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[Archived 2022-08-13] Upcoming patch
Joined 6435 days ago
Last seen 12 days ago
[Archived 2022-08-13] Upcoming patch
Posted 1000 days ago
This is an archived post and may not be accurateGAMEPLAY
- New gameplay mechanic: Building Regions
- Adjacent Buildings of the same-, or related-, type now form Regions
- Some Buildings, such as Farmland, gain benefits if they are part of a Region
- Some buildings get a penalty if they are part of a Region
- See individual Building tooltips for more information on what modifiers they gain from Regions
- Auxiliaries have been moved back to the Building panel, and are no longer built from within their parent building
- Most Auxiliaries no longer require a specific adjacent building in order to be placed
- Ravager scouts now spawn at a random point in the star system then move to a planet instead of spawning directly around a planet
- Decreased the movement speed of Ravager fleets slightly
- Ravager fleets are now untargetable by planetary defenses until the fleet has fully spawned in
- Continued moving communications over to the new protocol
- Updated tooltip layout
- Fixed alignment issue in Add new worker widget under certain UI scalings
- Continued moving communications over to the new protocol
BUGS (Thank you for reporting issues and bugs, your help is greatly appreciated!)
- Fixed crash in t_List:Merge()
- Fixed list corruption caused by t_List:Merge() incorrectly creating new child objects
- Fixed crash in t_Planet:t_Tile:UpdateGroups()
- Fixed issue that could cause some Treasures to be invisible
- Fixed timing issue with Ravager scouts that could cause them to expire much faster than intended
- Fixed Ravager fleet spawning issue that could lead to Ravager fleets being prematurely destroyed
- Fixed two cases that could lead to R-99 errors when a player was trying to reset their progress
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[Archived 2022-08-13] Upcoming patch
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