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Q&As from previous livestreams
Posted 4436 days ago
Livestream - 2012-12-21
Do you plan on making structures visible from space?
No we have decided to use a new method for showing development of your planet.
Will the population of a planet be represented by the number of lights shown on a planet?
Yes the more people you have the more lights will be visible on the night side.
Can you populate planets in Hostile and Unsafe regions of the universe?
Yes, by sending a colony ship filled with people you will be able to populate these systems.
What are the plans for space structures such as stations?
The plan is to add them at some point, specific details havent been ironed out.
Will there ever be a ''death star'' type ship?
I'm worried about the resource requirements for each successive flagship, will they not be too expensive to build eventually?
The cost increase is fairly small and will never make a ship impossible to build, it might just take a bit longer to gather the materials.
Will there ever be more stars and regions added to the universe?
Yes, in the future.
Will there be large events such as the Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death 1.x events?
The Black Sun and Entropy are ever present dangers, there will be many universe-spanning events to come.
If someone makes a star go supernova or collapse, will all planets around it be destroyed?
Exploding or collapsing a star is not an instant action, it takes several hours from the spell being cast to the star actually reacting. In that time it may be ''calmed down'' again and not explode/collapse. Certain spells and buildings will also mitigate, if not completely protect, against supernova and black hole events.
Will there be some cap on the max number of members in a pantheon?
Will colony ships be in the seed/planet management patch?
Will there be a lore page on the site?
Will there be lore readable ingame?
Have there been any particular difficulties as of late with the seed/planet management patch?
The UI is proving more time-consuming than anticipated. Getting things to work smoothly and look nice takes a lot of tweaking.
Do you plan on having any system in which Pantheons can easily share territories, resources, or assets as a whole, rather than just player to player?
Yes. [A longer, but poorly worded answer was given during the stream, pay it no regard!]
Will there be cons to having planets spread over large distances?
Not hard-coded cons or penalties directly, but a spread out empire is harder to defend since sending fleets around takes more time. Casting spells further away from your capital planet also increase their cost. On the other hand, pestilence and unreset is less likely to spread between the planets.
Will there be slaves?
Yes you will be able to trade your population
Will you be able to see other players?
Yes and it will use your profile avatar.
In regards to the avatars, you said they might change?
Yes, we have been discussing removing custom avatars completely in favor of a fixed gallery of avatars. This to help prevent any legal issues and confusion that may arise from fully custom avatars. Nothing is decided, we will see what come of it.
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