out of order
- Fixed infinite startup loop - Thanks SuperNova
- Fixed several cases of UI alignment issues
- Fixed crash after changing resolution
- Light no longer penetrates planets - Thanks everyone who reported this
- Fixed chat not always scrolling to bottom when switching channels
- Tooltips can no longer go off-screen
- Fixed chat becoming invisible when switching channels
- Fixed chat history appearing offset
- Fixed several cases of lag stuttering when moving around the galaxy
- All Planet Services now stop if another Planet Service has crashed and is in the process of recovering in order to prevent unfair advantages
- All Planet Services now stop if the Data Relay Service crashes to prevent planets from being processed if players can't see them
Additional notes:
The Ecumenopolis feature has been postponed in order to leave more time to fine-tune production rates and resource collection. This is so that I can make sure the cost of an Ecumenopolis accurately reflect the mechanics it unlocks.
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Upcoming patch Phase III
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