Forums > Suggestions > Creating custom resolution.
Joined 5857 days ago
Last seen 797 days ago
Creating custom resolution.
Posted 4548 days ago
Yo tis me again...

I can't speak for others, but I have another complaint/suggestion. I don't know if you can do it or care to do it, but I will ask anyway.

I often play the majority of games in windowed mode... Using the feature that most games have that allow me to manipulate the game on my screen. I don't know the exact word for it, but for example clicking and dragging the internet browser to a desired size on your screen, giving me the ability to do different things at once, while enjoying the neat layout I am able to make with all the things I am doing on the screen.

Also lets say I usually play in windowed mode, but I want to switch to full screen and give the game my full attention and then re box it after im done or something. Double clicking the bar with the minimize button, restore down/maximize button and the exit button will instantly expand the game to take up the entire screen, a feature I often use while playing Eve Online for example. When I select the full screen in windowed mode (in most programs allowing it to be full screen, but still giving me access to the windows bar down below) doesn't work with GaI.

Sorry if it seems I am nagging :( I understand that there are probably a large number of things with significantly more importance than the few things i have posted, but still it would be nice to see these things implemented eventually.

Thanx!! sorry for the eye strain
Forums > Suggestions > Creating custom resolution.
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