Forums > Fan creations > Seeking Freedom from the Gods
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Seeking Freedom from the Gods
Posted 5079 days ago
Well, basically I'm bored. So I will be making a storyline about the people i created through GAI Insight articles, The Legion. I know what you're thinking, ''Ugh! A stupid story fan made story line!''. But after reading Macatord's storyline, Dragon Wars, (which I highly recommend reading) I was impressed on what you can do with it. Its influenced me to make my own.
On to the story. The main character is a High Priest of the Followers of Grantrithor. The storyline is already kind of developed through the GAI Insight but, my story will start before The Legion's uprising and will continue into the present.
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Joined 5386 days ago
Last seen 2230 days ago
Re. Seeking Freedom from the Gods
Posted 5079 days ago

Dennis awakens to the annoying sound of his alarm at 5:30 am. Today is an important day, for today is the day that the Ministry is to induct him into the High Priesthood. The most sacred chapter of the Followers of Grantrithor. As he shuffles out of bed and navigates his small dark bedroom and dresses into his common robe he hears noise coming from the living quarters, odd for this hour.

Dennis is a member of, The monks of Light, a religious sect held in high regard throughout the empire. He lives in an apartment with three other monks and they all share a common room. It contains a small kitchen and living room. As Dennis steps out of his bedroom he sees his three roommates huddled around the small television set. Before Dennis could ask what was going on the new reporter on the TV answered. '' In recent days several missionaries in the colony planets on the outer fringe had gone missing, but nothing could prepare the Ministry for what has happened today.'' The reporter continued, '' An attack on the Colony planet of Ifdrea La has cut off all communications. The Ministry has replied that there has been no attack and that this is the result of a electromagnetic storm passing through the system. Even though there has been several hundred videos posted throughout the net of explosions and horrific scenes across the planet. The terrorists responsible for this have not been identified but, with mounting amateur video we can be sure this is no electromagnetic storm.'' The news broadcast then cut to a video portraying horrible footage of what seemed to be plasma artillery strikes demolishing several skyscrapers and wounding and killing people. Before the broadcast could continue Dennis turned the TV off.

''We are men of the Cloth! We will not partake in this senseless rabble. Get ready for your duties. Victor what are you doing? We have to be at the Ministry's Sacred Halls in an hour to prepare for the induction into the High Priesthood let's get ready.'', Dennis spouted as he started for the kitchen to prepare a large breakfast for he wouldn't get a chance to eat for the rest of the day.
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Re. Seeking Freedom from the Gods
Posted 5079 days ago
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Re. Seeking Freedom from the Gods
Posted 5079 days ago
I concur. This one should continue.
Joined 5482 days ago
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Re. Seeking Freedom from the Gods
Posted 5079 days ago
ahhh awesome stuff. I always enjoyed reading the GaI insight articles, so it will be nice to read a sort of backstory to the articles. good stuff man good stuff
Something witty and funny
Joined 5386 days ago
Last seen 2230 days ago
Re. Seeking Freedom from the Gods
Posted 5078 days ago
Walking past the statues of the Great Saints that Grantrithor himself had established thousands of years ago Dennis and Victor couldn't help but feel pride in their hearts. They were approaching the giant Ministry complex dubbed The Sacred Halls. It was one of the most important buildings within the entire empire. This is where laws were passed, the government was housed, and most importantly where the High Priesthood resided. The men who spoke the direct word of Grantrithor to the people, Dennis still couldn't believe he was about to be one of them. They were greeted at the entrance of the Sacred Halls by a man dressed in an ornate yellow and red robe. He was the Tailor, a man to stand at the door with a drawn sword, to guard against thieves and eavesdroppers.

''Whence came you?'' the Tailor said in a low baritone voice with his hand over his sword.

Unalarmed Dennis replied, ''We are weary travelers from the Great Saint Judah. Here to seek our quittance.''

With that both men were permitted entrance and shown to a preparation room where they were given tattered clothing and length of rope to tie to their wrist. Neither man knew why they were to wear such things nor what lied in the adjacent room. One thing they could be assured of is what lay beyond would change their lives forever. As the two men finished dawning their clothes the Tailor blind-folded them both and led them into the next room and left them.

As Dennis stood there in the dark next to Victor he couldn't help but sense that there was something there with them. The smell of burnt lavender filled his nostrils as his hand was taken by an unknown man. He led them both 20 paces before stopping. Dennis was startled by the sudden three raps that seemed to echo all around him.

''Who are you?'', a mysterious voice called out.

Victor responded, ''Tired souls who have come to exchange our quittance for further light.''

''How do I know this to be true?'', the voice retorted.

''A certain word and brotherly grip.'' Victor answered.

Dennis could then hear footsteps approach them both. He then heard whispers and shuffling to his left where Victor stood. A chill ran up his spine as he could feel the figure move in front of him. Dennis extended his hand and it was met with a strong grasp. He gripped the other man wrist with fingers clawed like that of a bear, then leaned in and whispered the word ''Naken'', the name of the first tribe of Grantrithor, into the mysterious man ear. The man then stepped back and it grew uneasily silent once again.

The mysterious voice then said. ''These men have proven themselves brothers remove their hoodwinks and show them to the light.''

Dennis's eyes could barely adjust to the candle lit room but, he could see seven dark robbed figures in front of him. One seated at a thrown in the middle and three standing on either side. Before the mysterious voice could speak again two huge doors swung open behind Dennis and Victor immediately drawing their attention and blinding them with the light from outside the room.

''What is the meaning of this!?'' The mysterious man shouted. ''We are not to be disturbed under any circumstance!''

A man who was wearing modern power armor (any clothing not made from cloth wasn't permitted in the Sacred Halls) knelt and said, ''Yes sir, unless there has been a declaration of war made by the Ministry...''
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Joined 5386 days ago
Last seen 2230 days ago
Re. Seeking Freedom from the Gods
Posted 5050 days ago

Dennis laid on his couch in a comatose state and a headache that could kill a buffalo from a night of intensive drinking and smoking of a druf called Soma, with a similar effect to that od Acid. This was extremely unbecoming of a monk, but Dennis did not care nay longer. The High Priesthood had declared that the interruption of the initiation into their ranks ''Divine Intervention''. Both Dennis and Victor has decided that with their dreams crushed and their once heroes shunning them from ever stepping foot within the Sacred Halls again they would abandon their past lives all together.

The week long binger of cheap hooker, drinking, drugs, and music gad left the two boys physically and fiscally drained. They were half asleep on the dirty futon in the crappy apartment they had rened on the outskirts of town when an alert came on the television awakening them both from their drug induced stupor.

It was the High Priest, the man they once admired, speaking off the Sacred Halls of the balcony over-looking the Hope Square which held thousands of people. In a daze Victor asked, ''What's this all about?''

''Eh probably just some religious bullshit about the war. How the Ministry is on the side of ''good'' and the enemy scourage is being driven bacl.'' Dennis retorted.

The two men started laughing. ''Can you believe we used to fucking follow that mans every word? I bet you would have even sucked his balls if he asked you to.'' Victor said after taking a swig of warm beer.

''Nah im not tweleve I'm out of his age range.'' Laughed Dennis.

Just then the the camera slowly started to pan up into the air to film what seemed to be a yellow/white cloud starting to form with its orifins not the horizon but seem to be from space. The High Priest's words began to fall silent as the crowd's attention was shifted upwards to the ominous cloud above. Dennis and Victor were on the edge of their stained futon with their eyes glued to the TV set as the cloud began to block all view of the sky and the city became dark save for a few lights withing the city. A faint blue light stated to penetrate the dark sky. It was small and very faint at first and the on looking crowd was nothing but silent as they watched in amazment.

After what seemed like an eternity the blue light became more magnificent, so bright that to look directly at it hurt your eyes. The city lights had been turned on by this time to beat back some of the darkness but, the blue light remained the dominante force, captivating the entire population within several miles of the city in all directions. Victor and Dennis had moved to the roof of their apartment building with several others and small portable TV set. The blue light had begun to displace the bottom layer of cloud cover. The clouds transformed blue by the lgiht began to bow out several hundred feet before bursting at the seams. The blue light started flowing out brighter than the star that was previously shining in the sky and a deafening baritone sound filled the air drowning out the panic and screams of the once silent and wide eyed crowd in Hope Square.

As the people within the square began to flood out, an instinct to get as far away from the once amazing light they could barely take their eyes off of. The light was now taking shape, its origin was a massive starship far larger than any civilian ship and rivaling the flag ships of the Ministry's fleet. Its deafening roar still bellowing throughout the city.

Victor and Dennis were at a much safer distance than the majority of the populace. As they watched the massive ship continue to descend above the Hope Square the scream of the Ministry's jet fighter could be heard on their approach. Soon sirens blared across the city alerting the presence of an enemy air raid. Soon like sharks circle their prey 20-25 smaller ships descended from the clouds and along eith the main ship launched a slew of fighters on their own as AA weapons from the Sacred Halls and the military base positioned next to it.

The sky battle above wasn't going will for the city defenses. Although the larger ships weren't using SA or any type of bombing weapons their fighters outnumbered the Ministry's 10 to 1. Plus the Ministry was using planetary fighter as the invaders were using inter-galactic fighters, with higher speed, manuverability, and armament the battle seemed lost.

Dennis and Victor were no longer safer than the people at the Hope Square as a invading ship was descending about 100 yards away. It was a transport craft that was luanched along with several other from a nearby starship. It hovered at about 50 yards and dropped off its passengers before leaving and they seemed to be heading for Victor and Dennis's apartment complex.
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Last seen 2230 days ago
Re. Seeking Freedom from the Gods
Posted 5022 days ago
Dennis couldn't help but to feel a sense of abandonment as he ran down the stairs to get to his apartment. He had lead a life of virtue, except for these past few weeks, and how had Grantrithor rewarded him? By crushing his life long dream of being in the priesthood, and now more than likely causing his death and the death of untold millions by not saving his people from this invading menace. Where did he go wrong? What had he, Victor, or anyone else done to deserve this?

Victor flung the door open and raced to the TV stands cabinets and pulled out 2 small pulse pistols. ''Here you will need this.'', said Victor.

Dennis reached out for the pistol hands shaking, ''Where in the hell did you get these?''

''Who cares? We need them now. I thought they would come in handy living in the shady part of town.'' There was a heart stopping explosion from outside. ''Whoever they are they are right across the street. What are we going to do?''

Dennis thought hard on what they should do next. Who could help them? Where could they go that was safe? Dennis looked out the window and saw six of the creatures enter the small church across the street. ''What in the hell could they be doing in there.'' Dennis said confused.

Thats when it hit Dennis. Today was the Day of Birth, the day that the Ministry united Grantrithor's Empire under one rule. So many people would be in church today. Dennis's head started to spin as the Soma he had taken earlier began to hit him again. It was normal for Soma to give you 2-3 ''highs'' from the same batch you smoked hours before. This included hallucinations, paranoria, dizziness, and drowsiness. Dennis tried to regain his composer in such a critical time. He looked out the clouded and dirty apartment window with Victor down at the church in silence. Waiting, for something...anything to happen. His heart began beating rapidly and sweat seemed to spill out of his pours as he watched what seemed to be houndish demons heard the church goers into the street. The mix of the constant rumble of cannons, the dense smoke from the fires throughout the city, the low baritone growl comming from the now 30 plus starships that hover just beneath the ominous cloud cover. It was all to much to take in. His head began to spin and the huge spotlights that searched the dark abyss of the city started to squirm like snakes caught by the tail. Snap, snap, snapping at the thousands on innocence on the ground. Just as Dennis's thoughts were getting the better of him a round of gunshots woke him from his Soma induced daze.

He didn't know if what he was seeing was reality or if his eyes playing tricks on him. He looked at the hounds of hell and could see light blue drool hanging from their fangs as a same color of aura swirled about them in a heavy and ornate armour. Six bodies lay on the street beneath the feet of the demons. They raised their rifles again, they aimed at the scared bunch they had herded into a line. These were men and women, elderly and children. They cocked their rifles ready to let free their hell fire. As Dennis's mind began to swirl out of control he screamed out in confusion. The hounds barked and looked up. The one in the most ornate armour cracked out and signaled towards Dennis and Victor.

Victor looked into Dennis's eyes. ''What have you done?''

Dennis sunk beneath the window and sat down on a wet spot on the carpet. He could hear heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. He looked down into the street and saw two of the enemy guarding the people. Victor flipped over the heavy metal coffee table and ready for the demons to breach the door. Dennis stumbled behind the kitchen counter and armed his pistol. How could they survive this? Was there anyway they could make it out?
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Joined 5386 days ago
Last seen 2230 days ago
Re. Seeking Freedom from the Gods
Posted 5020 days ago
Dennis quivered in a ball cradling his pulse pistol. He stared at his hand and could see the blood pumping in and out of his veins. He counted the pumps to try and calm himself. ''One, two. One, two. One, two.''

Victor glanced over at Dennis, ''What are you doing? Were about to fucking die and your staring at your hand?''

Dennis looked over to victor. As if in slow motion he watched the door fly open. A beastly figure appeared. Dennis didn't feel afraid. He just continued to look on as if being lost in a movie. The beast snarled and looked around the room until it spotted him peeking out from behind the counter. Victor yelled something to Dennis, but he could not hear, he was lost. His whole attention was shifted to looking at the Beast in front of him.

Dennis could not tell whether what he was seeing was reality or because of the drugs. The beast held itself with great demeanor. Its head was painted with deep purples and brilliant blues. It, and I say ''it'' because gender was not recognizable, wore a helmet that covered the top of the head and the rear, with a large fray that jutted from the top that resembled the bristles of a broom. Except that it seemed that they weren't physically there, like it was made from light. Dennis focused on the orange bristles that came out of the beasts head. He almost reached out towards them. Just then a great crack.

It was victor. He poured 3 holes into the side of the beasts face. Dennis didn't even flinch. In his mind seconds were minutes. He felt like he could see, hear, smell, and react to anything within a millisecond. He watched the beast fall and his helmet rolled into his reach. He grabbed it and tucked back behind the safety of the counter. He marveled at the paint and lights. He brushed the bristles on the top, they were real! Dennis was in a stupor. Had he ever been so happy? Suddenly he was awakened from his daze as an inch of cheap plywood that covered the counter splintered and found itself in Dennis's calf. He couldn't be bothered by such a trivial occurrence. He had the helmet and he had the bright orange bristles it held. He looked at the helmet once again. The bristles had been cut! Furious, Dennis stood up and pointed his pistol to the door. He could see two beasts on both sides of the wall firing blindly into the apartment as Victor tried to return fire.

''The morons.'' Dennis gloated. He fired several shots into the walls to the near right and left of the door frame. The walls in the crummy apartment had no insulation and the pulse pistols shells tore right through the dry wall killing both of his adversaries.

In a blind rage Dennis started straight for the doorway. He exited the apartment and stared into the eyes of the last beast on the stairwell. Dennis clenched his teeth together and smiled ear to ear.

The beast looked at Dennis. A small frail man. With a piece of wood hanging out of his leg, a plasma burn on his left shoulder which was still smoking, and war paint from his commander smeared all over hands, clothes and face. He looked at Dennis's smile. What was that in his teeth? Was it? No it couldn't be! Orange bristles stuck in and out of the spaces in Dennis's teeth! The beast started to raise his rifle but, Dennis already had his pistol in one hand leveled on the beasts head and his new helm in the other.

Victor saw a flash of gunfire in the hallway. To scared to move he waited behind the metal coffee table, pistol raised.

Dennis walked back into the apartment. Victor looked on in disbelief. He was so composed and staring deeply into something he had brought in with him. ''Wait, why is he stroking it?'' Victor thought.

Stretching out his arm that he held the helm with, Dennis chuckled, ''Do you like my new toy?''

Victor almost vomited as he watched Dennis brush the hair of one of the beasts severed heads against his cheek.
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Forums > Fan creations > Seeking Freedom from the Gods
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