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Magnus Gibson's Journal, Entry #10 September 14th
Joined 5496 days ago
Last seen 3614 days ago
Magnus Gibson's Journal, Entry #10 September 14th
Posted 4232 days ago
The last two weeks that have past since my last entry into this journal have been oddly peaceful. For living in a quadrant that is so close to the hotbed of alliances that seem to be on the brink of war breaking out, time has passed very slowly and very cautiously.
Now, I'm not one for politics usually but I do find the international relationships between the Lumarion Alliance and it's neighbors interesting. My theory on the matter is that no side wants to make the first move.
We've come a long way, both in an evolutionary and a technological sense. We've traveled the stars, terraformed planets and built gargantuan star-stations for incoming space tourism. However, so too have we advanced in our societal and political awareness.
In the distant past it would not be unlikely for one country to take up arms against another, and introduce their desire for warfare through the enactment of a devastating attack on their opposition.
Today such a strike would be unheard of, it has been at the very least one hundred years since the last full-scale war. Each side is deathly aware that they each possess the capabilities to destroy not only their neighbors but themselves in the event of a full -scale war breaking out.
Mutually assured destruction is as much a reality now as it had been in the past, especially as each side's destructive potential rose with each technological advancement.
There are the occasional whispers of black operations, something I wouldn't put past any of the alliances for considering, but all in all the conflicts that are most common in this century are mostly technological / virtual or through psychological warfare.
Anyways, I fear I will bore my future offspring reading this if I continue to wax political for much longer.
In conclusion, all hairs remain on end in our little quadrant of space. The future holds many mysteries.
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Magnus Gibson's Journal, Entry #10 September 14th
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