Forums > Pantheons > The Trade Coalition
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Last seen 2381 days ago
The Trade Coalition
Posted 4676 days ago
What is written here is more than a year old and full of inconsistencies and half baked ideas. I am currently attempting to rewrite everything and make it more understandable. This is not dead yet -Tobe

''I am in favor of helping the prosperity of all countries because, when we are all prosperous, the trade with each becomes more valuable to the other.'' -William Howard Taft
Trade, one of the most important steps to obtain the unobtainable, to expand farther than expected, to grow faster than predicted, to unite the divided, and to benefit the participants.

This is a pantheon for those who think such ideals. This is a pantheon for those who believe in the mutual benefits of trade and the opportunity for all to flourish as a result of it. This is a pantheon for those who believe that trade can give the capacity of accomplishing amazing things that would not be possible without the action of exchange.

The Idea of the Trade Coalition is to provide a protective and regulated environment to those who wish to trade and expand. The central theme of the Trade Coalition is obviously to trade and to prosper under that trade. A player that joins the Trade Coalition may do as they wish in terms of growth (IE specializing in food or minerals or production of ships) but in terms of attack and offense should notify the coalition beforehand to allow analysis of trading disruptions and the effects to the pantheon. The Trade Coalition is itself a neutral pantheon where actions are based off of trade only.

Now I present the policies of the Trade Coalition.
-Table of Contents: Ctrl+F the characters within the () to jump to that section

-Section A: Articles which contain information of the beginning information of the TC
-(A1): The Interworking's of the Trade Coalition
-(A2): Main Principles of the Trade Coalition
-(A3): Ideas of War and Allies for the Trade Coalition

-Section B: Articles which contain information of the transformation as TC increases in size
-(B1): Growth of the Coalition and Its Government
--(B1a): The Members
-----(B1ai): Economic Members
-----(B1aii): Militaristic Members
---(B1b): The Senate
-----(B1bi): The House of Trade
-----(B1bii): The House of Armament
---(B1c): The Embassy
-----(B1ci): Ambassador
-----(B1cii): Consults
-(B2): The Trade Coalition Planned Support Programs
-(B3): Trade Coalition Perks

-Section C: Articles which Pertain to TC diplomacy
-(C1): Our Current Relationships

-Section D: Articles which are simply miscellaneous yet pertain to TC
-(D1): List of Players who have shown interest in joining
-(D2): Notes

Section A
(A1): The Interworking's of the Trade Coalition:

The Leader and the senate will work together to determine if war is required or if certain programs require change.

The senate will be assembled through either selection of the leader or election of the members through 2/3rds majority vote of the member population

Members are expected to report trade disruptions between each other and between other entities.

Members are expected to negotiate trade within the Trade Coalition more than those outside the Pantheon

There is neither tax nor pay are required to join or stay within the Trade Coalition; trade within the pantheon and following of the Trade Coalition's ideals is considered payment to the Trade Coalition

Members are expected to defend each other or to coordinate attack dependent on the senate's decisions. Appeals can be made if the member wishes to do so

(A2): Main Principles of the Trade Coalition:

The aim is not to become rich, but to support and manage the market of goods across the stars.

Trade is a free benefit to those who support it as well.

Trade routes are the binding strings in which holds us together.

Any threat upon trade and its benefit between two entities is unacceptable.

(A3): Ideas of War and Allies for the Trade Coalition:

A Trade route is an agreement between two entities to benefit each other. As long as a trade route exists between an entity of the Trade Coalition and another entity, then peace will be maintained.

If a trade route exists between two entities where at least one entity is from the Trade Coalition, then any disruptions of trade will be defended by the Trade Coalition since loss of trade is an indirect attack on the economies of the Trade Coalition Members.

If there is no trade route from a Trade Coalition entity, the entity will be considered neutral until a trade route is established or a trade route is intercepted by this entity.

Upon disruption of a Trade Coalition trading route via fleets, the offending entity will be considered hostile and a warning will be issued with a Trade Coalition wide embargo that will last for a short time.

Repeating disruption of Trade Coalition trading routes extends the embargo and opens the entity to attacks until a negotiation is reached.

Section B
The information below will primarily contain late game ideas where generally the Trade Coalition will be established in player base, economy, versatility, and power.

(B1): Growth of the Coalition and Its Government

As the size increases, changes must be made to accommodate this growth.

Building from the simplistic flowchart presented in ''The Interworkings of the Trade Coalition'', the pantheon will be split into 3 divisions each will their own sub divisions and own roles for managing the ideas of the Trade Coalition:

The first and most essential division
(B1a): The Members

Although not part of the two other divisions such as the Senate or the Embassy, players play an important role in participating in trade and supporting programs issued by the government.

The members may elect a person to go into the senate if there is a 2/3rds vote for such a person.

Members may also be chosen to participate in the Senate or the Embassy by either the Senate or the Embassy

Members are expected to report trade disruptions, generally follow Trade Coalition's policies, and trade well within the pantheon

Members may volunteer for activities such as support programs and war, but such is not mandatory

Members hold the power to veto any bill passed by the two other divisions by a 2/3rds majority vote, no exceptions.

The Members division will have two general subdivisions (it may be also considered categories):
(B1ai): Economic Members

Will generally support the economic subdivision of the senate

(B1aii): Militaristic Members

Will generally support the militaristic subdivision of the senate

Note: the subdivision does not define role for members, it defines what you generally focus on and you may easily decide to change if desired

The second and most involved division
(B1b): The Senate

The Senate will hold a key in managing the various programs and organizing the members in the Trade Coalition

The Senate will work with members to make sure any changes made to the pantheon are implemented successfully

The Senate will discuss with the Embassy on any changes or information in order to derive the correct action

The entire Senate may also do a 2/3rds vote to veto any bill created by The Embassy

The Senate will be divided into two subdivisions:
(B1bi): The House of Trade

The House of Trade is the division of the Senate which focuses on the economy of the Trade Coalition overall

It may decide to make policies or programs to influence trading and/or the economy of others if it is expected to make an improvement

It may veto any bill that The House of Armament creates if there is a reasonable expectation of damaging or severely affecting the economy negatively

(B1bii): The House of Armament

The House of Armament is the division of the Senate which focuses on the might and defense of the Trade Coalition overall

It may decide to create embargo's or programs to bolster defense in certain areas of the Trade Coalition

Handles most of the member reporting of trade disruptions and must do the appropriate reaction

It may veto any bill that the House of Trade creates that reasonably dramatically impacts the defense, or offense of the Trade Coalition

Any bill created by any of these two subdivisions that is vetoed in a succession of 3 times via vetoing a veto must be either dropped or compromised where both parties agree

Once the bill is agreed by the senate, the bill will be passed on to the Embassy where a 2/3rds vote will be taken to approve of it. After approval of the Embassy, the bill will be announced to the members where they can decide if they want to take a vote or not to veto it.

The third and most exclusive division
(B1c): The Embassy

This replaces the leader division and becomes the face of the Trade Coalition

Diplomacy between other pantheons and other gods will be handled by the Embassy as well as announcements to changes that the government divisions implements to the members

Any bills that the senate passed must be passed by a 2/3rds vote by the Embassy to ensure no conflicting problems with current politics

Whether another pantheon or entity will be eligible for friendship or war is up to The Embassy, any significant war must be voted upon with a 2/3rds majority vote of the entire Trade Coalition

There are two subdivisions of The Embassy:
(B1ci): Ambassador

Replaces the Leader portion of the previous simplistic government. Documents and manages diplomacy as well as participating in negotiations.

(B1cii): Consults

Diplomatic based section in which selected or voted members help to support negotiations and actively participate in diplomacy

(B2): The Trade Coalition Planned Support Programs:

-Growth is key for stable trade in the future
Any new player who is interested in this program will be offered beneficial trading (trading in which is tipped to benefit the new player to help produce growth) based on their production of resources. A contract will bind the trading where the new player agrees to trade with a majority of the Trade Federation members for a set time after their beneficial trading period is over.

-New heights cannot be reached without a strong foundation
New members that are relatively weak economy wise will be provided with defense (in form of fleets and beneficial trade) from established members so that the new members may focus on growth and development to support future trade.

-United strengths stand stronger than before:
Those who have developed strong economies or military arms in which becomes influential will be invited by application to the senate or the embassy of the Trade Coalition to help influence the future of the pantheon.

(B3): Trade Coalition Perks

-Trading Nodes and Trading Highways
Here is a brief intro to the concept of trading nodes and trading highways:

Trading nodes and trading highways will be primarily organized and operated by the senate

Trading nodes and trading highways, once recognized by established members and the senate as a high volume trade route, will be defended actively by fleets and constantly monitored

Establishment of these trade routes are expected to be much easier since all members of the Trade Coalition are expected to support trade

Section C
This section will contain information about our diplomacy such as our ideas on war and our current treaties
(C1): Our current relationships
Due to the Trade Coaltion's nature of diplomacy, there are 4 states of relationships
From enemies to friend: At War, Neutral, Trading, Ally.

(Note, the following names are listed in alphabetical order)

Chaos Space Marines!: Neutral
Legion: Ally (NAP and Trade agreement, further negotiations planned)
The Adflictorem: Neutral
The Dark Ones: Neutral

This concludes the introduction to the Trade Coalition. Prosperity to all.

Section D
(D1): Awesome people who plan to join once the Trade Coalition has been created:

Me :D
Emperor Hull

Hope to have a great time trading with you all!

(D2): Notes
Note: This pantheon will not be created unless the following conditions are fulfilled
1. Basic pantheon creation is implemented
2. Basic trading and trading management is implemented
3. Basic economy appears naturally

Extra Note: Post will be edited and changed depending on changes to what will be implemented of the trading system in game. Such changes will determine of such pantheon will be able to exist/ function correctly.

Extra Extra Note: This is a forum topic of discussion and information rather than recruitment since development is quite far from the required needs in order to establish this pantheon.

Wow you read all the way here? Awesome!

Contact me: If you can't seem to find me on IRC and wish to chat with me, you may also email me at tobe0123[at]gmail[dot]com. Please feel free to email me anything, just don't sign me up for spam websites.
Joined 5202 days ago
Last seen 2479 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4676 days ago
I'm glad to see another Economic pantheon similar to my pantheon, ''Sigma''. I hope that you would join our pantheon as one, or work with us. I find that division of the same goals just makes a tangled web of pain. You are a lot more descriptive it in your pantheon's than mine, and I would gladly put you at the top of Sigma if you joined.
Joined 5857 days ago
Last seen 797 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4676 days ago
Nice thread Tobe. welcome to Gods and Idols. My first time seeing your name around. Good luck with your pantheon :)
Joined 5325 days ago
Last seen 1879 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4676 days ago
Member since Sep 24th 2011

he's been around.. still getting his feet wet.. Hes been flying under the radar.
Joined 4918 days ago
Last seen 2381 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4676 days ago
Member since Sep 24th 2011

he's been around.. still getting his feet wet.. Hes been flying under the radar.

Yes, I'm just peeking out from under the lurker rock

Nice thread Tobe. welcome to Gods and Idols. My first time seeing your name around. Good luck with your pantheon :)

Thanks! Hopefully people show interest

I'm glad to see another Economic pantheon similar to my pantheon, ''Sigma''. I hope that you would join our pantheon as one, or work with us. I find that division of the same goals just makes a tangled web of pain. You are a lot more descriptive it in your pantheon's than mine, and I would gladly put you at the top of Sigma if you joined.

I'll certainly keep the idea of joining your pantheon in mind as I wait for the trading mechanic to be more established. However, I feel that our two economic pantheons have two totally different focuses where yours has specific roles where I just expect people to trade together for mine. Yours seem rather open to any random/vendetta acts of war by individuals while ours is spurred only by certain trading disruptions. Of course these are only my two cents so don't take any of it offensively. Although I agree multiple similar economic factions just divide everything up but since my pantheon's diplomacy is dependent on trade, we may make allies with the most unlikely of pantheons who wins our favor with trade. I guess you could call us a wild card...sort of.
Joined 5202 days ago
Last seen 2479 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4675 days ago
A wild card... Respect
Joined 5846 days ago
Last seen 2899 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4675 days ago
Since someone was recruiting you for his pantheon, I figure (as disrespectful as it is to do so) that Legion could use a Mammon rank player. Basically, certain players have certain roles in Legion and you could potentially be an architect for our economic structure. This will need approval of Grantrithor. Also, as such, there will be roles for other positions.

Regardless of your over all decision, Legion looks forward to having trade and military alliance partners. I would like for you to think it over and let me know what you would like to do. Considering the game isn't started yet, there is no pressure on you to make a hasty decision.

When the game is available for all, I will look forward to the co-operation between both of our pantheons.
Joined 4918 days ago
Last seen 2381 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4674 days ago
Since someone was recruiting you for his pantheon, I figure (as disrespectful as it is to do so) that Legion could use a Mammon rank player. Basically, certain players have certain roles in Legion and you could potentially be an architect for our economic structure. This will need approval of Grantrithor. Also, as such, there will be roles for other positions.

Regardless of your over all decision, Legion looks forward to having trade and military alliance partners. I would like for you to think it over and let me know what you would like to do. Considering the game isn't started yet, there is no pressure on you to make a hasty decision.

When the game is available for all, I will look forward to the co-operation between both of our pantheons.

Although my intention wasn't to submit a resume, I will certainly consider your offer, the Mammon rank seems to fit me pretty well. I'm just going to say that I will most likely join one of the existing pantheons once the game starts because I will not create the Trade Coalition unless people see interest and the trade mechanics are in, so that might take a while! For now, I have updated the main topic.
Joined 5846 days ago
Last seen 2899 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4674 days ago
Don't get discouraged Tobe. Just wait until theg ame starts and see what happens. Most of the people here are already rooted into what we perceive to be our future pantheons. However, when the game is about to be finished and released, you will find that there will be much more activity, and people will definitely find your pantheon attractive. If you build it, they will come.
Emperor Hull
Joined 4918 days ago
Last seen 4306 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4673 days ago
I would love to join this pantheon :D

Also I would be happy to help in the militaristic side of the pantheon :)

Joined 5482 days ago
Last seen 2935 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4656 days ago
Further to our chat online, i'm putting my name down here saying i wish to join this pantheon when things go live
Something witty and funny
Joined 5482 days ago
Last seen 2935 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4656 days ago
I know there is only three of us at the moment that are joining this pantheon, but maybe we could get together sometime on the IRC and discuss stuff :)
Something witty and funny
Joined 5325 days ago
Last seen 1879 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4656 days ago
I'm here.. Sign me up.. I dont agree with Grant and his pantheon's point of view. So i will love to join you and your m8s.

So make it 4 of us now :P.. Dont fret either, we 4 are a very strong 4.
Joined 4918 days ago
Last seen 523 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4627 days ago
Figured you guys needed a bump. Since I am too lazy to bump you, I will sing you a song.

''Now look at them yo-yo's, that's the way you do it.
You play the guitar on the MTV.
That ain't workin', that's the way ya do it.
Money for Nothin' and your chicks for free.
Now that ain't workin', that's the way ya do it.
Lemme tell ya, them guys ain't dumb.
Maybe get a blister on your, little finger.
Maybe get a blister on your thumb.
We gotta install microwave ovens.
Custom kitchen deliveries!
We gotta move these, refrigerators.
We gotta move these color TV's!''
If you meet me,
Have some courtesy,
Have some sympathy, and some taste.
Joined 4632 days ago
Last seen 3173 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4627 days ago
Count me in! So long as we combat the Spess Bears, I will fight for the rights of the Traders (Emergency) Coalition.
''Battle control, online.''
Joined 4918 days ago
Last seen 797 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4626 days ago
I will consider joining this, i need to think about it more for now.
[16:19] <Nazdaq> I will kill a hostage every hour until my demands are met
Joined 5325 days ago
Last seen 1879 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4622 days ago
Glad to see progress :).. I wont be on for the next three weeks, so if anything goes down and i am not here.... EEEKKK!!! Hopefully Jatt stalls game development for at least 3 more weeks ;)
Joined 4918 days ago
Last seen 523 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4522 days ago
I'll join
If you meet me,
Have some courtesy,
Have some sympathy, and some taste.
Joined 4918 days ago
Last seen 2381 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4520 days ago
Welcome aboard :D, Added you to the list of members!

(Yes, I still lurk around, and don't worry, I got plans for this Pantheon that I hope I will be able to implement when I have the time)
Joined 5325 days ago
Last seen 1879 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4520 days ago
lol i was looking to see if i could get to you if you were still around :) Glad to see your post.
Joined 5482 days ago
Last seen 2935 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4517 days ago
Hey guys....I've decided I'm leaving this shindig...since there has been unavoidable obstacles that have delayed the first game play portion of the game I've decided that I'm going to take a step back from pantheons and see truly what's available when the game play portion comes out
Something witty and funny
Joined 4918 days ago
Last seen 2381 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4517 days ago
I understand Maca, recent events have made dedicating oneself to a pantheon this early...a questionable decision. Hopefully when the game actually comes out, we will get a grasp in what it truly has to offer. For now, I have removed your name from the list. As always, you are always welcome here and I'm sure any other pantheon would accept you with open arms if you ever choose to join one again. I hope you have fun once the game becomes available!
Joined 5309 days ago
Last seen 1594 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4516 days ago
Hello, wanted to know if you could setup a pantheon relation's section in the original post showing your status with the other listed pantheon's, would be a great help, if you don't want to disclose such information I'll understand.
Joined 4918 days ago
Last seen 2381 days ago
Re. The Trade Coalition
Posted 4515 days ago
Boxpipe, the thread has been updated as per your requests.
Forums > Pantheons > The Trade Coalition
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