Forums > Fan creations > Magnus Gibson's Journal, Entry #9: August 31st
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Magnus Gibson's Journal, Entry #9: August 31st
Posted 4761 days ago
Sometimes with all of the excitement going on, I forget about the boring tasks I have to do occasionally.

Today I had to escort a broken down asteroid harvester back to the nearest repair station. Apparently there is this new mineral that was discovered in a nearby asteroid belt that could assist in repairing ships, but could also double as a fuel if used correctly.

That's what the harvesting technician told me at least, and from what I gather they had miscalibrated the harvester, overestimated how soft the mineral was and ended up breaking a few of the tools and put excess stress on the engines.

Fortunately they were able to extract enough of a sample to do further research on how to continue mining it efficiently.

Although this task was boring, I did learn a few things today about mining operations and new discoveries. So it wasn't all bad.
Forums > Fan creations > Magnus Gibson's Journal, Entry #9: August 31st
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