Forums > Suggestions > Research
Joined 4918 days ago
Last seen 524 days ago
Posted 4439 days ago
In case you haven't thought of a system for research yet.

Common:Everyone gets these techs over time.

Uncommon:Techs are researched by random chance, most techs will be discovered but a few will not be.

Rare:These techs we choose what specific tree they will end up being. Ex: I like beam weapons, so I choose beam tech. I will end up progressing to have extremely powerful beam weapons.
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Joined 3698 days ago
Last seen 3696 days ago
Re. Research
Posted 3696 days ago
And maybe if the developers get up and actually care to put in time to make actual content and not small edits to bugs. Then maybe this suggestion might just happen, -.-... I believe if we were ever to introduce a tech tree, we should take supplements of cultural, and economic routes through such a thing. For example like in civ they have different stages of civilization of life. Since you're a god who bestows knowledge unto his/her people to actually ''develop'' space technology so fast after the creation of the planet. (Or that's what I've personally deducted from how the game works right NOW at the moment.) There should be different age's of space technology, and the more you put into developing the research output. The higher chance you have of developing, or discovering technologies that will pull you into the next era of technology. Letting you discover more advanced ways of increasing dmg for ships, hull strength, planet defense, speed of space travel, etc. The cultural/economic benefits? Economically you could get research to help increase population, unlock new buildings, increase specific production outputs, and so on. Culturally? Some research paths could help increase the amount of power/essence you collect. These research paths could also help you understand as a god new ways of unlocking powers, increase ways of actually getting powers/essence, and not just the amount. Or just help the religious ''view'' of your god to spread among populations, increasing ways for the players/gods to take planets. But just a suggestion that at the moment if they were to implement such things would change the basic structure of how the game could be played later on. So here's a heads up to the creators! Work on implementing this now, or soon. OR if you decide to add it in later, good luck re-editing lines of code, and increasing the likely hood of attractive those bugs you hate so much. :3
Forums > Suggestions > Research
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