Forums > Suggestions > Ancient space technology/bases
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Last seen 1820 days ago
Ancient space technology/bases
Posted 4618 days ago
I have no idea whether or not this is planned, or anything.

The idea is that, in deep space (Not near solar systems, making them very difficult to find, coupled with the rarity of them naturally makes them extremely uncommon.) There are derelict space stations of ancient civilizations. They are wasted, they cannot be repaired or used. However, finding them would give a bonus(essence, population) and an achievement for finding one. I may add more to the idea should I think of more. :)

Any questions or comments, post below.
Joined 5403 days ago
Last seen 3632 days ago
Re. Ancient space technology/bases
Posted 4618 days ago
How about this? The players can't repurpose the found wreckage, but they can salvage them and reverse engineer their technology.

For example: the player can create more efficient buildings on a planet, for an increased building cost; build fleets with an added effect, for combat or other (ships become more resilient against the type they are weak against/effective against the type they are strong against, travels faster etc), also for a higher price.

I am uncertain wether or not it'd be a good idea to make these feats full upgrades, or sidegrades. I think, if we go with the upgrade idea, upon inspection of the station, the player gets a random selection of a number of upgrades (3? 5?), and every subesquent station found will yield another random set of upgrades, but with the previously found upgrades removed from the upgrade pool.

Questions: should the wreckage be consumed/dissappear after a player found it, leave it but unusable for other players, or keep it usable for other players? Will there periodically spawn new derelict stations? (what a weird sentence).
Joined 4918 days ago
Last seen 524 days ago
Re. Ancient space technology/bases
Posted 4618 days ago
Maybe the stations will unlock more components to put on your ship? Whether it will be just for looks, or a very powerful weapon.
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Re. Ancient space technology/bases
Posted 4617 days ago
We are gods. We don't need human and alien technology. Only our people do. Not only that but the universe was reset and the only ancient beings are gods of lore.
Joined 4918 days ago
Last seen 1820 days ago
Re. Ancient space technology/bases
Posted 4617 days ago
How about this? The players can't repurpose the found wreckage, but they can salvage them and reverse engineer their technology.

For example: the player can create more efficient buildings on a planet, for an increased building cost; build fleets with an added effect, for combat or other (ships become more resilient against the type they are weak against/effective against the type they are strong against, travels faster etc), also for a higher price.

I am uncertain wether or not it'd be a good idea to make these feats full upgrades, or sidegrades. I think, if we go with the upgrade idea, upon inspection of the station, the player gets a random selection of a number of upgrades (3? 5?), and every subesquent station found will yield another random set of upgrades, but with the previously found upgrades removed from the upgrade pool.

Questions: should the wreckage be consumed/dissappear after a player found it, leave it but unusable for other players, or keep it usable for other players? Will there periodically spawn new derelict stations? (what a weird sentence).

New stations will spawn over time, yes. But it takes some time, making them hard to come by. I had no idea how tech worked in this game (never played 1x) and if it works similarly to how you described it, then it would work perfectly.
Uncle PaiPai
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Re. Ancient space technology/bases
Posted 4617 days ago
New stations will spawn over time, yes. But it takes some time, making them hard to come by. I had no idea how tech worked in this game (never played 1x) and if it works similarly to how you described it, then it would work perfectly.

There was no tech in 1.x, I'm not sure how it'll work in 2.0.
Joined 5482 days ago
Last seen 2935 days ago
Re. Ancient space technology/bases
Posted 4617 days ago
I have no idea whether or not this is planned, or anything.

The idea is that, in deep space (Not near solar systems, making them very difficult to find, coupled with the rarity of them naturally makes them extremely uncommon.) There are derelict space stations of ancient civilizations. They are wasted, they cannot be repaired or used. However, finding them would give a bonus(essence, population) and an achievement for finding one. I may add more to the idea should I think of more. :)

Any questions or comments, post below.

Rather than getting building boost, why not just make it so that if you have control of a space station/base/ancient thingymabob you get a boost to empire wide influence generation
Something witty and funny
Joined 4918 days ago
Last seen 1820 days ago
Re. Ancient space technology/bases
Posted 4614 days ago
I have no idea whether or not this is planned, or anything.

The idea is that, in deep space (Not near solar systems, making them very difficult to find, coupled with the rarity of them naturally makes them extremely uncommon.) There are derelict space stations of ancient civilizations. They are wasted, they cannot be repaired or used. However, finding them would give a bonus(essence, population) and an achievement for finding one. I may add more to the idea should I think of more. :)

Any questions or comments, post below.
Rather than getting building boost, why not just make it so that if you have control of a space station/base/ancient thingymabob you get a boost to empire wide influence generation

I like that idea. Or maybe essence generation instead, I dunno. Either or :P
Joined 4569 days ago
Last seen 2995 days ago
Re. Ancient space technology/bases
Posted 4554 days ago
I have no idea whether or not this is planned, or anything.

The idea is that, in deep space (Not near solar systems, making them very difficult to find, coupled with the rarity of them naturally makes them extremely uncommon.) There are derelict space stations of ancient civilizations. They are wasted, they cannot be repaired or used. However, finding them would give a bonus(essence, population) and an achievement for finding one. I may add more to the idea should I think of more. :)

Any questions or comments, post below.

Good idea, I have something to add.

  • How would the stations get there?
  • I think they should spawn when there are no personell on a player's station that is below 50% durability, and after being unmanned for a set ammount of time it drifts off, and whatever tech they had on it, you can recover.
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Forums > Suggestions > Ancient space technology/bases
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