Joined 6436 days ago
Last seen 13 days ago
Vote 2020-08-28
Posted 1657 days ago
2020-09-04 18:00
2020-09-21 21:00
icons/paintings-256/revolt r1.jpg
Goods transfer + NPC raids
While you can have multiple planets there's currently no way of transferring resources between them.
A temporary mechanic allowing basic export and import between your own planets should help.
But just transferring resources is boring, let's add some NPC pirates to the mix!
icons/paintings-256/flood r1.jpg
More Building stuff!
The new experimental buildings add some of the mechanics I am interested in testing. But there's still work that needs to be done for adjacency bonuses as well as new systems and mechanics that aim to allow much greater control over individual buildings and their placements.
Player inventory
While not very exciting on its own, the player inventory is a required step for many future mechanics such as Artifact trading and advanced crafting.
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