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Last seen 3338 days ago
The Hand of Haven
Posted 5079 days ago
The emancipation of Desa was by no means a surprise. For many a season, sentiments of aversion towards divine intervention were commonplace throughout the planets populace. Although dubbed ''atheists'' by the minority resistance, the movement against the theocracy was not fed by a disbelief of the existence of the systems patron deity. Rather it was based on the near-consensus that its rule was neither benevolent nor beneficial for the masses. However after so long living under the doctrine of their distant god, the formation of a different form of administrating the vast holdings of Desa posed a serious problem for the rebels. In their plight it wasn't the loudest voice that swayed public opinion.
Pragmatism and empathy were the bases of Arian's brand of ''Individualistic Socialism'' that so enthralled the people. Most impressive of his achievements was in fact an omission rather than a act. There was no active creation of a cult of personality that is so typical of dictators. Neither modest nor arrogant, the newly declared Emperor relentlessly pursued the betterment of those fortunate enough to reside on the free-world. Despite a population bloated in comparison to neighboring planets, not a single vagrant, neglected minor malnourished or unduly ignorant individual was to be found by the decade anniversary of his accession to the throne.
''Our war here is over. But we should not allow ourselves to grow complacent by our victory. Although our achievements are great and many we are not alone in this galaxy, nor in fact even this system. The time has come, my willing subjects, to spread our good fortune beyond Desa. Let us free our brethren from the tyrannical clutches of our former master. And as always, my thanks for your audience.''
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Last seen 3338 days ago
Re. The Hand of Haven
Posted 5079 days ago
Brevity was almost a trademark of the monarchs speeches. Although actively leading all elements of government, Arian was not averse to delegating to those that he assessed as capable. As such the majority of press releases, public announcements etc were filled with specialist informants
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Re. The Hand of Haven
Posted 5078 days ago
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...on the particular issue at hand or one of the number of increasing departmental heads of staff and ministries. As such on this occasion the newly appointed Minister for the Exterior took to the podium and without any hesitation dove into the heart of the matter.
''Ladies and Gentlemen, over the latter have of the decade, after the goals of the revolution began to near completion, funding was diverted into a number of projects in an attempt to keep with the momentum experienced since the ousting of the divine oppressor. Their has been much speculation as to the worthiness of these expenses at the cost of uplifting our own here on, and I stress this, the only free-world known to us. Although embargoes, sanctions and down-right hostility from other world have lessened the degree of which we have continued to be aware of off-world politics, we are aware of other dissidents out there.
Ours is not the first revolution against the divine, but it is by far the most successful. There has been word of numerous attempts to free planets from unwelcome deity domination, and few make any sort of recognisable victory at all. Most are brutally put down, often leading to worsening of conditions and in some cases even genocide. Of the lucky few who manage to release themselves from shackles, none last that long. Within a short space of time either their slaver returns in greater force to reclaim them or another rival god seizes on the opportunity to further its dominion. Make no mistake, our success is as much to do with luck, or should I say circumstance, as it is to do with our own merit.
Now this projects I spoke of range over a vast number of fields, but suffice to say we have managed to gain the means to put ourselves on par with the deities which are to be our opponents. The ability to swiftly move vast numbers of people or equipment in both an in-system fashion and an interstellar one, is now within our means. This among with major advancements in nano-carbon fibers will make the colossal expense of space travel, advanced armor and mega-structures no longer the barrier which so disadvantaged us against those with godly-support. I would now like to demonstrate some of the equipment which shall be deployed in the coming conflict.''
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Last seen 3338 days ago
Re. The Hand of Haven
Posted 5078 days ago
The parade of the new military provisions continued steadily with short explanations on each by the minister up until the display of the extreme force that the soldiers could expect to withstand on a live subject, the emperor himself. Without a shard modesty or embarrassment he striped completely before donning a skin-tight garment, much in the style of a wet-suit, made of a metallic cloth. It covered him completely from his feet right up to his neck and what light it didn't absorb is reflected brilliantly, giving off an air of power. Next on top of the lightweight material, more ridged protection, that looked like an accentuated skeleton. According to the Minister, the undergarment was designed to be impenetrable, while the outward structure protected against crush damage.
After the helmet was attached, the edges of the the armor began to blur slightly. The explanation given was the suit actively distributed most forms of energy equally throughout the itself and the surrounding environment, perpetually seeking equilibrium. After a few theatrical aerobatics aided by the light-weight power armor, the emperor stood in front of an assembled firing squad. The crowds silence soon gave way to an inspired cheer after the smaller munitions bounced harmlessly off the deep black. After the applause died out the degree of force was raised considerably to light artillery. This time the force knocked the emperor back a few paces but otherwise, undaunted he stood up. The final assaulted had the emperor thrown a considerable distance but once again after a short pause he returned to a standing position.
The response from the onlookers was almost as deafening as the artillery fire. The display ended with the emperor being dowsed in a wall of flame. After the the blaze , he exited the stage with a quick way, returning moments later in his original garments and once again stood on the podium.
''As you may have observed our strength lies not in our destructive force, but our resilience. We may not have the biggest guns, but mark my words, when the dust settles, we will still be left standing. In saying that though, I think I speak for us all when I say our weaponry is still a considerable force to be reckoned with!''
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Last seen 3338 days ago
Re. The Hand of Haven
Posted 5076 days ago
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''Well if it aint the wonder boy from up there on the hill yonder! Tell me whatca doing down here in the wolves den pretty?''
''Ive come to make a trade...''
''We are both well aware you have only one thing im gona wanna be buyin' so cut the pretense of any sort of negotiation, ye hear?''
''I think you will be interested in what I have to offer-''
''My mens got needs boy and if your not goin to oblige them you better scareper back up from wence you came while you still gota say in the matter!''
''Im not your whore, but I can be your dealer.''
''Is that so? And why might you be makin such claims when you dam well know weve got all our own home grown means to go chasing the technocolour dragon, huh?''
''Thats not what I was referring to.''
''Child, give it to me straight. This sorta intense heat dont do a man of my complexion any benefit in terms of patience. What are you offering?
''What the..?''
Joined 5285 days ago
Last seen 3338 days ago
Re. The Hand of Haven
Posted 5076 days ago
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The attack on the barren outlands of Kal-Shacra came as a shock to all those aware of it. Not merely the fact the planet was under attack, but that such an inhospitable place was chosen as the focus of the Desan Vanguard. Apart from
masses of baked sand and scorched rock, the only thing to be found in the sprawling desert was roving bands exiled criminals who somehow managed to survive in an area so adverse to life. The assault was not defined by any form of heavy shelling or use of explosive ordinance or even gun-fire. Instead the ships deposited troops who en mass rounded up any who they managed to come across and transported them to a single area under the dusty shade of a miniature mountain range.
There the purposes of this stealthy mission became apparent. While the men who lived among the cracked earth and dry hills where driven to savagery from the conditions they were forced to, most were exiled for crimes such as murder or rape. Instead, the most common conviction each held was that of blasphemy...
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Last seen 3338 days ago
Re. The Hand of Haven
Posted 5076 days ago
Dammit I wish I could edit these posts...
Joined 5202 days ago
Last seen 2479 days ago
Re. The Hand of Haven
Posted 5076 days ago
Wish granted, but there is no edit 'button' yet
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