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The history of 1.x from the player's POV
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The history of 1.x from the player's POV
Posted 4679 days ago
I am making this topic because of things I heard in my own pantheon's thread.
I am now curious about what happened in 1.x and all the history of it, from the player's point of view.
I'm not talking about lore. I'm talking about major/minor wars and some other things that's worth knowing.
Joined 4671 days ago
Last seen 4622 days ago
Re. The history of 1.x from the player's POV
Posted 4662 days ago
I would really like to know the Lore behind Gods and Idols. Is there a place to read the basic story ?
An open mind is proof of intellect....
Joined 5482 days ago
Last seen 2935 days ago
Re. The history of 1.x from the player's POV
Posted 4662 days ago
I would really like to know the Lore behind Gods and Idols. Is there a place to read the basic story ?
I agree, post the Lore, its far more important than a gameplay patch^^
Something witty and funny
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Last seen 1879 days ago
Re. The history of 1.x from the player's POV
Posted 4662 days ago
What's to know? I kicked everyone's candy asses. Moopy seeded a planet moopy dominated the universe.
Joined 5857 days ago
Last seen 797 days ago
Re. The history of 1.x from the player's POV
Posted 4662 days ago
LULZ, Moopy is full of $^*&. :P whats to tell though war happened people lost... my pantheons Ascension and Nahuatl were awesome :) and all that jazz.
Joined 5325 days ago
Last seen 1879 days ago
Re. The history of 1.x from the player's POV
Posted 4662 days ago
I demolished everyone, then i left came back to see binaryman and his 'super planets'. Made it a goal to crush him, so i did. Then Boxpipe was being a little pest, so i crushed him. Fudu and the GC were great allies and we ran the universe for like 2 months.
GAI lore straight from it's source :P
Joined 5846 days ago
Last seen 2899 days ago
Re. The history of 1.x from the player's POV
Posted 4662 days ago
Binaryman dominated the game for about a year. Before then Galactic Federation kind of dominated for a few months. I don't know what happened for about 9 months before then. Before that there were large struggles in 1.X because there were many average powered players. Before then I don't know what happened, I only know stories of some guy named deleted.
Joined 5857 days ago
Last seen 797 days ago
Re. The history of 1.x from the player's POV
Posted 4662 days ago
OOOK soo binaryman LET ''US'' (notice the us part) defeat him. he said if we could kill his planets then we could keep them and if i remember right (and i do) i was apart of that endeavor. lol and boxpipe well while hes a cool kid and all that jazz hes like a goon in eve.. they enjoy the game by making other people hate it :P ALSO im pretty sure thats when Nahuatl was going. However the history of gods and idols from your point of view is limited. it goes back way further than that little glimpse.
Ill tell you a little about my experience in Gods and Idols. Ill start from the beginning when i was younger and dumber when i first began gods and idols, before the 1.x safe guards were put in place, before the super planets incident, even before the 4 events that lead to the end of 1.x. my first name in Gods and Idols was Chaos1239. i wish i could remember all of the people who played back then, there were alot of awesome people. Deleter is one i remember hes account was removed though sadly, if he were here though im sure he would be right under jatts name when you sort the player list by age. Anyways, During this time there was no noob protection like there was for a while before the end. So my first experience i was a passive player, Just figured the galaxy was so big no one would find little ol me :P How wrong i was, while i can't remember his name some one attacked me and took everything!! this dude picked on little noobs like me, it was all very sad. i swore that day!! i would always remember that persons name and throw a nice big plate of Justice in his face. Him and i had conflict on and off for years, I eventually felt that i had served him that plate of Justice, hence why i can no longer remember his name. After all of that though Jatt released a re balancing patch. All i remember about the patch is it killed my small empire, I couldn't do anything, I had no power generation and all that jazz. My solution to this was to make another account and transfer all the pop from that account over to my new one ( not knowing that is against the rules ) I was banned -.- and ashamed.
Time of the Spartan.
Once upon a time there was a pantheon called Sparta, a community based group that spanned several games. The leader at the time, whom you might know, was Shiva. I tried for a long time to join this group in my early days and eventually, I got in! This group was a very tactical pantheon, heavily involved in the politics of Gods and Idols and involved in almost every conflict worth even talking about. One such conflict, wasn't a pantheon, but one player named Gunan ( I think ). This persons empire was huge, he devoured peoples' planets like nothing and he had hundreds of millions of troops. During this time Sparta wasn't really active, besides Shiva and myself. We took it upon ourselves to kill Gunan, or at least try. The odds were against us due to the shear size of his armies, but we had a secret weapon: It was a glitch in the game that we took advantage of. ( yes i know thats horrible, but for the record it was reported later on ) This glitch made all attacking troops on the planet vanish and was difficult to accomplish. We did however have some success with this method and ground down Gunans hoards. The war only lasted a couple of days before a truce was agreed upon, because we just couldn't kill each other. I was the initiator of the war. I had kicked it off by attacking many of his trade planets that were poorly defended. I took them quickly. This gave me a huge increase to my power generation and in turn helped me bolster my planets in preparation for the hoards. Fast forwarding ahead. Battle ensued, the glitch was a success, Gunan had been dealt a blow ( so have we ) we agreed upon a truce and all lived happily ever after.
sorry but holy shit i have never typed so much in my life and i dont want to do anymore!!!! hope you like the little history lesson from my point of view :)
Joined 4671 days ago
Last seen 4622 days ago
Re. The history of 1.x from the player's POV
Posted 4662 days ago
Rofl - I love it so far....we got like 6 ppl dominating the universe, small players are terrified, (plates of justice kills me) glitches are being exploited, and it's in general a big furball.... sounds like a lot of fun !
An open mind is proof of intellect....
Joined 5857 days ago
Last seen 797 days ago
Re. The history of 1.x from the player's POV
Posted 4662 days ago
Sorry. i am not a writer. Things get kinda random and crap. not very good reading material if you ask me but hey just trying to put out a little better content than what the previous posters have thus far. and i may post more later after my hands regain feeling in my hands after all that typing...
Joined 5325 days ago
Last seen 1879 days ago
Re. The history of 1.x from the player's POV
Posted 4662 days ago
Sparta!! I belive this was my first pantheon. O yes shiva... Mighty was he/she/it (we could have never figured it out, so we deemed shiva undecided :P )... GAI lore can be said with so many outlooks..
As for binaryman.. Before binaryman was around i was the top player for 2 months straight. Then i left. To see that bin had all these damn super planets. So like i have stated before i decided to go back for my crown.. So i decided to take him out. So i did with help from my pantheon and GC.. but i took out most of it on my own with losing minimal troops.. I then returned to the top once again for about 1 month. I then left again to see someone else on top.. Cant remember who it was, LordHull?.. I never got into it again though.
I decided not to get into it because they let a noob become #1 player and Boxpipe i believe was in 3 or 5th place.. Right then i knew that GAI wasnt the same and it was time for a change.
Joined 5846 days ago
Last seen 2899 days ago
Re. The history of 1.x from the player's POV
Posted 4662 days ago
I remember Guhnan. I attacked him before you guys did. I took 2 of his planets after the server restarted. Then we got into a struggle for about a week and I eventually lost. Guhnan was a pretty good player. Too bad I didn't have back up at the time.
When I first started Shiva was the person who got me going. She taught me some tips and some tricks. I too attempted to join Sparta and did. Out of all of the players Guhnan and someone named Scar were my mortal enemies. My empire was usually average sized. I didn't spend all of my time building and spending power to get stronger. However, I did expand my colonies pretty far. At one point I think I hit 20 planets. However, the Guhnan drama happened much after that. I may have had a problem with someone named Chaos at some point, can't remember, I only know that Shiva was my main ally. Nazdaq may have been a friendly face as well back then. However, after the weird changes and the competitions, I grew bored of the game play.
Off and on I would log in. Sometimes I caught Jatt calling Shiva a nigger and other horrible names like a cunt for example. Other times I would see not much happening. Eventually Shiva got banned, I was angry as Jatt and was demanding why. I eventually stopped logging in for a long period of time.
I came back a year later and there were some more different people. Thunderbird and Fudunap quickly drew me into the Galactic Federation. I was able to build an empire relatively quick. We didn't really have any wars going on. I would basically sit around enforcing GC's rule that there would be no conflicts anywhere. Me and another player Celestium were competing for ranks on the player power list. Then someone named Binaryman came along. I helped him understand the basics of game play. He joined GC. Then he quickly became the strongest player out ranking the nearest person by up to 30x at one point. He taught me a few ways to grow my strength and economy efficiently. I was able too achieve rank #2. A patch was released that allowed resource trading and planet trading. everyone else at this point started to grow very fast because Binaryman would sell tons of power for relatively cheap. Eventually he grew bored and split his planets between several people. I received some, Fudunap received some, and Kiloran received some. Fudunap then became a power freak. Kiloran also became power hungry. I awoke one day to see that I had lost several planets to Kilo and a war began. Me and Fudunap quickly diminished Kilorans power with in days and I obtained all of my planets but one back. We all then agreed at one point that there needed to be a server reset to fix power balance. I gave my planets to Kiloran as a demonstration to him that he couldn't be trusted. He quickly went back on his idea of server reset. Fudunap also went back on his idea of reset. The server reset anyways.
A new era erupted in the game. Everyone was growing pretty balanced in power. I then started to get bored and left for a while. I came back in time to enjoy a plague event and a war event. I then came back later before the server was shut off.
Most of my activity was done helping players. I forgot most that I helped, but they remember me thankfully. Over all it was a fun experience even if the game play was limited, and I expect and hope that 2.0 is a much better experience yet.
Joined 5857 days ago
Last seen 797 days ago
Re. The history of 1.x from the player's POV
Posted 4662 days ago
Good stuff Squishy. I think you and i did have some conflict at one point. I attacked alot of players i thought were inactive but then eventually made peace if they were indeed active and even gave there stuff back, I dont remember you when i was using the name Chaos. Hardly anyone playing now was around when that name was still active.
Another of my identities though was Raw. ( meant to be Ra as in the Egyptian god Ra, but i am an idiot even more so in my younger years, so was just Raw as in raw meat -.- ) I was still in sparta at this time though, but eventually left due to one of the members bitching a little too much and that lead to conflict between myself and afew of the top ranking Sparta players, it had gotten so bad I eventually just quit playing for a long time! i cant remember if i made another name after Raw before this one, or if it was just this one that came next. When i eventually returned, one of the tournaments were going on, we had afew new faces some of you may remember the Goons? i cant remember the names specifically but there was about 5 of them if i remember right that entered the tournament. one of these members sucked at the game and decided he would bitch more than play. his companion however was good and it took alot to beat him. I under my new name despite my previous fallout with Sparta had gotten in good with Shiva again we eventually teamed up against the Goons and got them to quit. those conversations were pretty funny. during that month the tournament was taking place i ended up quitting again for a reason i cant remember before it had even ended. I dont remember who had won that tournament but it wasnt the goons and it wasnt shiva.
Time of Ascension
Ascension. It was the first pantheon i had ever created. I thought the name was so epic and fitting for a pantheon in gods and idols and i still do! I plan on bringing it back eventually. The first go around when Ascension was created i know we were involved in alot of scuffles, but the most memorable few to me was the war with GC and the extermination of Shiva. Before we get to those though. Around the time i had created the pantheon, some members you may know very well now, had just joined the Gods and Idols community. Aist and Mac. Two of our friendly admins :) had just started playing the game. Aist and myself had talked alot in chat and worked a little together in taking some people down. I eventually attempted to recruit her! into my awesome fairly new pantheon. She accepted and later convinced Mac to join whom she knew from another game ( i think ) and he also joined my pantheon. I had some more members whos names i cant remember now that took part. Most of them though just ended up going inactvie. Now to the war with GC or Galactic Confederation. around the time the war started GC was pretty big and Ascension only had 5 or 6 members. I dont remember the reasons behind the war, I think the server had just grown stagnant and we had just gotten bored and decided to mix things up abit. GC had alot of members and ALOT of them were inactive at the time Aist and myself had taken it upon ourselves to start slowly exterminating as many as we could and get as strong as we could before the active members of GC could find out. at this time though there was a tool on the website that showed influence of pantheons and some other information. Fudu the leader of GC checked this information daily. after the first day of attacks he had found out that we had been attacking his members. Diplomatic talks went underway has he tried to find out the reasons behind our attacks. We told him that the members we are attacking are inactive and convinced him that they were just dead weights for his pantheon. he agreed! so we continued our work to exterminate them. We had killed off many of the strongest inactive players and bolstered our forces significantly. We then decided it was time to make a move on the active members. While i cant remember most of the names we began attacking the weakest least active member, he still signed on about everyday, so we had to move fast. First though we had to find all of these planets. That alone took forever. We spent a while finding all of there planets so we could attack quickly and effectively. Finally after all that was finished we initiated our main assault. the first member fell quickly as we had split his planets up amongst ourselves evenly for the most effective attack plan. Taking the majority of the day to kill all of the troops on the planet we had effectively killed most of the members assets. We began to continue our assault, but by this time Fudu had once again discovered what we had done and declared war. However he was less prepared than we were. He still had to find all of our planets and amass his troops into limbo for a counter attack, while we were still actively attacking his members. At this point i dont know what was said on his part to accomplish this but the remaining members of his pantehon had given him the majority of there troops. It would've been a good time to get rid of those members that made the donations, but at this point we were spread thin, with most of our troops still in combat on some other fronts. So we went on the defensive to try and minimize our losses until our troops had finished there battles. most of the planets we had lost were the ones we had taken from the members of GC, fast forwarding abit after some more conflict and heated conversations. Lets just say GC did some things they shouldnt have and those actions lead to one of the very few server resets in GaI history.and people were punished.
The Shive extermination. ( Shiva btw is a he ) (( I think ))
Sadly during this little debacle, I was not active. I had returned apparently not long after the extermination took place, but from what i was told Jatt and the remnants of Ascension and some others who took part had began killing off all of Shivas planets. I believe after he had been banned! Shiva had apparently made some people of the community so mad that they just got rid of everything Shiva related. Thats all i know :P
sorry again for the gigantic wall of terribly typed, poorly punctuated, shittily spelled text. I hope your eyes arent bleeding. :)
Joined 5846 days ago
Last seen 2899 days ago
Re. The history of 1.x from the player's POV
Posted 4662 days ago
After the server reset and all of Binaries planets were destroyed, I built an empire pretty quick. It was bouncing between rank 5-10. The server however was stagnating. I eventually left GC and went rogue with a good buddy named Boxpipe. He was already harassing people and in return his empires would get destroyed, so I used my diplomatic skills to cease peoples assaults on him. Me and Boxpipe then started planning mischief. I had never seen a certain pantheon looming in the galaxy before, that pantheons name was Robloxian Gods. Boxpipe and I grew our military for about a days time. It was a short period, but it yielded what we needed. We then unleashed an unrelenting assault on someone (It was either Moopy or uncle paipai, I can't remember). The assault was rather successful for a couple days. The Robloxian Gods destroyed our planets and we destroyed theirs. Only problem is that they had much more players than just the two of us. Even though our efforts were valiant we ended up getting crushed in a few days. I then made peace with the galaxy. Boxpipe was upset with me for doing it and I felt rather bad. However, my fun was over and I left the game for a month or so. I only returned for events after this. It is basically my last real game play in 1.X.
Joined 5325 days ago
Last seen 1879 days ago
Re. The history of 1.x from the player's POV
Posted 4661 days ago
Must have beenn paipai... I wasnt in roblox.. At that time Joseph Maca and Myself were establishing a Great Great Great Pantheon :).. Well it was already established, but we werent as strong as we were at our prime (when we destroyed Binary's planet). In fact we merged with roblox. Thats how the pantheon got dissolved. Some members went back to roblox and the others joined us.
Joined 5323 days ago
Last seen 2615 days ago
Re. The history of 1.x from the player's POV
Posted 4661 days ago
I joined after the plague event with the other ROBLOXian gods. We were a clan already formed in a different game called ROBLOX. I was super active but not ambitious at all. I built my planets with very little military. Our leader, Cranial, and two of our members, Doom and Scroby, are big hotheads. That is probably why Boxpipe hated us so much. Boxpipe, Hull, and I think squishy invaded me, and with the help of Binary and my fellow ROBLOXians, I managed to repel them, losing only one planet to Hull (He wanted to keep it because all my planets were better then his due to my activeness). I eventually built up a military and took it back, then I fortified it. Eventually the ROBLOXian gods fell apart, both here and eventually in ROBLOX also.
After the next reset (which I recommended during my term as adviser). I never player seriously until the Shathee Power Ring, I had joined GC after ROBLOX, where GC gave troops to DEATHETERNAL in exchange for cheap power as we dominated Shathee. This went on until Jatt fixed it with a patch. The next event, famine, I hated because after you sacrificed some people, your pop growth turned to crap after the event. I personally believe that it was going on to the point of making the game no fun at all. The death even was the end of 1.x, it was specifically designed to be. We've been waiting for 2.0 even since.
Joined 5203 days ago
Last seen 2480 days ago
Re. The history of 1.x from the player's POV
Posted 4661 days ago
Thank you all for posting the actualy history of GaI 1.x
It was very educational for me. :)
Joined 5323 days ago
Last seen 2615 days ago
Re. The history of 1.x from the player's POV
Posted 4661 days ago
Thank you all for posting the actualy history of GaI 1.x
It was very educational for me. :)
Don't forget to pay your tuition fees :)
Joined 5482 days ago
Last seen 2935 days ago
Re. The history of 1.x from the player's POV
Posted 4661 days ago
Thank you all for posting the actualy history of GaI 1.x
It was very educational for me. :)
Dont forget it was Grant that killed 1.x when he attacked Jatt's planets and unleashed the black sun
Something witty and funny
Joined 5242 days ago
Last seen 2956 days ago
Re. The history of 1.x from the player's POV
Posted 4661 days ago
I was just there for the free snacks.
We are the keepers of history. Everything you have done has been done by you before in the past infinity. We know everything; we can control everything if we desired it. We are the Documenters. We are always watching.
Joined 4918 days ago
Last seen 524 days ago
Re. The history of 1.x from the player's POV
Posted 4661 days ago
My history:
I started playing the game, after about 3 planets under my control I decided I could attack a planet. The game went into 2.x development before I knew if I won or lost..=/
If you meet me,
Have some courtesy,
Have some sympathy, and some taste.
Joined 5846 days ago
Last seen 2899 days ago
Re. The history of 1.x from the player's POV
Posted 4661 days ago
Boxpipe and I actually controlled a few Robloxian gods systems. Our weakness was my despicable plan to reset the planets. In order to do that we needed to empty the planet of population. Unfortunately the Robloxian gods were able to capture them back before they were emptied. This was the major turning point in Mine and Boxpipe's tactics. If the planets had emptied in time we could have attacked other planets with out too much of a worry, but because they did not reset in time we were forced to endure some pretty horrible attrition.
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