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Resource chains and rebalancing
Posted 4103 days ago
Have a look
hereMouse over images to see name tooltip.
Keep in mind this is a work in progress and may change as time goes on.
Feedback? Questions? Suggestions?
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Last seen 2615 days ago
Re. Resource chains and rebalancing
Posted 4102 days ago
Bugs: mouseover text for medical supplies gained from list does not match the pictures. Also same for the animals the meat and clothes gained from list.
Besides the small text bugs, I don't feel that I really know how these productions chains nor the producing buildings will work enough for good feedback.
What does a single mine produce? A single resource of the players choice?
Does the forge work the same as a mine?
The resource needs everything from the ''gained from'' list to be produces, correct? Even the jewelry and currency?
Joined 6436 days ago
Last seen 13 days ago
Re. Resource chains and rebalancing
Posted 4102 days ago
Uncle PaiPai
What does a single mine produce? A single resource of the players choice?
I'm still undecided on if you pick the product for each building (ie, a single Mine can be set to produce Iron, or Copper, but not both at the same time)
Or if a building produce all the resources all the time, just at different rates.
At the moment I'm leaning towards the first, you pick product. It adds a bit of micromanagement, but nothing that should be too tedious to play.
Does the forge work the same as a mine?
The resource needs everything from the ''gained from'' list to be produces, correct? Even the jewelry and currency?
Currency is a bit of a special case and can be made from any of the listed resources.
But yes, the other resources all need their listed ''ingredients''.
And do note that ''Still not sure about these'' label! ;)
Joined 5323 days ago
Last seen 2615 days ago
Re. Resource chains and rebalancing
Posted 4102 days ago
Currency is a bit of a special case and can be made from any of the listed resources.
But yes, the other resources all need their listed ''ingredients''.
And do note that ''Still not sure about these'' label! ;)
A potential issue I see with the current set-up is that silver seems redundant since gold and copper can also be minted.
Besides that, looks good.
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Last seen 524 days ago
Re. Resource chains and rebalancing
Posted 4102 days ago
Not many things are made from plastic. It would probably balance things out if Guns are plastic instead of steel, maybe even both.
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Re. Resource chains and rebalancing
Posted 4101 days ago
Whats up party people kiloran still around lurking from the shadows.
Here's a few opinions on the resources.
1. i feel oxygen should also be made useing plants since in real life they take in carbon dioxide and put out oxygen.
2.Nitrogen and helium may be easier to say their from a workshop. just because of the fact that its for the most part easier to make it in a workshop then actually harvest it. but this idea isnt something i care much about just though id mention it.
3.You seem to have a bit of a paradox to my view.
You need hydrogen and oxygen to make water but you need water to make both of those. so how could one make oxygen and hydrogen without water and vice versa something to consider? I suppose you could just start with both though as a lump sum when a planet is founded.
4.Under clothes add plants since clothes are made with cotton and animals at times.
5. I agree plastic components go into guns so do add plastic to guns if you agree with dauntless's idea was gonna suggest it myself but he beat me to it. curse you dauntless curse you.... anyway.
6. I agree with pai copper should either not be allowed to be minted or if you still insist you need to lower copper's exchange rates greatly lower then silver or gold so it doesnt make currency redundant.
7.If your looking for more uses in copper you could add it to almost all technology based items for example copper is used in most wireing its used in bullets so could add it to guns or just add bullets good use for copper there the wireing could be used in the engines and missles so it can have other uses aside from currency if you just wanted to remove it altogether from that catagory.
Rest of them seem pretty good do fix the issue with pictures/text but good altogether.
I do not like the idea of micromanageing every little aspect your giveing us tons of options such as buildings and trade routes production chains will be huge etc you shouldnt focus on makeing much more in depth then what you already have planned to complex or time consumeing can discourage some players. In 1.x the game was wonderful because you had a few choices and bam attack conquer etc. Now i like the features you talk about i like that its gonna be more in depth more choices fleets you can see all that is good but players arent gonna be thrilled if it takes a month before you have your place set up. full month being a bit sarcastic probley a good week or so to get the planets all set up and produceing what you need.
And how would you set it if you did make it selectable? Would it be each mine or production facility in the game be chosen at its creation what it will do for the rest of the time it exists? Or would you have it changeable where you can individually pick and change what it will do as time goes on?
Either way seems time consumeing to my viewpoint you take the time up setting them up at the start or you have to change them each time you wanna produce a diffrent element you can imagine what that would do with the amount of each building youd have.
My vote goes for a flat based rate of all resources that each building produces over time slowly.
I also would like to take this opportunity to say good work jatt keeping those updates rolling glad to see you got over your sickness and are back at work. Final say is yours but i feel if you are still torn between the choice for resource growth selectable or growth over time toss it up as a community vote for a few days and see what other people's opinions are.
Thats all for today stay cool o/
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Re. Resource chains and rebalancing
Posted 4101 days ago
Mortem Aeternam, defensor Ueritatis, defensoris Innocens, Fidei Defensoris
Joined 5536 days ago
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Re. Resource chains and rebalancing
Posted 4101 days ago
Id like to say that while if you could keep it simple it wouldnt be such a bad idea but i feel there would be to many options perhaps a compromise would be if the base structures brought in all common resources but you had factory's and workshops that built cutsom stuff like you harvest all minerals, gas, anime/plant life at flat rates but then you set the factory to make specific items like space ships or medical supplies makeing things from those base elements.
Additionally i did not mean every single item would come in at 500 copper 500 silver etc. I meant that each item could come in based on the amount of mines you have so say for example it worked something like this
Mine ~
Description- harvests the minerals of the world for use.
Copper +10/hour
Silver +7/hour
Gold +4/hour
Diamond + 2/hour
Uranium +0.5/hour
A system like that and as you build more mines it goes up same with other systems to a extent but youd have facotyr's or something that takes all those raw resources and uses them up. I dont want a imbalance of minerals either but keep in mind that there wont be a large build up because you will constantly be building up resources to create units to fight and to build trade routes, warp gates, death stars god willing that jatt adds them though he denies their existance >.> .
Additionally each player will spend vast amounts of their planets fuel's and resources to make fleets to explore dont forget there wll be black sun and monsters to defeat in the game that im sure many players wll go after also war will play a big factor into gameplay so planets will be wiped out and more resources spent but after awhile i could see what you mean after weeks/months it would eventually be possible to horde a lot of wealth and resources if no one messed with that player.
But im still going with the idea of the income i displayed above and incorporateing the thought of haveing just the factory's to where you specialize and micro manage.
Additionally i can agree resource wise it would take a little more effort to balance out the resource's but i think it would work better and jatt could always just use the old pvp server where we all could fight it out for a few weeks and that would give a good basis off of what would need to be lowered when the final tally comes in. Tweak it a little here and there and do it a few times i dont think any of us would mind pvp that is one of the biggest points toward the game is warfare anyway so i think it would be a good chance to work out all the little stuff once the game is playable.
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Re. Resource chains and rebalancing
Posted 4099 days ago
I agree with DEATH
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Re. Resource chains and rebalancing
Posted 4098 days ago
Quick note go look at the link again all its changed for those who didnt know. NOW DEBATE!
Ill now discuss the issues i see with it.
First i like to say im glad its generated over time i will say that the fact you have to switch them id like to ask a global wide way to switch them at least be added from metal to metal or etc in regards to what they produce.
I personally wouldnt want to change 50 mines individually O.o.
2.I know it will take time to tweak it and this is off a top tier world but it will still need to be adjusted i think. I would like to see what a 50/50/50 world would bring in if you could calculate that for us. or is it just double the value that are currently being shown?
3.I dont quite understand on certain items you can gain it from water but is the water replinished on the world after a time or is that water permanently gone?
4.With alcohol you may want to reduce it from 4 to maybe 3 cause for the cost of one more plant you go from 1 to 4 big gap for not much more then 1 more plant.
5.Under tools id reccomend makeing copper only give you x1 tool but if you wanted to do a little bonus of sorts maybe make steel give x3 or even x4 because its cost is higher to make steel and more tools are made from steel then copper in real life anyway.
6.Paper depending how much of a role it plays i think you need to increase it to x2 maybe even more just because x1 plant to paper ratio is not that good but still doable i suppose. Additionally though......I see no way paper is used O.o.
Just wanted to say jewelry is excellent balanced nicely.
As is medical supplies, And what i mean is that both of them use items like we do in real life the numbers may need tweaking like the rest of the buildings/resource generation though.
7. Plating if your gonna make 2x plateing with titanium then increase the number of titanium the current amount you get at that speed means you could make it a bit to easy.
8.I feel electronic recipe with copper needs to be higher priced if your gonna use copper its a to easy resource to get charge more.
9.Guns need more steel if your gonna make a lump of 5 at a time increase the need for steel
Missles and Engines im pretty ok with for the most part *thumbs up*
10.Power im just not sure about that would need a tiral to find a good value for people/power generation but thats probley not to far off.
11.Im still a little confused here about the factory with oxygen and hydrogen jatt on there it has listed that they can both be made with nothing so you get those two gases for free once in awhile? Is that the way you replinish your worlds water?
12.I am pretty happy with the costs for makeing new buildings a few of them are a bit steep but given that with each building your increaseing output a good deal its pretty good balance id like to think anyway.
Those are the big things i spotted likely some minor ones still there but those are what i consider issues to be addressed lets see what pai and the rest think woot. Good work jatt keep at it!
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Last seen 2615 days ago
Re. Resource chains and rebalancing
Posted 4097 days ago
1000rans, I have responded to yer post, WIF TEH MAF
1. You will probably want different mines making different stuff
2. I dunno, it could mean double time needed. Jatt was talking earlier about a possible production max
3. Nitrogen and Oxygen are makeable without water, and you can make water from those things
4. It also takes farm production, but I do see your point. For math ease, I'll treat the fruit/vegetable 8s as 7.5s. Also, I will scale up to 24 alcohol per 15 seconds as any less is less efficient for the veget&fruit way.
plant way takes 24 plants per 15 seconds and 24 refineries.
F/V takes, 6 refineries, 4 farms, and 8 plants per 15 seconds.
Scaling down, F/V way will always be more plant efficient. Normal plant way will be more building efficient at... 2 alcohol per 15 seconds or lower. Normal plant method fails :/
if F/V made only 3, plant method is more efficient, building wise. at still 2 alcohol per 15 seconds or less.
If F/V were 2, plant method will be more efficient at 3 alcohol per 15 seconds or less.
Now, if F/V method was 1, plant method would finally be more plant efficient. and more building efficient at 5 alcohol per 15 seconds or less
5. hmm... for copper, you can do it with 5 shops and two mines for 2 tools/3 sec while steel will need 2 shops, 4 forges, and 5 mines(4 iron, 1 coal) for 2 tools/3 sec. 7 buildings with a surplus of 10 copper per minute vs 11 buildings with a surplus of 6 coal, 12 iron and 8 steel per minute.
6. Without seeing use, decided rate is a bit silly :P
7. I won't due the math because eyeballing it I am sure that the increase of steel needed from 8 to 20 per 50 seconds will offset the increase of 4 to 5 plating per 50 seconds.
8. Yup, copper is cheap while silicon is even cheaper, will easily ooutproduce the silly coal requiring gold
9. Guns will depend on in what quantity they are needed, same with missles and sngines
10. Yup, trial and error needed
11. look at refineries, they can make oxygen and hydrogen from nothing
12. Does seem a bit harsh in places, it does not need to remain a linear increase all the times
We don't know what our empire will require, however we can calculate the most efficient method to obtain said resources given the numbers.
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