Joined 6436 days ago
Last seen 13 days ago
Vote 2020-09-21
Posted 1633 days ago
2020-09-25 21:00
2020-10-17 18:00
icons/paintings-256/Alien Shipyard copy.jpg
Goods transfer
While you can have multiple planets there's currently no way of transferring resources between them.
A temporary mechanic allowing basic export and import between your own planets should help.
icons/paintings-256/flood r1.jpg
City replacement
The Building systems still need an overhaul in order to allow more advanced mechanics such as adjacency bonuses and upgrades. In addition it has become clear that the City mechanics don't offer enough flexibility in terms of building placements on your planets, so a redesign is in order.
icons/paintings-256/novelty gallery r1.jpg
Bugs and Polish
There are several long-standing minor bugs that I've never gotten around to fixing.
A good example is the modifier summary on the building tabs.
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