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[Archived 20220611] Upcoming patch
Joined 6435 days ago
Last seen 12 days ago
[Archived 20220611] Upcoming patch
Posted 1032 days ago
Upcoming patchThese are upcoming changes that are not yet in the game!GAMEPLAY
- All buildings now provide 10 Residences. Previously, buildings that had a +Residences modifier (Citadel, Housing) did not add 10 in addition to the modifier, they now do
- Greatly decreased the threshold for Entropy to become active, even a relatively small amount above Stockpile max will now trigger Entropy
- Warehouse no longer provides +50% Production to adjacent Mines
- Greatly improved performance in dataset handling
- Removed deprecated ArtifactBlueprintLibraryJS data assembly during startup
- Buildings with no workers, or empty queues, now have a visual Zzz indicator
- Citadel now shows that it adds +100 Residences
- Number of Residences are now shown in the planet management widget
- The Add worker button is now below the production lines, just above the Add work orders button
- Continued moving communications over to the new protocol
- Various improvements and enhancements to internal data structures and datasets
- Greatly improved performance in dataset handling
BUGS (Thank you for reporting issues and bugs, your help is greatly appreciated!)
- Fixed issue that could result in empty datasets after certain hashmap operations
- Fixed buildings refunding their entire construction cost upon completion
- Fixed building stockpiles stuck with X / Y Resource after removing a recipe from the queue
- Fixed Entropy being stuck at 0% in the planet management widget (This is a visual fix, the behaviour has not changed)
- Fixed Hashmap memory leak
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[Archived 20220611] Upcoming patch
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