Forums > Votes > Vote 2020-08-15
Joined 6436 days ago
Last seen 13 days ago
Vote 2020-08-15
Posted 1670 days ago
2020-08-18 18:00
2020-08-28 18:00
icons/paintings-256/novelty gallery r1.jpg
Bugs and Polish
There are several long-standing minor bugs that I've never gotten around to fixing.
A good example is the modifier summary on the building tabs.

Building upgrades
There are some changes I want to make to the way buildings, cities, and production works.
Building upgrades, adjacency bonuses, and more types along the lines of Farm + Field + Pen being three different ''buildings'' that benefit from each-others adjacency.

This also aims to get rid of the confusion surrounding not getting additional production slots when you place new buildings.

icons/paintings-256/good harvest.jpg
Resource transfer
Being able to transfer resources between your planets is an important milestone.
Not to mention it's the first step towards player to player trade.
Forums > Votes > Vote 2020-08-15
Steam Early-access
Gods and Idols
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