Forums > Suggestions > Pirate bases/ strong holds UPDATED
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Pirate bases/ strong holds UPDATED
Posted 4763 days ago
They are a type of planetoid the replaces an asteroid belt rather then an actual planet. You cannot create this type of planetoid, you can however destroy it if you capture it, But why would you? The idea I had for the pirate base would work like this.

Once you've captured them, you gain a significant bonus to military production (being able to build ships faster/ train troops faster/ Plus a bonus of morality to any nearby by worlds with a certain distance of the system where the pirate base is due to the fact that you'll be eliminating a coordinated criminal group that may be terrorizing the population on those near by worlds.

The planetoid will have around 50-25% less build slots that a normal world would have, and it will lack a lot of life and gas stats a planet would need, but will compensate for a high mineral value. These bases will be heavily protected with defense systems, and massive pirate fleets. But may or may not be the source where stray pirate fleets may spawn that wander the galaxy.

Also, defeating a pirate base will give a stackable achievement called ''law bringer''

This gives the players a incentive to travel new systems to hunt down these bases/ strong holds to gain their special attributes and to keep their worlds safe from pirate raiders that will decrease a planets moral.
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Last seen 2956 days ago
Re. Pirate bases/ strong holds
Posted 4762 days ago
I would also like to add that maybe adding in a strong holds own pic into a players profile. Because for one, they aren't actually planets, and shouldn't be counted as one, they should have their own counter/ picture

Pirate Base Concept

EDIT: I've posted the link for the model in here as well. This way people don't have to jump to a different thread to see it.
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Last seen 2935 days ago
Re. Pirate bases/ strong holds
Posted 4762 days ago
If planets have 165 build slots how many would planetoids have?

Or would there be no free slots and then the buildings on the planetoid geared towards boosting military production etc or on a mining planetoid the buildings would be mines and forges and stuff.
Something witty and funny
Joined 5242 days ago
Last seen 2956 days ago
Re. Pirate bases/ strong holds
Posted 4761 days ago

Last night, before falling asleep, I came up with an ass load of new ideas that could be used to expand on this idea.

there will be three different, identical looking types for the common bases.

1 will be abandoned, but intact.
2: will be abandoned, but will still have active defense structures
3: Will be inhabited by pirates, and have active defense structures.


Ship yard: A shipyard base is mainly directed towards fleet construction. Most of the build slots will be used as ship yards, while a small amount is either used for other military structures.

Mineral bases/ strong holds: This is a passive type of base, besides the defenses and pirates that may inhabit the area. This type is mainly geared towards mineral extraction, production and refinement. mineral bases also have a slight increase in extracting some of the much rarer ores in the game.

Intel/ radar jamming bases: This base is mainly geared towards Intel gathering by using the large amount of Radars, antennas, and observatories. to find and locate enemy fleets within its view range. An Intel bases view range is nearly twice compared to a planets due to the fact that it these bases do not have an atmosphere that hinders the electronic within the sensitive structures it harbors. A power this base could use is a radar type of jamming system that temporarily jams other players view of seeing the Icons/ logos of enemy fleets within the base's jamming range.

Decimated Bases.: this type is the only type that cannot be harbored by pirates, or have defense systems. this type of base is basically a blank canvas. it is broken, and heavily damaged and cannot be used for anything in its current state. if you find one and click on it, you will be give an option refit/ repair the base, a list of options will appear if you select it, each option will show a picture and a description of other common bases you would like to refit the Decimated base into. But chose wisely, the choice you make is permanent, or at-least until the base is destroyed by an enemy fleet. (or if you have other ideas, jatt.)

Colony bases: this is the only type of base that will have a large Life value, the structure is designed to support a large population, plants, and other such residential structures.


Pirate base head quarters: probably the deadliest type of base floating through space, they are designed to be massive fortresses. outfitted with hundreds of weapon platforms, ship yards, military structures, and other such things. massive pirate fleets are usually always guarding the area, and will be growing in size, so taking them out ASAP is a priority if you run into one.

bonuses/ rewards have already been listed in the Op.

Crystal Bases. This is more of a commit then an actual crystal. This type of base is the only one that has a massive gas value. Giving the owner a boost in gas extraction, and a boost in the discovery of rare gasses needed to help fleets function.


Hive mass: This is the only base that cannot be captured, it is a base built out of rotting flesh, bone, fleet wreckage's, and bodies of fallen humans. these are the homes of space monsters that stalk the blackness of deep space. They are heavily defended by a swarm of these creatures. destroying this base will reward you with an achievement and a rare artifact. (of jatts choosing.)

destroying this base is no easy task.
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Last seen 3339 days ago
Re. Pirate bases/ strong holds UPDATED
Posted 4761 days ago
I want a pirate flavoured Ben and Jerry's ice-cream.

Also I think the super rare bases should simply be the corpse of a dead giant space monster which has a high life value (kinda like your comet one).

Instead of being rare they simply come into being after a space monster of epic proportions is killed. So if 3 are killed, eventually 3 of these bases will form.
Joined 5403 days ago
Last seen 3632 days ago
Re. Pirate bases/ strong holds UPDATED
Posted 4761 days ago
The super-rare base reminded me of something similar I thought of, but it's more of a little easter egg than anything else. For example, have A'Tuin the Great swimming somewhere through space (and by that I mean actually moving), or have the TARDIS spinning around somewhere.
Joined 5285 days ago
Last seen 3339 days ago
Re. Pirate bases/ strong holds UPDATED
Posted 4761 days ago
The super-rare base reminded me of something similar I thought of, but it's more of a little easter egg than anything else. For example, have A'Tuin the Great swimming somewhere through space (and by that I mean actually moving), or have the TARDIS spinning around somewhere.

That will never happen. Jatt shits himself at the mere thought of being sued for copyright infringement. Shame on you for suggesting it! :P
Joined 5403 days ago
Last seen 3632 days ago
Re. Pirate bases/ strong holds UPDATED
Posted 4760 days ago
Well, the concept of the World Turtle/Tortoise is much older than Discworld, going back to ancient mythology. As long as he doesn't CALL it A'Tuin, Jatt should be safe.

BTW, would it be possible that the populated pirate bases send out fleets to harass/board/plunder tradeships that come near them, or actually send out fleets to find them, so they become more of an active threat rather than a immobile, if highly defended target?
Joined 5242 days ago
Last seen 2956 days ago
Re. Pirate bases/ strong holds UPDATED
Posted 4759 days ago
Well, the concept of the World Turtle/Tortoise is much older than Discworld, going back to ancient mythology. As long as he doesn't CALL it A'Tuin, Jatt should be safe.

BTW, would it be possible that the populated pirate bases send out fleets to harass/board/plunder tradeships that come near them, or actually send out fleets to find them, so they become more of an active threat rather than a immobile, if highly defended target?
That's what i'm hoping. it would give the player a reason to locate and eradicate pirate bases.
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Forums > Suggestions > Pirate bases/ strong holds UPDATED
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