Forums > Off-topic > command and conquer alliances
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command and conquer alliances
Posted 4322 days ago
its a free 2 play browser game made around the setting of C&C.

i started playing and created an alliance called the ''Cyrene Corperation''

If you wanna play with me just join up.

when you start choose world 49 east coast, the brotherhood of krod and start in the SE sector. post here or get a hold of me if interested. would be fun to play with some of you guys. My name ingame is Grantrithor1 because Grantrithor was somehow taken.
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$str = str_replace(array(''\{'',''\}''),'' '',$str);
Joined 4733 days ago
Last seen 338 days ago
Re. command and conquer alliances
Posted 4321 days ago
The game looks like another Evony copy.
Is there anything special about this game?
If you meet me,
Have some courtesy,
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Last seen 2044 days ago
Re. command and conquer alliances
Posted 4321 days ago
for one, evony copy? evony was not the first... second meh.... kinda in some aspects. but in combat and how buildings are placed actually matter. Also The Forgotten are a constant threat which every player fights.

ok well to actually answer your question its not a copy of evony.
// Replaces with spaces the braces in cases where braces in places cause stasis
$str = str_replace(array(''\{'',''\}''),'' '',$str);
Joined 4733 days ago
Last seen 338 days ago
Re. command and conquer alliances
Posted 4321 days ago
I watched a few videos, and it looks interesting.
And what I ment by Evony copy, was not just for gameplay. I was also referring to the ''Booby'' Traps.

{Edit} Somehow Dauntless and Dauntless233 were both already taken, so i am CavanJL if you'd like to invite me.
If you meet me,
Have some courtesy,
Have some sympathy, and some taste.
Joined 5201 days ago
Last seen 2044 days ago
Re. command and conquer alliances
Posted 4321 days ago
invitation sent
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$str = str_replace(array(''\{'',''\}''),'' '',$str);
Joined 5661 days ago
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Re. command and conquer alliances
Posted 4320 days ago
Grant, Moopy, and I are all playing.
Joined 4733 days ago
Last seen 1634 days ago
Re. command and conquer alliances
Posted 4316 days ago
I already play, world 32 though. I'm in FILO
Joined 4422 days ago
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Re. command and conquer alliances
Posted 4313 days ago
You should invite me Grantrithor, then I can relocate to your area. Names Alumjha1
Joined 5140 days ago
Last seen 1693 days ago
Re. command and conquer alliances
Posted 4297 days ago
I need leadership Grant!!
Joined 5201 days ago
Last seen 2044 days ago
Re. command and conquer alliances
Posted 4296 days ago
due to my intense and totally random new hobby of watching massive amounts of anime and acquiring EU 3 as well as RL stuffs i can no longer devote time to tiberium alliances for this i am sorry.
// Replaces with spaces the braces in cases where braces in places cause stasis
$str = str_replace(array(''\{'',''\}''),'' '',$str);
Joined 5140 days ago
Last seen 1693 days ago
Re. command and conquer alliances
Posted 4296 days ago
Yes yes, we know.. Hand me leadership position. You don't have to play.
Joined 4733 days ago
Last seen 338 days ago
Re. command and conquer alliances
Posted 4293 days ago
due to my intense and totally random new hobby of watching massive amounts of anime and acquiring EU 3 as well as RL stuffs i can no longer devote time to tiberium alliances for this i am sorry.

We understand Grant,
EU 3 is much to fun to want to do anything else.

Also, try out Hearts of Iron 3 if you like EU 3.
If you meet me,
Have some courtesy,
Have some sympathy, and some taste.
Forums > Off-topic > command and conquer alliances
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