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Steam Concept Come Here
Joined 5536 days ago
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Steam Concept Come Here
Posted 4470 days ago
IMPORTANT TO KNOW: The game is under development. You have to understand that right now you can do the following to my knowledge.
1.Fly around and view the beautiful colors and scenery.
2. You can do the Accreation its a game for smashing asteroid belts and rather fun smash the red ones all others hover over to see if their what you want.
3. You can seed 1 world but understand that does nothing for gameplay at this moment.
Now the minigame asteroids is fun and seeing the galaxy is wonderful. But you all need to know you cant do much of anything besides that. I know everyone wants to play it so do i :P but just log on take a look. Play the mini game awhile, but thats all you can do. Jatt is still working on patchs so just be patient, keep spreading the word about GaI and maybe we can get this game moveing forward faster with all your help,
Facts about the game:
1. There are 42,953 stars in the galaxy to current count.
2. Max stats on a planet are 100 metal 100 life 100 gas.
3.The belt you start the accreation game in will affect its asteroid type for example if you choose the asteroid belt closest to teh sun you will get more metal then any other the center belt will have the most life and the farthest out will be highest in gas.
And now my experience with the game enjoy visitors.
Hello i am a older member of Gods and Idols and i thought it would be a good idea to make a page with some basic information for those who come here from the concepts page on steam.
Now what you all first have to understand is that Jatt is almost the sole developer for GaI.
Jattenalle is the poster of the game API studios is him. Raven also shows as a poster of the game on steam, he does help out with models and etc and jatt hires people when he can afford it to help do artwork and other things for GaI.
Now for a long time the game of GaI was not in development I first joined back a few years ago now with the game and when i first started it was a basic game make a world seed it with life upgrade your planet to increase the population and military aspects your power i believe there were 6 original structures on worlds to upgrade now eventually you were limited by what you could build as costs would get very high. Now the game in 1.x was a bit basic upgrade build a military and go to war simple to play and fun :D yes i do miss it :(.
Now 2.0 the new pictures you see are from the gorgeous new galaxy that is being made and developed as you read this post.
Has the development of 2.0 had setbacks and problems? Yes it has and we have had things set before and things come up where he cant finish it. Or bugs are found wich is good and fine. Problems happen in any game and it cant be helped its a part of makeing games.
I would like to say i am eagerly waiting for 2.0 if you go through old forum posts you can find some material on whats planned content.
I personally think that when GaI 2.0 is fully released the maker is gonna have to buy a lot of servers from the flow of players.
This game will be much more in depth and recquire strategy rather then the 1.x version where its instantaneous troops anywhere. Now you will have space ships to attack all players, but time to get there depends on distance warp gates can be set all kinds of interesting features that i feel will make 2.0 a large hit with all players who enjoy sci-fi genre games.
So what can you do to help? Well if you got spare cash i would strongly reccomend that you purchase essence from the market. The money you purchase essence with will go toward the development of 2.0 wich lets him hire people to help with things as previously mentioned up above he can use that money to help with development. If you are a artist who could potentially help with artwork/a model desginer come onto the chat and talk with the developer maybe you could offer your services to him to help with a speedy production of GaI 2.0
So to summarize I as a old player of this game think 2.0 is gonna be a massive game when its done and if you can help in some way and would like to, do try :D but if not just spreading the word and telling your friends how cool the game looks would help to get the game around in peoples thoughts. Thank you for takeing the time to read and im sure others will contribute their thoughts on this subject below so read thier comments/thoughts/ideas as well on what they think of the game thus far or in the past.
I will always arise from the ashes.
Joined 5482 days ago
Last seen 2935 days ago
Re. Steam Concept Come Here
Posted 4469 days ago
I never thought this day would come....but I agree with kiloran
Something witty and funny
Joined 5857 days ago
Last seen 797 days ago
Re. Steam Concept Come Here
Posted 4469 days ago
mac... i fear for you.
Joined 5536 days ago
Last seen 3080 days ago
Re. Steam Concept Come Here
Posted 4464 days ago
Bump for all the users.
I will always arise from the ashes.
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Steam Concept Come Here
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