Forums > General discussion > Planet Stats
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Last seen 1820 days ago
Planet Stats
Posted 4454 days ago
What exactly do they do? I can assume that having more mineral/metal to a planet means you can mine more and produce more. I guess you could harvest the atmosphere of a gaseous planet, but what about life?
Joined 6436 days ago
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Re. Planet Stats
Posted 4454 days ago
What exactly do they do? I can assume that having more mineral/metal to a planet means you can mine more and produce more. I guess you could harvest the atmosphere of a gaseous planet, but what about life?
Each stat is the upper limit to the production/sustaining capabilities of the planet.
For example a planet with 20 Mineral can support 20 tech 1 mines, or 2 tech 10 mines, running at 100% efficiency.
Adding more mines after that will just drop the efficiency of each mine, while output remains static.
Think of it as available mining slots.

Life affects the production of food, be it plants or animals, as well as the production of coal and oil. It is also the most important stat for population planets, as higher Life means a higher potential population can be supported on that planet.

Gas is used by most production, either directly or as a refined product such as fuel for fleets. It is also required for population, animals and plants to grow properly. ''Gas'' includes H2O, which is water, a liquid.

Remember that you can ship resources between planets, so you can always ship more food to your population planet to allow it to grow beyond the limit imposed by the Life stat.

You can also use spells and artifacts to raise the stats either permanently or temporarily. Stats can never go above 100, 100, 100, but as you may have noticed during the Accretion process beneficial asteroids stop spawning around 200 total stats.
So say you have created a 100, 75, 30 planet during Accretion. You can now use spells or artifacts to make it a, for example, 100, 100, 50 planet, or go all out and create a perfect 100, 100, 100 one.
The only stat that can not be changed after Accretion is the bonus one.

So again, the stats are an upper limit on the production of the planet, a planet with 10 mineral stat and one tech 1 mine will produce exactly as much minerals as a planet with 100 mineral stat and one tech 1 mine. But the 100 stat one has a higher potential production if built up properly.

Also keep in mind that planets have a limited number of building slots, while it's more than a hundred, you still wont be able to create a super planet capable of everything. Specialization is key, and shipping resources between planets is vital for a grand empire.

Numbers and stats used for illustration purposes only and might not reflect the actual values that will be used in the game!
Joined 4607 days ago
Last seen 2965 days ago
Re. Planet Stats
Posted 4452 days ago
Thats was interesting to read. I think thats cool that you did something different with the stats; I wasn't anywhere near close to what I thought the stats meant for a planet.
Joined 4918 days ago
Last seen 1820 days ago
Re. Planet Stats
Posted 4451 days ago
Ah, that answers alot. Thanks Jatt :)
Forums > General discussion > Planet Stats
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