Forums > Patches > TSRV-20130531-190239
Joined 6250 days ago
Last seen 6 days ago
Posted 4117 days ago
-Fixed conflicting influence tables if more than one person takes part in an accretion
-Increased tick rate for all populated systems
-Decreased tick rate for all unpopulated systems
-Fixed issue with some stars not being assigned their proper regions
-Fixed a runaway scenario caused by certain combinations of accretion asteroids
-Fixed an overflow that could happen if a player moved more than 65'535U in less than 100ms
-Decreased startup time
-Added temporary handling for building placement
-Fixed planet naming verification
Joined 4451 days ago
Last seen 728 days ago
Re. TSRV-20130531-190239
Posted 4117 days ago
I for one for love to know how Jatt determines the names for these patch updates. I assume TSRV is for Test Server, 20130531, the date, 05/31/2013. But what about the last part? Does he mash on his keyboard?
Joined 6250 days ago
Last seen 6 days ago
Re. TSRV-20130531-190239
Posted 4117 days ago
But what about the last part?
It's the local time when the patch was baked: 19:02:39
Forums > Patches > TSRV-20130531-190239
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