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LIve stream 20th - 23rd
Joined 5536 days ago
Last seen 3080 days ago
LIve stream 20th - 23rd
Posted 4101 days ago
Thought id toss up a thread for this since there wasnt one yet and i was here.
Lets see if we can bring up any new questions or idea's for jatt to answer or discuss as posibilities.
1. How far along is planet management if you could write it as a percentage. im just trying to guage how far along you are now i know before your flu you said it wasnt to far off.
2.Are there any plans to add more resources to the game? Just in general not looking for specifics.
3.Will there be a cap on all resources or could a planet concieveably grow its resources infinitely I think you may have answered this before but if you did i cant recall.
4.In regards to the live stream Dont forget to write the times for it down so people know in advance when you will be livestreaming. thats more a reminder but eh.
5.Why would you lean more toward chooseing a production resource for each building. This is being discussed on another forum thread but I would like to understand why you personally think it would not be tedious.
6.You once said that in 1.x it took nearly 4 hours a day of maintenence could you tell us a little bit more about what you had to go through nothing in depth just for example what problems happened that needed your attention each day was it error's or just needed management?
7.This is in relation to the above question if 1.x needed 4 hours and this game is far more complex in design then will 2.0 also require much more management or downtime then 1.x im just curious.
Also due to family i regret to say that i wont be able to watch friday or saturday but should be here sunday depending on when your doing it. Ill try to tune in but in the event i miss this someone write down the answers he gives.
Have a great weekend if i dont post before then keep safe o/ .
I will always arise from the ashes.
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LIve stream 20th - 23rd
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