Joined 5536 days ago
Last seen 3080 days ago
The Suggestion Page
Posted 4311 days ago
So this page will be for any suggestions folks have :D.
I very much enjoy the radial wheel and the hints that it gave us about future events that sean needs to write :P.
Now i would like to sugest however that currently you have to hold down the left mouse button to keep the wheel up and i would like to see the radial wheel stay up when you click on the planet and it will stay up you mouse over options and it doesnt go away until you click out on space or you pick a option. I just feel its a tad annoying to hold the mouse button down continuously.
People more suggestons!
I will always arise from the ashes.
Joined 5499 days ago
Last seen 2377 days ago
Re. The Suggestion Page
Posted 4304 days ago
well, i suggest you release the game as it is, or as near as can be playable, patched together, and call it a beta. are you sure you're not nitpicking? we're not going to judge (too harshly), and i think it's clear by now that you have a loyal following that won't abandon you at the first glitch. just release what you got, and patch it occasionally when you want to change or update a feature. i suggest focusing more on the broad strokes and leaving the details for patching with the launcher. it doesn't have to be perfect. if you get to caught up in an o.c.d. recursion, you can get burnt out an just not want to look at it anymore.
i'm sorry if the whole real life situation has been harsh, i know it can really drag sometimes. is there anything specific you'd like to share?
anyhow, i got faith in ya, i know you'll get her done... well, it will never likely be ''done'' enough for the artists satisfaction, but ''good enough to start with'' can often help keep things moving forward in a positive direction and a more productive attitude. it almost feels like writer's block up in here.
i mean, for instance, eve has a new release every 6 months, sometimes one so impacting that it turns the entire game inside-out, and it's very different from the game that was originally released in terms of gameplay and interface, even graphics. i'm just hoping you're not too hung up on trying to make the first release of 2.0 it's final release, it's most likely going to change and evolve as the years pass, but not if the rough, decent, playable sketch is never planted and allowed to grow.
Joined 5536 days ago
Last seen 3080 days ago
Re. The Suggestion Page
Posted 4304 days ago
Celestium i partially agree with you i would enjoy a large release the seed patch is eagerly awaited by us one and all. However i also can see that if he rushes the game and it gets a bad review on it after releaseing then you go from a positive launch to a negative launch and a failure now granted as time went on jatt fixed it yatta yatta it would be a beautiful graphic and mechanic wise game and then its a 5 star game top rated and impressive. Now i want to play the game now i want to understand the new mechanics of it definetly would enjoy any playable content like constrcting buildings and raiseing a army etc.
But i would like to see a mostly done and well made game before its released but i do want it out as bad as you do. The loyal playerbase thats been here isnt gonna go anywhere so i reckon let jatt take all the time he wants not like we have much say anyway a suggestion is just a suggestion jatt doesnt got to listen :P but i agree with you in part celestium anyway its late here im off to bed night all o/
I will always arise from the ashes.
Joined 5499 days ago
Last seen 2377 days ago
Re. The Suggestion Page
Posted 4304 days ago
yeah, i hear ya. by the way, you make a great argument for the usage of punctuation. good night.
... and if it's called a beta, it won't be poorly reviewed.
Joined 4305 days ago
Last seen 2984 days ago
Re. The Suggestion Page
Posted 4304 days ago
well since seeding and buildings are unlocked id like to be able to tinker with that or a status update on when they will be actully unlocked instead of just clickable.
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