Forums > Fan creations > GAI Timeline (Republic of Chabri part 1)
Emperor Hull
Joined 4918 days ago
Last seen 4306 days ago
GAI Timeline (Republic of Chabri part 1)
Posted 4770 days ago
I thought this would be cool I wanted to write this for a long time. It's a timeline of my play history from 1.x of course a lot of it is made up. I would also like to apologize to those who I did reference in this timeline cause I probably made things up about you to make the story more interesting.
Hope you guys enjoy:

June 4th, year 1595 ACU (After Chabrian Unification),
I live with many regrets in my life...being a man of my rank I have had to sent countless boys to their death on some alien world for a pointless feud. Being a man of my rank I have held the fate of dozens of world's within my hands, being a man of my rank I willingly chose to let many of those planets burn. I held power like no other man with a galactic empire at my back I felt as though I was beyond judgment as a sinner, I acted with cruelty, malice, and discontent towards those who I was suppose to protect...and love. I guess it could be said that all that power blinded me... but even with all the power of twenty worlds, millions of men, thousands of ships, and an empire I failed to do that which my rank and entitlement required me to do...protect my people.
So I sit here now a broken man, alone, and with nothing like I deserve. For all my sins and evil I could not even stop the tide of Entropy from slaughtering countless billions by Creation! All I can do now is wait for death and try to repent, though I deserve none and will never receive any, by recording my sins and those of my empire so those who come after do not make the same mistake. My predecessors must know my sins! So I will record the known history of the Empire of Chabri. I hope that through this history those who will awake from cryo and hopefully find a galaxy a new, free of Entropy and wicked men, will start a new and better galaxy. Learn! Please learn from us!

108 BCU (Before Chabrian Unification)
A plague sweeps across the galaxy killing billions and collapsing countless empires. Commonly referred to as the Galactic Death. It's origin unknown and the nature of the disease long since lost not much is truly known about this event or any of the history before. Much of it was lost due to the chaotic nature of the time. It would plunge the entire galaxy into a time of darkness for nearly a century.

40 BCU
The last recorded break out of the Galactic Death plague is reported on Chabri. The old colonial poor controlling the planet collapses leaving Chabri alone and divided in a state of civil war.

Last break out of the Galactic Death in an unknown system at the edge of the galaxy. Finally after a century of death the disease disappears from the galaxy mysteriously. Some accounts state that it was finally wiped out by a powerful vaccine produced by the powerful Binary Machine Empire, but others still believe it was an act of mercy by Oberon or even mighty Creation himself.

The Chabrian Civil War ends with the defeat of Admiral Talbar at the hands of an aspiring young commander named Chandler Hull during the Battle of Heaven (referred to this due to the fact that it was the first ever major space battle over the skies of Chabri). After the end to the forty year long conflict a Constitution is drafted by the new Chabrian Congress, spearheaded by the young hero Chandler Hull, the Republic of Chabri is formed. The Cahbiran Constitution divides the government into a judicial, executive, and legislative branch, and guarantees rights to all citizens of the Republic. Chandler Hull would later forge one of the most influential and powerful dynasties in the history of Chabri. At the time it was not known that the actions of my young ancestor would so largely influence the course of the young Republic. Chandler Hull is elected the first president of the Republic of Chabri.

13 ACU
First contact is made with the neighboring planet Koskou. Home to fledgling empire same as Chabri. Negotiation begin over territorial rights to the system. As negotiation prove less and less effective minor skirmishes begin between patrolling vessels on both sides. Though negotiations ended with both sides leaving discontent with an agreement not to colonize the system skirmishes continued across the system.

25 ACU
Chandler Hull is amazingly elected to a fifth five year term as President. Some suspicion surrounds this election.

26 ACU
Khas Voh becomes the first colony of Chabri. A barren life less planet. Great effort was put into terraforming the planet to livable conditions. It sparked a wave of nationalism and pride, the people believing that with this first step Chabri could step into the galaxy as a mighty power. The colonization breaks the treaty signed with Koskou leading to friction between the two planets. Koskou blockades the Rheeva and attempts to colonize it, but its attempts fail.

27 ACU
War is declared between Chabri and Koskou. Chabri makes the first move by invading Koskou quickly out maneuvering Koskou's fleet. With superiority over the planet Koskou soon surrendered becoming a part of the Republic of Chabri and thus opening up colonization to Rheeva. Koskou would experience countless revolutions and be held under a state of martial law for 30 years.

28 ACU
Rheeva is colonized successfully where Koskou had failed.

31 ACU
President Chandler Hull during his seventh and final term as president dies in office at the age of sixty-six. Even after his death his family continues to hold control over all levels of the government. Many satirist like to refer to the family as a monarchist dynasty, how right they would be.

59 ACU
After its loss nearly a century ago the Slip Space Drive is reinvented opening Chabri to the rest of the galaxy. The Slip Space Drive allowed ships to travel nearly instantly across the galaxy by entering a connected dimension known as Slip Space or ''Limbo,'' where time moves differently. Explorers soon adventure out into the galaxy discovering new empires, mysteries, treasures, and future colonies.

64 ACU
The first out of system colony is founded on the newly discovered Rahe, thus creating a new frontier for Chabri. With lush conditions similar to that of Chabri some signs are discovered implying a previous civilization inhabited the world. Within the next 60 years four more planets would be colonized by the Republic. It's power and influence soon draw the attention of potential allies and rivals.

77 ACU
The first open negotiation is made with three young expanding nations in a position similar to Chabri in a big new galaxy. The first nation to open direct contact is the Kingdom of Johenese who proposed an alliance be forged between Johenese, Chabri, Theological Anglican, and the Independent State of Sequital. Thus was formed the Quadrilateral Federation each nation protecting the interest of the other.

128 ACU
Intertwined with affairs in its frontier with a foreign nation the Anglican state called for military aid from the Quadrilateral Federation. This was the first time military assistance was called upon. All three nations sent support including Chabri which sent new technologies and war machines along with 300,000 young Chabrian men. The fate of those 300,000 was never discovered.

131 ACU
The Binary Machine Empire, long considered the strongest power in the galaxy with hundreds of super industry worlds and nearly a trillion people it was one of the few empires to continue standing proudly after the Galactic Death. Long since secluded within its borders it was a strange empire with a odd culture focused around worshipping of the machine. After unknown events during or after the Galactic Death the Binary Empire had a change of views. In this year it began signing away ownership of its super planets to upcoming nations. All four nations within the Quadrilateral Federation was gifted one of these planets. Chabri was given Rhen Ver a powerhouse of industry that brought the Republic of Chabri into a new golden age. With the planet also came a personal gift. It was called the Hammer of Creation, an archaic piece of technology with unknown power. With this personal gift came the preaching of the god Creation which would soon become the dominant figure within the Chabrian Pantheon. Even above the previously revered Oberon.

142 ACU
With the massive success of the newly gifted super worlds war was inevitable with such powerful resources in the hands of a nation it could dominate entire sectors. Many wars erupted across the galaxy between rival factions. The Quadrilateral Federation was not spared with four of these super worlds at its control a young upcoming faction, barely founded, known as the Schenis Alliance took action invading the Kingdom of Johenese's super world. Chabri was the first to responded by invading many of the Alliance's planets taking many victories over the Alliance. While Johenese and Chabri fought tooth and nail Anglican state refused to get involved stating its neutrality in the matter, while Sequital was to slow to respond to the threat attempting to muster its forces for a counter attack that never came. Thus begins the Schenis War.

150 ACU
Rhen Ver is invaded by the Alliance. Its initial assault is unsuccessful. This marks the first time a Chabrian planet came under attack. The war on Johenese super world still wages as the Alliance struggles under the might of the Chabrian forces.

154 ACU
The Independent State of Sequital disbands due to internal pressure and conflict thus it leaves the Federation, and their aid would never come to the battered Chabrians.

155 ACU
For unknown reasons the Anglican Theological State officially leaves the Quadrilateral Federation.

157 ACU
The greatest treachery in Chabrian history, simply known as the Great Betrayal, the Anglican State joins the Schenis Alliance and invades six of the Chabrian worlds. Although successfully holding the Schenis Alliance at bay originally Chabri was still battered and weak from long years of war. With the fresh Anglican state pushed into the fray the tides had turned and Chabri was on the retreat.

158 ACU
First to fall to the Anglicans was Koskou. With the aid of the people of Koskou who never forgot the loss of their independence the Anglicans quickly conquered the world. This gave the Anglicans a straight shot to invade Chabri. Soon capital ships waged war in high orbit while millions of troops descended like wrathful retribution upon the capital.

159 ACU
The losses are too great and all expeditionary forces within Alliance territory either flee or are eradicated. Rhen Ver falls removing one of Chabri's mightiest industrial worlds. Planets continue to fall.

160 ACU
Even as war wages outside Arthur Hull is elected President within the mighty walls of the Chabrian Citadel, the center of all three government branches. A celebrated war hero and member of House Hull, Arthur became the second Hull to hold office.

165 ACU
All Chabrian worlds have fallen at this point except for the well hidden Rahe, Noveek, and the besieged Chabri. The entire Chabrian fleet at this point floats in the void as wrecks, with air superiority and outnumbering forces much of the Chabrian troops go underground still being commanded from the Chabrian Citadel still standing in defiance.

167 ACU
After two years of guerilla warfare the Chabrian Citadel's defenses are beginning to slip. With only 2,000 men still holding the Citadel lead by President Hull who refused to go with the fleeing government chose to stand by his men and defend Chabri to his last breath. The Anglicans made their final assault and the outnumbered defenders, according to accounts, held their ground for three days. Upon the third day the Chabrian men had been pushed back to the Inner Sanctum of the Citadel. From reports by the five men who survived it was said that as soon as Arthur ran out of ammunition he reached for the Hammer of Creation decorating the Inner Sanctum and used it to strike down nearly a thousand Anglicans single handedly. Though Arthur fell with Chabri his legend lived on. It was widely popular among the worshipers of Creation that Creation himself imbued Arthur with his power. The Schenis Alliance then scoured the galaxy in search of the hidden refuges of the Republic of Chabri. Upon finding Rahe the Alliance extended an Armistice. The treaty was unfair and let the Schenis Alliance dominate over the defeated Chabri. It also refused to give back Chabri and even the body of the fallen Arthur, whose body was hung from the Citadel's executive tower and then burned. And so the Rahe Armistice was signed and Chabri entered into an era of subservience, but its people never fully forgot its defeat and revenge was always fully on the mind.

I have gone over much today. In my age I am weary, so I shall continue my record tomorrow.
-Signed James Hull IV

Hope you guys liked part one I will probably write the rest later, not sure when my laziness might get the hold of me.
Also sorry if near the end it starts sounding a bit awkward I was getting tired of writing.

Joined 4305 days ago
Last seen 2984 days ago
Re. GAI Timeline (Republic of Chabri part 1)
Posted 4290 days ago
Ya i know this is a revival and idc wheres part 2? i wanna know what happens next :x
Forums > Fan creations > GAI Timeline (Republic of Chabri part 1)
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