Forums > Fan creations > GAI Insight Presents...Random Tales of GAI History! part 1
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GAI Insight Presents...Random Tales of GAI History! part 1
Posted 4146 days ago

Fun comic strip made by me for you!

As always remember the GAI Insight slogan, ''Because making it up is so much better!''

revisit old GAI insight artiicles here
// Replaces with spaces the braces in cases where braces in places cause stasis
$str = str_replace(array(''\{'',''\}''),'' '',$str);
Joined 5140 days ago
Last seen 1693 days ago
Re. GAI Insight Presents...Random Tales of GAI History!
Posted 4143 days ago
Scroby Pawns all!!! I really enjoyed this.. Good job dude.. wonder how long it took you.

P.S kinda funny how you made balls sacs for their legs.
Joined 5661 days ago
Last seen 2713 days ago
Re. GAI Insight Presents...Random Tales of GAI History!
Posted 4141 days ago
Seems well done.
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5137 days ago
Last seen 2429 days ago
Re. GAI Insight Presents...Random Tales of GAI History!
Posted 4141 days ago
I would write a comment explaining how epikly hilarious this comic is, but I'm too busy chasing the pie. Sorry.
Joined 5201 days ago
Last seen 2044 days ago
Re. GAI Insight Presents...Random Tales of GAI History!
Posted 4141 days ago
@moopy: I did it all in paint and it took only a couple hours nothing much...and they do look like ballsacks now that i look at them lol.
// Replaces with spaces the braces in cases where braces in places cause stasis
$str = str_replace(array(''\{'',''\}''),'' '',$str);
Joined 4451 days ago
Last seen 728 days ago
Re. GAI Insight Presents...Random Tales of GAI History!
Posted 4141 days ago


I hope I don't rupture his intestines, that much fermented being-digested alcohol is sure to ruin the meat.
Joined 5740 days ago
Last seen 3017 days ago
Re. GAI Insight Presents...Random Tales of GAI History!
Posted 4139 days ago
is scroby lighting his cigar on squishys burning corpse?
''The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world''
Joined 5672 days ago
Last seen 611 days ago
Re. GAI Insight Presents...Random Tales of GAI History!
Posted 4138 days ago
UHM He is poking him with a stick.
Forums > Fan creations > GAI Insight Presents...Random Tales of GAI History! part 1
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