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Posted 5074 days ago
The Universe is a huge place, a place where civilizations are born and destroyed, mostly, they die because of their own stupidity, or being destroyed or conquered by other empires~~~
On the verge of a spiral galaxy, a medium sized yellow-redish star named Aria resides~~~a system which is controled by The Federation, a empire formed of humanoids, which desires control of the galaxy, Isayah.
Here is where our story begins~~~~
Chapter 1, Part 1: The Beginning:
Kale, is a student who just finished FCA (Federation Combat Academy), breathing relaxed, and is awaiting his father's ship to come pick him up. After waiting in the station for two and a half hours, Kale decides to go get something to eat, altough low on money, he gets some organic biscuits.
Yet, after another half an hour, his father arrives:
-Ian: Hey Kale! Son, haha there you are!
-Kale: Hey pops, been waiting here for a long time ya know?!
-Ian: Yea, ran into fuel emergency, forgot to refuel it yeterday hehe...
Kale shakes his head saying: Yeaaa.....Like usual, drinking over the limit...
-Ian: Hey, what? Its not like I caused a crash or something~~
-Kale: Yet~! I mean come on dad, you've gotta stop drinking for once! What would mom say?!~~
Ian sits down on the bench, shading a tear~~~You know I miss her son, don't you?
Kale sits near his dad.
-Kale: Yes dad I know, I miss mom too...
-Ian: She was the best thing that ever happened to me, and I lost her, all my damn fault!
-Kale: Hey dad come on, we both know its not your fault!
-Ian: What if it is?
-Kale: It isnt, now let's get back home before the sun sets.
Chapter 1, Part 2: Home sweet home!
After getting back from the academy, Ian sits on the couch trying to get some rest, while Kale goes to the fridge to get something to eat and to watch the news.
Sitting on the chair, Kale opens his Wide Screen Plasma TV and switches over to FNews.
As he glims over to read the title, he is shocked!
Main Title: Sudden Supernova Kills 50 milion people!
As he listens to the report, he finds out that the explosion occured in the Vintrala System which is just 44 Lightyears from Aria~~~! Shocked and Awed at the same time. As time goes by, he listens to the news report, with hope that the situation can be calmed down, seeing as every Federation planet has its shield against radiation, Kale is not concerned about his own safety, rather he fears for the safety of his best friend in the academy, Marcus, which lived there.
Reaching his contact cell, Kale tries to phone Marcus with not response, Desperately, Kale wakes up his father telling him:
-Kale: Dad Dad!!!
-Ian: What?!
-Kale: The Star in Vintrala system just went supernova!!
Shocked to the core, Ian goes over the TV and sits alongside his son listening to the report...
After 45 minutes, the Contact Cell rings, Ian picks it up, and ask who it is...
-Unkown Caller: Is this Ian Nyke?
-Ian: Yes, who is this?
-Unknown Caller: This is Morgan, from the Federation HQ on Tarsis, we require the services of your son right now, this is an emergency, we require every available unit we have, we just sent a shuttle infront of your apartment.
Ian gives the news to Kale, which immediately dresses up in the Rookie suit, and heads up to the door, looking back to his father which said: Good luck boy!
Shading tears, Kale responded: I don't need luck pops!
<--------- Nuff said~~
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Last seen 3452 days ago
Re. Isayah
Posted 5074 days ago
Chapter 1, Part 3: The Voyage:
As he opens the door, a staff sergeant greets Kale.
-Staff Sergeant: Greetings rookie, come this way please.
-Kale: Yes Miss!
Following the staff sergeant, Kale is in awe as he spots the TFSC Fury~~~
Kale asks: So why am I needed Miss? I'm just a rookie?
-Staff Sergeant: I think you've heard of the recent distaster at Vintrala?
-Kale: Yes Ma'am, a very tragic, my friend from the academy lived there...
-Staff Sergeant: Oh, sorry for your loss!
-Kale: Its ok, I still have hopes he's alive though!
-Staff Sergeant: Don't we all kid? Don't we all~~~
-Staff Sergeant: Anyway, our current armies are at the border fearing an assault from The Alliance, so our internal emergency teams are busy maintaing those armies, since they are active every second, so, HQ requested every reserved unit to be fully equiped and sent over to the Leina System.
-Kale: Leina? But isn't that 23 LY from Vintrala? Radiations shouldn't be a problem since the planets are protected...
-Staff Sergeant: I know, that worries me too, we should search for survivors in Vintrala, altough we know no living structure/creature can survive the blast of a supernova from close range....
-Kale: Yea but....50 milion people? Ma'am thats alot of innocent souls!
-Staff Sergeant: You think I don't know that? Oh here we are, these will be your quarters, you will share a room with your current squad, their names are Ray, Maya and Kros. Any questions rookie?
-Kale: No Ma'am, Kale takes the traditional Federation Military Salute, putting his right fist to the heart.
As he stands on the right sided bed, a shadowy face appears infront of the door, telling Kale: Hey! Kid! Thats my Bed!
Kale stood up and responded: Uhh sorry, din't mean to violate your space!
-Ray: Naaa its ok, just messing with ya, nam'es Ray by the way, nice to meet you!
-Kale: Oh, Hey! Nam'es Kale, nice to meet you too, so you're Ray huh?
-Ray: Yep, did you see Maya and Kros?
-Kale: No, never met them yet.
Suddenly, the sound of a bottle being dropped on the floor reaches Kale and Ray's ears, both wondering what happened, they step outside of their room, and see a very strong figure arguing with a 10 year old.
-Kros: Next time kid don't run around the hall like that, you could eventually kill yourself, you want that? Din't think so! Now Beat IT!
The boy runs over to the other side of the hallway from which he came from. As Kros turns over his head, he sees Ray...
-Kros: Oh hey newbhead!
-Ray: Hey moron, threathening kids again? You should get a job in that domain, you're very good at it!
-Kros: Screw you, hmm...who's this new figure?
-Ray: Oh, this is Kale, he has been assigned to our squad.
-Kale: Hello sir, nice to meet you!
-Kros: Is this some joke? Seriously throw him out of the ship, we ain't need a second moron on the team, for Pete's sake!
-Ray: We a medic crapface!
-Kale: Erm, sorry, I did not go any medical training in the academy.
-Ray: Wait What?! You kidding me?
As Kale is trying to explain the courses he took in the academy, a highly appealing, black female approached them..
-Maya: Hey scardy cats, whats this we have here?
-Ray: This is Kale, our new member...
-Maya: Ohh, nobody told me! So kiddo, how old are you anyway?
-Kale: 24 Ma'am! And nice too meet you!
-Maya: Don't use that ma'am crap on me, its just annoying, anyway nice to meet you too...
As time flew by, Kros explained Kale the borders of his private area...
-Kros: So listen here kiddo, this here is where your bed is, and this is your drawer, And here's your HDL (Highly Defined Laptop for military use). So, yeah, here you have the ground rules for the room.
-Kale: What?! HEY! This is crazy, what do you mean I can't leave the room for the! Then suddenly an alarm sound alerts Kale...Scared, not knowing what's going on, he was starting to sweat, then Maya says: Hmm....We're on ehh? This is gonna be a short ride...While Ray replies: Yep, can't wait, our second mission haha!
-Kale: Ehh? What's going on Ray?
-Ray: We just entered a hypergate...
-Kros: What? You finished the academy and don't know what entering a hypergate is like? hahahaha! Oh man this is awsome, you rock kiddo hahaha! Kros rolls on the floor laughing his ass off, while Maya shoots a kick in Kros head.
-Kros: What's up with you?! Geez your a crazy bunch!
-Maya: says the moron who argues with 10 year olds!
-Kale: Sorry, I was never on a cruiser, so I din;t know we we entered a hypergate.
As the ship was in hyper space, Kale relaxes at the dining hall, along with the other members of his squad, chattering about their history, what was curently going on, the recent disaster of Vintrala~~~
After almost reaching the Leina System, the ship suddently drops out of hyper space, everyone wondering why, the staff sergeant Jordan asks the colonel what happened. The colonel replies that he does not know why or how that happened...After almost 10 minutes without answers the captain of the cruiser (Captain Frayser) communicates to the occupants of the ship:
Hello? Is this thing working? HeLOOOOOoOOOO!
*coordinator in the background*: Sir! Its working Just Fine! At which the captain replies: Oh ok, so everyone, I am the captain of TFSC Fury, our current situation is code blind, we do not know what's going on with our systems, we cannot turn them on for some reason, but our enginneers are doing their best to finding a sollution, but I believe its just a small dose of radiation probably malfunctioned the system, which they don't agree with saying we're in hyper space and that cannot literally happen, but what do they know ehh? Anyway, it will take some time to repair the coordination, tracking, and propulsion system, and we will attempt a manual hyper jump, so please stay calm, it will just take from 15 to 30 minutes top, do not worry, and relax in the gaming hall, that is all.
<--------- Nuff said~~
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Re. Isayah
Posted 5074 days ago
Hahahaha! ''Code: Blind'' Classic...
Joined 5689 days ago
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Re. Isayah
Posted 5073 days ago
Chapter 1, Part 4: Code Blind
After awhile, captain Frayser goes to the engineer in charge of repairs, with anger he tells him: What's going on? We're sitting here for almsot 3 hours! we we're supposed to be at Leina 2 hours ago! Why the hell can't you make this damn thing work right? At which the engineer, with worrying eyes, told the captain the bad news: Sir, the Hyper Combuster broke, without it, we cannot enter hyperspace manually...At the shocking news, the captain hurried to the main deck and ordered for an S.O.S. to be sent over to Leina, for it was closest than any other Federation inhabited system.
In the meantime, Kale was in the hallway, right next to his room, looking at the vastness of space, wondering what secrets it holds, the misteries it has hidden for so long, thinking what ever happened, there must have been someone or something to create this art. As he was day dreaming, the rest of his squad we're sleeping while, the staff sergeant that escorted Kale to the ship appeared putting her arm on Kale's shoulder, at which the young boy spiked with fear and so he turned around to his amaze, it was the lady that escorted him, asking her about the current situation, but with no luck, for she did not know either, so both of them standed at the window admiring the beauty of the cosmos, and talking about what the future holds for them...
-Kale: Its so huge isn't it, I wonder if it has an end...
-Staff Sergeant: Hehe, its huge indeed rookie, so any news on your friend?
Kale looked at the staff sergeant with eyes of pure sadness, turning his head towards the window again, telling her: No~~~, nothing, his chances of surviving are none, I wish he'd be ok, but something tells me he did not survive, I mean, he was my only friend in the academy, miss him so much....
-Staff sergeant: I understand how you feel rookie, I lost a brother in Ruthia H34....Thats the reason I enrolled into the army....Looking at Kale, with relaxing eyes~~I'm Jordan by the way.
-Kale: I'm Kale, nice to meet you Ma'am! Then Kale suddenly turning his head towards the staff sergeant with a peacefull light in his eyes: I lost my mom when I was 8, she was onboard Kalypso 7; At which Jordan responded: I~~~I'm sorry Kale...
-Kale: Its ok, I still miss her, but I know she is with me.~~
Suddenly the room door opens and Kros comes out, seeing the staff sergeant, he came closer to her and said:
Hey there, name's Kros, who might you be?
-Jordan: Have to go rookie, cya later~~
Kale responding: Ok Ma'am! At which Kros said: Whata? Who was that? She is hot!
-Kale: It was the staff sergeant~~~At which Kros responded: Oh, staff sergeant ehh? Cool, why don't you introd~~~Hey Kiddo!
Kale entered the room in response to Kros question...Saying: I'm sleeping too tired from this stranded problem, haven't slept for 18 hours...Kale sits on the bed, checking his HDL for any reports, hearing Ray snorring, then suddenly, Kale felt very tired, so he put his head on the pillow, falling asleep fast, without even noticing...
Chapter 1, Part 5: Without Remorse
Kale opens his eyes, and sees everything black, he cannot see even his own hands, looking randomly around him with fear in his heart, suddenly he hears a small but terrifying groan, looking up, he sees several pairs of white eyes pointed straight at each other, like they we're standing in a line, then he hears an elderly kinda voice, in perfect english~~~~
Unknown Voice 1: Let's get on the matter of KJ84I, a star suddenly collapsed and went super novae, after checking the data, Oray found out the star had 5.473.292.632 years left to live, and came to the conclusion that the star was forced into super novae by an outside force, for there was no sign of any artificial triggering of the star's collapse, I am bound to believe one of you forced it, now, I'd rather not go into much details but, the one that did the act, destroyed the physical bodies of 58.243.693 actively conscience souls, and thus breaking over 23 rules in the regulations! This Sort Of Act Cannot Go Unpunished!
Kale stood in fear and he felt his body shacken, asking himself in his mind what was going on, he knew this was no ordinary dream or nightmare, he was left with a big question mark since they did not taught this in the academy, neither did he know of any Alliance Device that could enter or make the conscience of a human enter a artificial generated dream, he tried to calm himself down, with not luck however, for he witnessed something that literally din't knew what it was, but he continued to listen to what the unknown voice said~~~
As the silence fell down, another voice was heard, this one was very calm~~~
Unknown Voice 2: Lunar, what are the inhabitants of the galaxy of which the incident occured?
Then Kale heard the first voice again, but this time it was more calm and concentrated~~~
Unknown Voice 1: Its inhabited by 5 types of Conscience Species~~~Upon hearing that Kale was amazed, he only knew of humans that lived in Isayah, he thought that the galaxy was void of any other alien creatures, seeing as they have not encountered any~~~He continues to listen in amazement~~~Unknown Voice 1: They are: Feline, Lyken, Torans, Joysen and Humanoids~~~
The Torans and Lyken are praying to Sheyka, the Feline and Joysen Species are praying to Ludos and the Humanoids seem to pray to the Creator of the cosmos~~
Upon hearing that, Kale realised that they were actually talking about his race which concerned him, and thus his body was more shacken, then all the eyes turned to him and the first voice which was more accusing that calm this time, and said: May someone tell me how did a soul enter this dimension? Afterwards, another voice spoke, this time with more caution: Hey you, small fry!
Kale turned his head over to the right, looked up and saw that one pair of white eyes we're closer to him than the others, he could not say a word, fear surrounded him completely, making him to close his eyes completely, and when he openned them again, he was in his quarters, alongside the other 3 squad memebers of his team, which we're sleeping, he standed up, openned the door, walked outside in the hallway, looked on the window and saw a remorker, ship used to maintain and ocasionally remork ships if they cannot be fixed on the spot~~~
<--------- Nuff said~~
Joined 5689 days ago
Last seen 3452 days ago
Re. Isayah
Posted 5073 days ago
SIDENOTE: Its my first story that I've written, so bare with me, I just hope someone enjoys reading this, if you hate it, please post in the comments below. That is all.
<--------- Nuff said~~
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Re. Isayah
Posted 5073 days ago
Chapter 1, Part 6: Seeing is believing
Still concerned about what he witnessed and heard, Kale heads over to the dining hall, but on the way, he sees a group of people heading over to the engine hall, Kale decides to follow upclose to find out what's really going on~~
After reaching the engine hall, 3 people seem to check the 3rd Hyper Engine, and the engineer in charge tells captain Frayser that the keliptic tube was damaged internally, and thus the engines stopped immmediately since the scanners cannot pick up any source or power themselves up if the tube does not send the pre-required data to it, infact, the ships cooling system has malfunctioned too for some reason, I can't figure out what kind of instrument can do this, the Alliance has the same internal damage weapons as we do, I will have to report this to Central HQ, we will remork your ship on Jir (second planet from the Leina star), there is a repair bay there that has the required tools and instruments for this situation, we we're not prepared for this sir, now if you please excuse me~~~At which captain Frayser approached the engineer in charge and told him vigorously: I believe that this was the hand of an intruder on the inside of my ship!
Engineer: Sir! There is no way, every hall, quarter, deck has surveilance equipment, very well hidden, we can check it just incase but I don't think we'll see much from it, since the keliptic tube and cooling system are inside the mainframe, but If someone did sabotage it, we could've seen him on the footage my co-workers analized...As they checked the footage, Kale was looking from behind and he could see some parts of the footage, after it was shown, the captain told the engineer to hurry and remork the ship immediately so they can arrive with supplies at Leina~~Supplies?! Kale asked himself. I don't get it, the radiation cannot affect a protected planet from that distance, weird...
As the engineers and captain Frayser returned, Kale goes and checks the video, as the video is playing, at 16:42 he sees a tall figure with a coat engulfed in total darkness, surprised how the other could not see this, Kale checked the video over and over and saw something he only saw and heard in fantasy stories, the dark figure put his hand on the mainframe and instantly the ship stopped, and in one blink the figure disappeared in the amidst of air and smoke that came out of the mainframe~~~He went towards the mainframe, openned it, and checked the parts, he could see a black smoke surrounded the internal combustion and cooling system of the ship, suddenly, he receives a shock in his spinal cord, scaring Kale like nothing he ever felt before, a fear of unknown origins~~~
<--------- Nuff said~~
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Last seen 3452 days ago
Re. Isayah
Posted 5073 days ago
Chapter 1, Part 7: Missinterpretation
After 15 minutes, the ship arrives at Jir, preparing to dock at the space station Sunlight.
Captain Frayser transmits to the crew onboard TFSC Fury, stating that they will be stastioned around planet Yuo 5, a planet situated far from Leina star, aproximately 6.4 billion kilometers, its a very cold planet, -264 degrees Celsius. The captain continues telling everyone the current mission, which was to scan for the radiation of the Vintrala Super Nova, which would be coming from the direction of Yuo, so they we're ordered to stay there for 2 days, afterwards they we're supposed to report every little incident that ever occured in those 2 days.
Kale and his squad we're standing at a table in the dinning hall, chatting~~~Thinking about what happened with him, he decides to ask Ray if he ever had a dream that seemed so realistic, at which Ray responds: Hmm, yea I still have dreams of my monkey back in my homeworld, I still dream of him being runned over by a car; said Ray with tears in his eyes, while Kale asking him with a sad tone: Sorry mate, what was he called? Then Ray replied with more sadness in his voice: Kros~~! Then Kros turned his head over to Ray saying: You know, I had a fish back at home, his name was Ray! Then Maya asked Kros retorically: I wonder whatever happened to it~~~Then Kros said, looking at Ray with an evil smirk: Meh, I flushed him, don't like small fishes anyway~~As Ray and Kros we're fighting each other with words, staff sergeant Jordan approached their table~~Ray and Kros stopped fighting, and Kale asked: Ma'am, have we arrived at Yuo? At which the staff sergeant replied: Yes, you can view the planet's surface on the left side of the ship, its very....white? At which Maya replied: Well duuh, its what? -200 degrees ? Then Ray replied with confidence: Darling its -264 degrees Celsius...Where Kros replied: You don't say Einstein? So how did you come across such an information? Then Kale responded vaguely: Let me guess, you just wake up ehh?~~
<--------- Nuff said~~
Joined 5285 days ago
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Re. Isayah
Posted 5073 days ago
While it certainly requires some refinement, I urge you to keep splurging out your ideas here. You can always edit it later. Being conservative is more of a vice than a virtue.
And once again ''Code: Blind'' is comic genius!
Joined 5689 days ago
Last seen 3452 days ago
Re. Isayah
Posted 5073 days ago
Meh, I'm trying my best, my first story though so yea, you can expect 100% mistakes, as with the code: blind thingy, it just came into my head when I started writting the *temrporarely stranded mini-story*.
Another NOTE: For those that hate this shit, please post and insult it, so i'd know what you don;t like and I'l change it piece by piece in future parts and chapters~~~
<--------- Nuff said~~
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Re. Isayah
Posted 5073 days ago
Chapter 1, Part 8: Ghosts
Admiring the planet view, Kale opens up his personal News Paper, and starts reading the major titles, upon reading the Vintrala title again, he starts feeling a pain in his chest, he switches the page, and finds out that the 5th Army Command is switching over to Leina system for security purposes, but the news report did not specify what kind of security~~~
Meanwhile, at the 5th Army Command Ship, SS Marie, General Brinswick, the man in charge, conversates with the Main Federation HQ on Corona, of which he asks them for what reason was he moved from the Iura Border towards Leina, which was very well defended, and very much inside the Helio Quadrant, then a superior officer agresively orders general Brinswick to stop asking stupid questions and continue his course to Leina system, and await further orders there; Brinswick, with anger in his eyes, closes the transmission and tells everyone to hurry it up~~~
In the meantime, on 12th Alliance Strike Batallion, on the Jyra Border, the captain of ASD Yril, Konigh, receives a order from Supreme Command to sneak into the Kilis Asteroid belt and await further orders, stating that its an emergency, and the entire Alliance is relying on him for success~~Konigh realises that this mission could jeopardise the entire balance of forces between the Alliance and the Federation, but he must obey the order, and thus heads out silently, moving into stealth mode, he manages to enter the Kilis Belt, awaiting orders, wondering what awaits him and his crew~~~
Back on Fury, Kale relaxes in the bed, and opens the wide screen panels ontop of him and admires the universe once more, watching and watching the young boy falls asleep, then, an alarm wakes him off, he opens his eyes, lokos around, and sees that his room is grey, the colors are all grey, looks outside, on the windows, but cannot see any stars, walks across the hallway with a small intensifying curiosity, he realised that this was the same as the other dream, yet, it was in the ship, worried as he did not know what these scenarios mean,looking at the dining hall, he sees many people, he saw Jordan talking with sergeant Nicols,Kale goes over there and asks Jordan what's going on, why was he seeing every color grey, but to no avail, as the staff sergeant nor the sergeant appeared to hear him, Kale then tried to put his arm on Jordan's left shoulder but the hand passed through her body, suddenly Kale trembles, he falls on his back passing through a soldier that was walking near him, Kale gets up, feeling he's going insane, wondering what the F*CK! is going on in his mind, he looks around him randomly, then he sees a metal door, which was blue, the only thing that stood up in all the greyiness, approaching it, Kale tries to touch the door, and notices that his hand does not go through it, he opens the door silently, with the door creating some grimming sounds~~
<--------- Nuff said~~
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Re. Isayah
Posted 5073 days ago
Chapter 1, Part 9: The Encounter
~~On the SS Marie, general Brinswick receives a notification that they almost arrived at Leina, 10 minutes to go, after hearing the news, the general calls the 3 sergeants on SS Marie, for a private meeting. After closing the door of the private meeting room, Brinswick orders the sergeants to equip all 3 platoons with weapons, and have them on stand by, wanting to make sure that nothing bad actually happens, he dismisses the sergeants, and heads over to his quarters and sits on the bed, opening his HDL and starts talking his family on Greo, a system 139 LY from Leina~~~
On the ASD Yril , commander Konigh, orders for 5 scouts to be sent towards the following coordinates, making sure that the belt is safe from any Federation ship. After giving the order, Konigh heads over to the briefing room, calling every officer on Yril~~After which he states that the current mission is vital and that the entire Alliance relies on them, then a hand is raised ffrom the group of officers, asking the commander, if this is such a good ideea, for the Federation was at the Alliance's neck since the Kalypso 7 incident, and another sneak attempt can result in an allout war, then the commander answered with a comforting voice: Well, we must make sure that never happens again~~.
~~Back on the TFSC Fury, Kale was still wondering what is there behind the door, he slowly opens it, and everything suddenly turns white, as Kale's eyes adjust themselves, he sees a small planet cicling around a blue star, he approaches the planet, and looks closely at it, and realises its very realistic, he dares to touch it, but before he can, a sudden female voice warns him not to, if he does not want to be trapped until eternity itself ends~~Kale looks behind, and sees nobody, then he turned again towards the blue star, then a medium height female with pure white snowish cape and gloves, she warns Kale again not to touch the the planet or he will be trapped for an eternity of time, shocked, Kale moves slowly away from the white being, he turns to run over to the door but then he realises that the door dissapeared, then everything turned black~~~Then he heard the womans voice', which said: In the beginning, there was literally nothing, Void was the empty well called, then out of nowhere, with no explanation, a small energy errupted, connecting itself, creating different atoms, energies, forces of immense destruction and creation, after eons of peace, the energies, forces, atoms, began to take shape, into glowing engines that would fuel the coming of creation, that would give the Void a true meaning, and thus it ended up creating the so called Universe~~Kale remembers that in school, he was taught that the universe originated of some called huge explosion, but now, seeing the amazing and stunning images, the young fellow was shocked and awed at the amazing cycle of creation he witnessed, but, he returned to reality, and saw the woman standing in front of him, not being able to move or talk, the boy had nothing to do but listen to the woman, which warned him that a detronation will take place soon, and everything he knew about existence itself will change forever~~~! Then the woman gave the boy a small transparent sphere, of which he would use it to call forth a force that would aid him in times of dire needs, but she warned him to be carefull, for the usage of the sphere drains on the body's vital energy, and may lead in some cases to its imminent destruction....Kale closed his eyes for a second and woke up in his room, no more grey areas, the normal quarters he slept, he tries to stand up but immediately loses balance and crashes on Kros, waking him up and causing him a headache, at which Kros put his hand on Kale's head and told him: So what? Another Nightmare Kiddo? Keep us out of it! Somebody is trying to get some piece of sleep around here okay? At which Kale's responded by shaking his head in agreement~~~
<--------- Nuff said~~
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Re. Isayah
Posted 5072 days ago
Chapter 1, part 10: The Dispatch
~~Kale tries to stand up, while Kros gets back to sleep, he tries to balance his body by hanging to something, he finally succeeds. A sudden hard knock on the door, wakes everyone, Kale goes to open it, but he slips and hits his head of the floor, Ray helps him up, and Maya opens the door, and they see sergeant Nicols, who told them that every active military must assemble at the debriefing room, and await further instructions. The squad immediately dressed up, and head over to the debriefing room...
As every oldier and superior officer on the ship awaited orders, captain Frayser entered the room, witha silent look in his eyes, he put a document on the desk, looked at everyone slowly, oppened it, went through it, stood up, and began talking: Okay, so you are all soldiers of the Federation, you were taught how to react in emergency situations, well, you have one right here, everything that is said in this room, stays in this room, Got IT? Then every soldier in the room said at the same time: Understood! The captain, went inbetween the rows of the soldiers that we're sitting, he put his hand on Maya's shoulder and said: What I am about to tell you, does not exist, never did and never will, something, you will not believe even if you see it...into the HDS (High Definition Screen) ~~ Here, you can see Yuo, and this is what we're tasked with collecting from Yuo ~~ The picture of a fire that stood in the air, altough it did not look as fire, it resembled the d.I will not tell you the reason we we're ordered to park near Yuo, as you can see ~~ The captain put a small chip ark force Kale encountered in the engine room ~~ We will be using a special container to put it in, now, we don't know what it does, or what it even is, we we're ordered by High Command, and we cannot reject the order, the 5th Army Command is being sent here to protect us, we are the scavengers here, they are guards, this mission cannot go wrong, I've been told that this force is very dangerous, and no creature or plant can touch it, I have not been told why though, but its a warning, so that is all, we will be leaving at 4:15 AM, everyone must be ready understood? We have only one day to recover it, each squad will be given a map with a pointer towards the structure that contains the force, the reason each squad is sent into different locations, is because we don't want to raise suspicions, our coverup is that we are analizing the planet for specific resources, Dismissed!
SS Marie arrived in Leina system, and captain Brinswick orders everyone to send 1 fighter squadron towards each planet, and insert the coordinates for Yuo. Brinswick walked away from the bridge, with many questions, he looked on the right, to see the Leina star, and a small tremor went through him, without explanation, the captain felt that he was losing balance, he hangs onto a door, and regains his balance, afterwards, he receives a report from a soldier, that captain Frayser of the TFSC Fury wants to talk to him, Brinswick heads over to the bridge fast, sits on the chair and awaits Frayser to open the transmission and begin the conversations~~
~~Inside the Killis Belt, commander Konigh sits in the captains chair awaiting further orders, and receives the system's report, in which he wanted to know the name's of every system within 200 LY of them. Sitting on the chair and drinking a glass of wine, Konigh receives an alert that 8 Federation Cruisers fully equiped with planet assaulting troops, we're ammasing near the Iura border. Konigh immediately orders that the report is to be sent towards Alliance High Command., afterwards, the commander dispatches scout probes towards the entire Iura border, then he stands up, and goes to his private quarters, sits in a chair, and looking up, he opens the window, and looks at empty space, and starts to listen to Opera Music~~~
<--------- Nuff said~~
Joined 5689 days ago
Last seen 3452 days ago
Re. Isayah
Posted 5072 days ago
Ok so with part 10 I did some gramatical mistakes, this sucks, anyway, what you must know is that the thing the squads must recover is a dark force similar to the one Kale saw in the Engine Room.
<--------- Nuff said~~
Joined 5689 days ago
Last seen 3452 days ago
Re. Isayah
Posted 5072 days ago
Chapter 1, Part 11: Sadness is weakness
~~The time was 4:10 AM, every squad was prepared to launch, they we're all given codenames, the squad Kale was in, was called Panther Squad, and their coordinates are 13 miles from the target and they will have to travel on a LRV (Light Reconnaissance Vehicle) until Randevu Point. The captain went infront of all the prepared squads, and asked them: Are there any questions before you disembark from the ship? Then everyone put their right fist on their hearts and said No Sir! Captain Frayser responded: Very well, good luck~~~Then Frayser went to the bridge, and asked for a private channel to be opened to discuss private matters with Brinswick.
Back on SS Marie, Brinswick receives confirmation that Frayser opened a private channel, and orders for the discussion to be shifted into his private quarters. As Brinswick receives the call, captain Frayser begins the discussion: Greetings Captain Brinswick, at which Brinswick replied: Gretting to you too Frayser, what was so important you wanted to tell me? -Captain Frayser: Your batallion must not approach Yuo unless there is a urgent case and we are being attacked...Brinswick stood up, and approach the screen, looking directly into Frayser's eye and said: May I know what exactly is you are doing there? At which Frayser replied: We are just checking for some specified resources, I've already sent scouts to scan every hole in that planet...At which Brinswick asked: And that is all? With even a bigger question mark. Where Frasyer answered, turning his back towards the screen: Yes, I hope you will not let the Federation down, understood? Then Brinswick returned to his chair with a plain answer: Of course not....Why would I?
•••Location: Hyos Planet, Frost System•••
•••Facility: Alliance High Command•••
•••Date: 4:16 AM•••
High Commander Loys Tarren receives a communicate, at which he answers: Hello? And then a female voice replied: Sir, we have received the Vintrala report, shall I send it in? At which Loys replied: Yes, right away!...A fast knocking in the door, Commander Loys says: Come in. A man comes in carrying a small document, he leaves the document on the Commanders desk and leaves...At which point Loys checks the document, then stands up, and smacks the wall to his left, and thus blood comes off his right fist, then he begins calling the secretary of war, and tells him: Begin the operation.
<--------- Nuff said~~
Joined 5689 days ago
Last seen 3452 days ago
Re. Isayah
Posted 5071 days ago
Chapter 1, Part 12: Bureaucracy
...Time: 4:17 AM...
Kale and his squad land approximately 13 miles from the target structure, they unpack, and after 1 minute their LRV was dropped, Maya begins her leader speech: Alright folks, we have our first mission as a squad, let's do this right! At which point Ray replied: I drive! And so the squad went towards the randevu point... After 42 minutes, they arrived, and observe that the other squads did not show up yet at which point Ray commented: Hehe, see that crapface? I'm one hell of a driver! Where Kale response was: But you were driving 55 miles per hour!
-Ray: So what? Thats the speed limit! Maya checks the dirt, and sees tire tracks, whereas there were no cars, and the traces ended there, she turns around towards the others and tells them: Guys, the other squads were here. Then Kale responded: All 4 of them? That's weird...They must've went towards the target without us, seeing as we only went with 55 miles/hour~~~At which point Ray replies: Hey! I respected the speed limit ok? Thats what they taught us at driving school!!! Whereas Kros responded: DUDE WERE ON A FREAKING ICE PLANET MILIONS OF MILES AWAY FROM THE FUCKIN SPEED LIMIT! Then Ray replied: But din't you see the speed limit indicator we just pass 12 miles ago? Maya replies doing a facepalm: And here I thought only deserts make you see mirages, but I guess in your case its both...Then without notice, a sudden erathquake of 6.8 on Richter scale went off, all the squad members were wondering what's going on, and then Maya yelled at everyone: Hold ONTO SOMETHING!! After 7 seconds, the earthquake was gone, and everything was quiet, everyone stood up and Kale asked: Ok, that is something normal, very normal right? Where Kros replied: Yep, why you so concerned noobie? Kale: Oh nothing, just that I was never on a ice planet before~~~So the squad went on towards the structure, on the way Maya receives a communicate from captain Frayser: Maya?
At which point Maya replies: Yes Sir?
-Captain Frayser: We cannot seem to be able to contact the other 4 squads, are they with you?
-Maya: No sir, we're headed towards the target right now, altough I did see some LRV tires that ended at the Randevu Point, but there were no vehicles, so we continued...
-Captain Frayser: Understood, contact us if you encounter the other squads...Then Maya replied with sweat coming from her forehead: Yes sir~~~
...Time: 4:59 AM...
On the ASD Yril, Commander Konigh issues the order for the ship to travel to Leina System, altough nobody in the crew was told why. The ship arrived after 24 minutes...
...Time: 4:23 AM...
The squad arrives at the structure, which seemed as a medium sized rock, looking for a way in, but there was no door, nor a switch, so Maya contacted captain Frayser again, yet she could only hear static, then Ray asked: So contact Frayser Maya.
-Maya: I'm trying, I get only static though, then Kros replied: Let me try *Kros tries to contact Frayser, but gets static as well* Nope, nothing, just static...
Kale looked around the rock, but did not see any secret switch, then he saw a white smoke, he looked at it, and the smoke moved away, so Kale followed it, then Maya shouted: Kale? Where are you going? Then the squad followed Kale until they reach 25 meters east of the rock, at which point Ray asks Kale: What's wrong mate? Whereas Kale answer was a question: Can't you guys see it? *said Kale while looking in awe at the white smoke*
Nope *said Kros*. What are you seeing? *asked Maya*. A white smoke, it seems so alive *answered Kale* At which point Kros said: Whata? Kiddo you seeing mirages just like Ray? It was not a mirage! Im telling you it was real! *said Ray with anger in his eyes* Where Maya responded: Sure sure puppy dog...At which point Kros laughed his ass off...But Kale looked at the smoke that standed on one spot, not moving, when Kale tried to go where the smoke was standing, everything turned white, and everyone started panicking, altough they could see each other:
-Maya: Whata fuck? Guys where are you?
-Ray: Here sweetheart, just near you...While Maya's answer was: If you call me sweetheart again, you'll never sit on your ass for a whole month, got it? Whereas Ray's answer was: Whoa, whats with the claws?
-Kros: So can anyone tell me why is everything white and we can only see ourselves? While Kale replied: Its just like my dream!
-Maya: Dream? What dream? While Kale replied: What? Oh no, just an ordinary dream you know, nothing new about it~~~ Then Maya approached Kale, grabbed him and asked violently: You said you dreamed this before, so unless you wanna tell me whata hell is going on kiddo, we're gonna be stuck here for who knows how long, I sugges you tell me whata hell's going on understood? Its An Order as a your Squad Leader! Ray then approached Maya and separated her from Kale while saying: Hold on, this is no time for quarrels, so Kale tell me, whats this dream of yours? Kale then replied with fear in his eyes: Well, I ~~~tells the dream~~~ And thats how it went...Then Kros replied: So was the white chick hot? Then all three of them looked suspiciously at Kros while Ray replied: Whata fuck man? But still, where is that woman now Kale? Then Kale replied: Don't know, she usually appeared right after I was about to touch the small planet~~~So what about that sphere of yours? *asked Maya* Hey I have it in my backpack, let me check *said Kale while checking his backpack* Here it is! *said Kale with wonder in his eyes* Forgot about it, heh, its just a sphere, wonder how to use it? Then Ray put his right hand on the sphere, and suddenly the sphere started electrocuting Ray and Kale *and kale drops the sphere on the white floor* Then Kale said: Whata? Geez that was scary. At which point Ray replied: Yea, wonder why did it electrocute us when I touched it? Then Maya replied: Its probably a safe mechanism, so only Kale can touch it. So Kale tried to pick it up but as soon as he touched it, the sphere dissapeared...Everyone was wondering where did it go? Then a small voice was heard behind Kros: Why hello there....
<--------- Nuff said~~
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