Forums > Off-topic > Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Uncle PaiPai
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Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3915 days ago
Round 6 was cut short, due to being overly ambitious and requiring too much number crunching, but let me try to make it up with round 7.

Round 7 will be higher level than round 6, with more focus on pleasing factions like Tropico then strict building stuff. It may fail horribly, but there is only one way to find out :D

Creating your town:
It is assumed that the town has been running for a while before you took leadership. So answer these questions:

What is your name?
(Traditional Anection names end in -ius, but I won't limit you to that)

What is your town name?
(Please don't make it too wierd)

What faction did your town initially immigrate from?
(Factions are Anection government, Yupher Square Scholars, PaiPaihian Paladins, Boxpipe Cultists, or some random town)

How did you take power?
(This will also determine what kind of government you start out running)

What is the natural features in and around the town?
(Try not to go too overboard)

The starting local infrastructure will be steel mills, with town guards with steel armor, steel weaponry, and composite bows.

As always feel free to talk to me for questions, concerns, clarifications, or whatever. The game proper is currently planned to start Sunday.
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Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3914 days ago
What is this?
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3914 days ago
What is this?

A forum RPG that I've been trying to perfect for a while.
See the previous round hat failed due to too much work on my end here:
Or the last normal round here:
I'm trying to get it better and more fun (for players and for myself), and am currently under the delusion that the town idea will work out better.
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Last seen 878 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3888 days ago
My name is Augustusus

My town's name is Monthayearalandia

My town originally emmigrated from the PaiPaihian Paladins, but our people broke off and started their own town when they began to worship the 27 months of the year.

I took power when Yborcsiumusus, the previous ruler (named for the Month of Yborcsium), died from old age at 528. Some say he took steroids or some shit. Definetely had Botox treatments, though. The 27 Senators of Time convened and voted me the next Timely Watcher for my exemplary service in making wrist watches, as well as safeguarding the Holy Calendar against the evil paper termites of the north.

The town lies on a plateau on the slopes of Mount Calendar, a river called the River Januarineez lies a little under a mile away, and the people of Monthayearalandia have a thriving mining industry in and around Mount Calendar.

There used to be an enormnity of abundant forests all around for as far as the eye could see, which would have amounted to an enormous asset and probably would've made Mount Calendar impenetrable to it's enemies, as this forest was practically impossible to navigate. Unfortunately, almost the entire forest was completely leveled to meet Monthayearalandia's extremely excessive demand for the manufacture of emergency calendars. All that remains of the forest is a decent-sized grove of floppy trees (amazing for the production of paper for our calendars) no farther from Mount Calendar than the River Januarineez.

Additionally, there is a Gorge about a mile away which the children are told to stay far away from. It is said that the Gorge has no bottom, and leads down into the dark abyss of timelessness, where no time, and by extension, no months pass. In reality, thats a load of LIIIIES. The gorge is like a mile and a half deep and we use it for top-secret mining operations for precious rare earth metals used primarily in our atomic clocks for hyper-accurate calendaring.
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3887 days ago
Someone finally made a city, lets get started :D

Year 0 events:
Augustusus was voted to be the Timely Watcher of Monthayearalandia by the Senators of Time.

Player: Scroby
Town Name: Monthayearalandia
Location: Mountainside; Near a river; Near a gorge; Very light forest
Leader: Timely Watcher Augustusus
Government: Theological Representative Democracy
Local Tech level: Steel mills
Population: In the 10'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 1'000s (20% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 10'000s (20% of population; armed with steel weaponry; Paladin Trained)
Special buildings: Paladin Training Grounds
Calanderists: 40%-60% of population; Strong Approval
Militerists: 20%-40% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Approval
Anection Capital: Neutral
Yupher Square: Disapproval
Cultests: Strong Disapproval

Inter-Anection Relations:
Anection Capital: Neutral to Yupher Square; Disapproval to Cultests; Neutral to Paladins
Yupher Square: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Neutral to Cultests; Disapproval to Paladins
Cultests: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Neutral to Scholars; Strong Disapproval to Paladins
Yupher Square: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultests

Some notes:
The vague numbers are due to bad census data, this can be improved.
The population inmaintinence include food gathering and building those minor buildings that cities need.
For the tech level, most of the knowledge is discovered. However the city needs to build up infrastructure to use it, and train locals in the know-how.

Again, feel free to ask me questions or point out stuff I missed, as I am figuring things out as I go along.
Joined 4602 days ago
Last seen 878 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3887 days ago
Augustusus makes a biiiiiig announcement!

He sets all of Monthayearalandia's construction workers and builders to begin building a Biiiiig Particle Accelerator! He declares that this will aid the town's efforts in rediscovering the long-lost 28th Month of the Year.

Augustusus also encourages his populace to reproduce as often as possible, although not in public if it is avoidable.

He declares these acts will result in a stronger Monthayearalandia, and greatly improve the town's chances of rediscovering the 28th Month.

Augustusus also sends out 50% of the military forces of Monthayearalandia to scout our surroundings in the hope of finding more natural resources, specfically anything related to energy production or energy research. Fission, Fussion, Superdupersilicon for Solar Panels.. string, hell, I dunno.

Augustusus also sends a diplomatic delegation to the Scholars to improve relations. If the delegation is successful and diplomatic relations improve, Augustusus requests that the Scholars send specialists to educate whatever scientists and engineers Monthayearalandia has in Particle Physics.

In short:

Population is pressured to have many babbehs.

Construction of Particle Accelerator is commenced, and continues until the next round. Particle Accelerator is built underground, deeep beneath Mount Calendar. Miners use their expertise to be awesome. (Only the frame is constructed, all electronics and stuff are not built yet.)

50% of military forces go out and scout out the sorrounding 50-200 miles, the distance scouted depending on how long the next turn/round is. If the round is long enough so that the whole 200 miles are scouted, then the military forces come back to Monthayearalandia and begin training more soldiers from the Paladins Training Grounds we have.

Attempt to improve diplomatic relations with Scholars. If successful, request training of town's academic personel in Particle Physics.
Joined 5351 days ago
Last seen 2195 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3887 days ago
My town is untitled. Its nestled into the bank of a dry and arid river bed that has been dried and cracked for centuries.

Hardly anyone lives there and those that do live a poor meager existence of hardship, disease, and starvation. The only thing keeping this ''town'' alive is the local mission and the constant influx of refugees trying to pass through the desert this place is located. If were not for the priests of the town it would have dried long ago.

The priests are not the savors of the town though. They are corrupt, gluttonous, half-mad beings that prey on poor souls that have the misfortune of finding the hell hole. The priests mascaraed as the disciples of their god and fool the dying people into a tyrannical theocracy. They live lavishly as everything around them wilts. Even they couldn't live so if were not for their Holy Band.

A small but strong group of men that have been brainwashed into an existence that has driven them from crusade to crusade. They only know of their undying loyalty to serve god (w/e the priests say) and of blood. They now round up the lost refugees crossing the desert and ferry them to the mission where they are indoctrinated into the religion, stripped of their property and left to rot, unless the priesthood sees a use for them. whether it be hard labor, war, or slave trafficking.
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Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3887 days ago
Grantrithor, you didn't put the name of the leader nor the faction the town emigrated from.
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3887 days ago
Due to missing info, I won't add Grant's city yet.

Year 1 events:
Mothayearlandia finishes a particle accelerator frame. It's population grows, but there is no census to keep track of it. The scouts find nothing of importance, however the embassy to Yupher Square returned with a proposal: They will send experts if they are allowed to build a Yupher Laboritory in the city. Local Paladins of the Militarist Faction are annoyed at the increased Yupher relations and warn that the Scholars are just trying to steal secret Paladin techniques.

Player: Scroby
Town Name: Monthayearalandia
Location: Mountainside; Near a river; Near a gorge; Very light forest
Leader: Timely Watcher Augustusus
Government: Theological Representative Democracy
Local Tech level: Steel mills
Population: In the 10'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 1'000s (20% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 10'000s (20% of population; armed with steel weaponry; Paladin Trained)
Special buildings: Paladin Training Grounds, Particle Accelerator Frame
Calanderists: 40%-60% of population; Strong Approval
Militarists: 20%-40% of population; Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Approval
Anection Capital: Neutral
Yupher Square: Neutral
Cultests: Strong Disapproval

Inter-Anection Relations:
Anection Capital: Neutral to Yupher Square; Disapproval to Cultests; Neutral to Paladins
Yupher Square: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Neutral to Cultests; Disapproval to Paladins
Cultests: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Neutral to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Paladins
Paladins: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultests
Joined 4602 days ago
Last seen 878 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3887 days ago
Augustusus replies to the Yupher Scholar's requests for a laboratory in Monthayearalandia with great eagerness, however requests that the laboratory be located under Mount Calendar, both for safety concerns as well as the availability of laboratory space within the mine shafts, and offers to construct the lab to their specifications (as long as they are within reason).

Augustusus orders the increase of Monthayearalandia's Military by 25% both to please the militants as well as in anticipation of a paper termite invasion.

Augustusus also initiates plans to establish a reliable power grid in Monthayearalandia, on a combination of hydroelectric from the River Januaraeez(or however I spelled it before), Solar from the.. sun.. and Wind from turbines placed throughout the mountains, as well as Geothermal power. Magma flows have probably been discovered in the long mining history of Monthayearalandia, but I'll leave just how much magma (if any) to the Paipaihian powers that be.
Joined 5351 days ago
Last seen 2195 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3886 days ago
fill in missing info u feel is appropriate,
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Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3885 days ago
Year 2 events:
Augustusus agrees to the Yupher's terms, and his military increase succeeds in pleasing the militarists. Builders start on the local power system, progress is good, but slow due to the enviromental requirements. The scholars show up at the end of the year.

Tordius became the cardinal of Untitled. That not very cheerful place originated from the Anection Capital.

Player: Scroby
Town Name: Monthayearalandia
Location: Mountainside; Near a river; Near a gorge; Very light forest
Leader: Timely Watcher Augustusus
Government: Theological Representative Democracy
Local Tech level: Steel mills
Population: In the 10'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 1'000s (15% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; armed with steel weaponry; Paladin Trained)
Special buildings: Paladin Training Grounds, Particle Accelerator Frame
Calanderists: 40%-60% of population; Strong Approval
Militarists: 20%-40% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Approval
Anection Capital: Neutral
Yupher Square: Neutral
Cultests: Strong Disapproval

Player: Grantrithor
Town Name: Untitled
Location: Arid and cracked riverbed
Leader: Cardinal Tordius
Government: Theological Oligarchical Dictatorship
Local Tech level: Steel mills
Population: In the 100'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 10'000s (35% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 1'000s (5% of population; armed with steel weaponry)
Special buildings:
Theologists: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
Proletariat: 60%-80% of population; Disapproval
Fanatic Warriors: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Disapproval
Anection Capital: Disapproval
Yupher Square: Disapproval
Cultests: Disapproval

Inter-Anection Relations:
Anection Capital: Neutral to Yupher Square; Disapproval to Cultests; Neutral to Paladins
Yupher Square: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Neutral to Cultests; Disapproval to Paladins
Cultests: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Neutral to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Paladins
Paladins: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultests
Joined 5351 days ago
Last seen 2195 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3885 days ago
As the christening of Cardinal Tordius to the Holy See came to pass. So did word from the Lord. He commands that a great monument be built. So that all the world should know His power. That He is the one true god and no other stand before Him.

As a result the Proletariat class is further split into the uneducated and educated. The later being craftsman, masons, fisherman, stone cutters, traders, millers, and so on. The former being the labor.

A small amount in wealth then shifted but, no money was made. All that occurred was that the labor populace had become significantly more deprived. Although for the most part knowing their place and that the Lord's word must be done. The craftsman had become slightly more wealthy and happy. The priesthood and their ''patrons'' made a fuck ton of money.

The monuments to be built were a giant effigy of God's divine spirit. Made of gold, silver, gems, and glistening limestone. At his base was a modest temple with a sprawl of gardens and fountains in every direction. It is erected in the high bank over watching the city.

There is also a project started on a major renovation to the mission into a worthy compound with a cryptorium, huge cathedral, observatory, and library.

Seeing as the current population could never feasibly take on these tasks. The Holy Band had become tasked with upping their game and capturing more travelers and now villagers to provide slave labor. While the other half of the military began its own construction of a large training barracks designed partly like a Ludus comprised of heavy training, officer school, and engineering. These two posts were alternated so that the Holy Band not only were seasoned soldiers with a brutal understanding of war, but capable engineers able to construct bridges, walls, earthwork fortifications, and roads with relative ease and travel swiftly in doing so.
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Last seen 878 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3885 days ago
Augustusus eagerly awaits the instruction of the Yupher scientists.

Augustusus orders the cities' engineers to continue work on the power system, and has the town commence immediate social reform for the improvement of the quality of life.

Augustusus has the miners expand the mines in the Gorge and the Mountain.

Augustusus has the military reinforce current defenses and upgrade munitions.

Augustusus orders the construction of a new Temple in worship of the 27 months of the year.
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3884 days ago
Year 3 events:
A prominant Yupher was revealed to be sheltering cultest activities. Despite the evidence, Yupher Square officials denies all claims and protect the Yupher. The Paladin's relations with Yupher Square is lowered.

It was a bad year of Monthayearalandia. The Scholars survey the town. They are very disappointed with the low level of development in the town, so they just pack their bags and leave. Construction on the green power system is slowed due to a bad accident in the steel mills cause the produced still to be weak. A cave-in also gives the mines a set-back. At least the military's defensive measures, in the form of a series of outposts, go forward with no problems.

And so Cardinal Tordius proclaimed. Craftsman were lifted in status and became less unhappy, while the remaining labor has a horrible case of the sads. The massive projects were started, but the only completed one is the large barracks. Military forces go out to capture new slaves, and try to jump what they didn't realize was a large group of Paladins.
BATTLE: Untitled(1'250 MP) vs Paladin Caravan (3'000 MP)
Round 1: Untitled's forces are fought back, taking only minor casualties. Despite being victorious, the caravan took moderate casualties. The Paladins press on to fight.
Round 2: Untitled's forces fight back with well trained ferocity, beating up the Paladin attackers, however taking major casualties. The Paladins however take only minimal casualties. The fanatics press forward.
Round 3: Untitled's forces continue to press the Paladins back, taking only moderate casualties. The Paladins cracked and take severe casualties. The fanatics press forward.
Round 4: Despite being faced by a superior force, Untitled's fanatics are surprising the Paladins by their ferocity in battle, taking no casualties while the Paladins are taking moderate. The Paladins surrender.
They return to celebritory cheers with slaves and captured paladins. The caravan was shipping military supplies and equipment, and some Paladin books of strategy and training manuals.

Player: Scroby
Town Name: Monthayearalandia
Location: Mountainside; Near a river; Near a gorge; Very light forest
Leader: Timely Watcher Augustusus
Government: Theological Representative Democracy
Local Tech level: Steel mills
Population: In the 10'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 1'000s (15% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; armed with steel weaponry; Paladin Trained)
Special buildings: Paladin Training Grounds, Particle Accelerator Frame, Strategic defensive outposts
Calanderists: 40%-60% of population; Strong Approval
Militarists: 20%-40% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Approval
Anection Capital: Neutral
Yupher Square: Neutral
Cultests: Strong Disapproval

Player: Grantrithor
Town Name: Untitled
Location: Arid and cracked riverbed
Leader: Cardinal Tordius
Government: Theological Oligarchical Dictatorship
Local Tech level: Steel mills
Population: In the 100'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 10'000s (35% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 1'000s (5% of population; armed with steel weaponry; Grand Barracks)
Special buildings: Grand Barracks
Theologists: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
Proletariat: 40%-60% of population; Strong Disapproval
Craftsman: 20-40% of population; Neutral
Fanatic Warriors: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Disapproval
Anection Capital: Disapproval
Yupher Square: Disapproval
Cultests: Disapproval

Inter-Anection Relations:
Anection Capital: Neutral to Yupher Square; Disapproval to Cultests; Neutral to Paladins
Yupher Square: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Neutral to Cultests; Disapproval to Paladins
Cultests: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Neutral to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Paladins
Paladins: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Strong Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultests
Joined 5351 days ago
Last seen 2195 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3883 days ago
At the newly constructed Grand Barracks, Cardinal Tordius looks out upon a square filled with 60 thousand. He addressed them in grand fashion declaring that the recent victory over the paladins was a religious one. That they are on a crusade for the promised land. The first step to reclaiming the Holy Land has been taken and that this city and the land around shall be called forever more Jooroosooloom. The pomp and grandeur of the parade and speech that followed instilled a religious fervor among all present.

Build orders stand as stated before and the military continues looking for slaves and raiding. The supplies and such are put to use and studied at the new barracks. So that the may adapt the paladin strategy into their own and create a hybrid of them both. They study these books intently so that they may know their enemy.
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Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3883 days ago
Year 4 events:
There is much cheer in the population of Monthayearalandia as the power grid goes online. Augustusus is praised by Duhnin (Paladin Capital in case you don't remember) for his extremely happy population. Augustusus gets stronger ties with the Paladin Capital, and Joy Paladin Marcius (Head Paladin guy) sends Monthayearalandia a team of builders and engineers to improve the local tech level and infrastructure. Meanwhile, the military forces utilize the electrisity to upgrade the strategic outpost system, while reinforing the individual outposts.

Meanwhile at Untitled, labor does labor, craftsmen do crafts, and the priests get fatter. The expiditionary force, on the other hand, tries to raid what they didn't realise was a Paladin village.
BATTLE: Untitled(3'300 MP) vs Paladin Village (10'000 MP)
Round 1: Despite facing superior numbers and training, Untitled's fanatics puch forward, taking major casualties, but forcing the enemy to take severe casualties. They triumphantly press the
Round 2: The march proved to be not so triumphant, as the Village repulsed the attack. The fanatics took severe casualties while the Paladins took major. The Paladins press the attackers.
Round 3: The fanatics regroup and take the initiative, suffering moderate casualties but making the Paladins take severe. The fanatics press forward.
Round 4: The fanatics' march is not stopped, and both sides take moderate casualties. The fanatics press their advantage.
Round 5: The Paladins just can't stop the charge, and are routed out of the village. The fanatics take moderate casualties.
Slaves galore swell the ranks, and more Paladin training gear and prisoners. However, the battles have left the military exhausted, it will be unable to contudt any operation for a year. Also, Untitled's relations with the Paladins sours as news of the attack spread to them.

Player: Scroby
Town Name: Monthayearalandia
Location: Mountainside; Near a river; Near a gorge; Very light forest
Leader: Timely Watcher Augustusus
Government: Theological Representative Democracy
Local Tech level: Steel mills
Population: In the 10'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 1'000s (15% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; armed with steel weaponry; Paladin Trained)
Special buildings: Paladin Training Grounds, Particle Accelerator Frame, Reinforced and Powered Strategic Outpost System, Green Power system.
Calanderists: 40%-60% of population; Strong Approval
Militarists: 20%-40% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Approval
Anection Capital: Neutral
Yupher Square: Neutral
Cultests: Strong Disapproval

Player: Grantrithor
Town Name: Untitled
Location: Arid and cracked riverbed
Leader: Cardinal Tordius
Government: Theological Oligarchical Dictatorship
Local Tech level: Steel mills
Population: In the 100'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 10'000s (35% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 1'000s (5% of population; armed with steel weaponry; Grand Barracks)
Special buildings: Grand Barracks
Theologists: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
Proletariat: 40%-60% of population; Strong Disapproval
Craftsman: 20-40% of population; Neutral
Fanatic Warriors: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Disapproval
Anection Capital: Disapproval
Yupher Square: Disapproval
Cultests: Disapproval

Inter-Anection Relations:
Anection Capital: Neutral to Yupher Square; Disapproval to Cultests; Neutral to Paladins
Yupher Square: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Neutral to Cultests; Disapproval to Paladins
Cultests: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Neutral to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Paladins
Paladins: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Strong Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultests
Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3883 days ago
I would like to join is it okay if mi started out like this

Stats:Name: Atlus
Town name Wakabyashi immigrated from some random town. 200 years ago we since then were forgotten in history

I took power by election

The surrounding area is a large Island with a folded mountain made of granite limestone and sandstone on the cliff with a cave there is a redwood forest around the mountain the coast is a marsh filled with sulfur and yellow can see slopes of Mount Calendar in the horizon across a sea with a current that will destroy or damage any wooden ships the current weakens on the summer solstice to calming waters

------------------------Populated places--------------------------

Wakabyashi :steel mill,2 lumber mill,1 charcoal pit,1 museum,1 research facility, 20 schools including colleges
population : 150000
1% prospecting
15%Constructing guys
5%Lumber jacks
3 great scientist
the rest are just people
500 Composite Bows
300 steel swords
3 damaged wooden escape boats 200 years old
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3882 days ago
Year 5 events:
Augustusus's builders start on a new, grand temple. After the year of work, the foundations gave away due to an error in the blueprints, erasing the year of progress. The military, in the absence of new orders, decide that the outpost system can be upgraded with a wall, so they begin construction of a great wall. The Paladin engineers upgrade the stuff, but overtax the power system. High command orders the engineers to fix things. The local population is displeased with the brown-outs. Paladin High Command tells the locals to suck it up, causing the locals to get angry at Paladin officials. Augustusus successfully intervenes and defuses tensions, making everyone happy, and impressing the on site Paladin foremen. Still, no electricity next turn.

Cardinal Tordius makes his speech, and the people cheer. It is unknown if they did this because they really believed it, or if they were just scarred of the military. He also renamed the town. No slave hunting today due to major casualties, but the training manuals were studied and the prisoners were interrogated. Progress was hampered somewhat by a belief that the fanatics were too good for
paladin training methods, but the priesthood got them back in line with no fuss.

Atlus was elected president of Wakabyashi. (I ignored everything after populated place, because it is too specific and too strong)

Player: Scroby
Town Name: Monthayearalandia
Location: Mountainside; Near a river; Near a gorge; Very light forest
Leader: Timely Watcher Augustusus
Government: Theological Representative Democracy
Local Tech level: Gunpowder Production
Population: In the 10'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 1'000s (15% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; armed with steel weaponry; Paladin Trained)
Special buildings: Paladin Training Grounds, Particle Accelerator Frame, Reinforced and Powered Strategic Outpost System, Green Power system.
Calanderists: 40%-60% of population; Strong Approval
Militarists: 20%-40% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Approval
Anection Capital: Neutral
Yupher Square: Neutral
Cultests: Strong Disapproval

Player: Grantrithor
Town Name: Jooroosooloom
Location: Arid and cracked riverbed
Leader: Cardinal Tordius
Government: Theological Oligarchical Dictatorship
Local Tech level: Steel mills
Population: In the 100'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 10'000s (35% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 1'000s (5% of population; armed with steel weaponry; Grand Barracks)
Special buildings: Grand Barracks
Theologists: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
Proletariat: 40%-60% of population; Strong Disapproval
Craftsman: 20-40% of population; Neutral
Fanatic Warriors: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Disapproval
Anection Capital: Disapproval
Yupher Square: Disapproval
Cultests: Disapproval

Player: erlae0000
Town Name: Wakabyashi
Location: Island with mountain, forest, and marsh
Leader: President Atlus
Government: Democracy
Local Tech level: Steel mills
Population: In the 10'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 1'000s (20% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 1'000s (20% of population; armed with steel weaponry)
Special buildings:
Locals: 80%-100%; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Neutral
Anection Capital: Neutral
Yupher Square: Neutral
Cultests: Neutral

Inter-Anection Relations:
Anection Capital: Neutral to Yupher Square; Disapproval to Cultests; Neutral to Paladins
Yupher Square: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Neutral to Cultests; Disapproval to Paladins
Cultests: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Neutral to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Paladins
Paladins: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Strong Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultests
Joined 4602 days ago
Last seen 878 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3882 days ago
Augustusus, having been sure to have submitted the previous round's orders, realizes he is a blundering bubblebutt.

He takes advantage of the now-operational power grid to order the construction of research laboratories. He states they shall serve to supplement our need for technological development after the Yupher Scholars decided not to assist them.

Augustusus praises the military for it's ingenuity in the absence of new orders, and expresses an eagerness for its continued construction.

Monthayearalandia's engineers are ordered to redesign the temple, and Augustusus shows great understanding and forgiveness in their previous errors.
Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3882 days ago
President Atlus Makes the steel mill start using the Bessemer Process and has also issued to build schools, colleges to increase education and a Fort mines, war blimp factory's ,bomb factory and a Trade-immigration office The remaining workers will start to build Wakabyashi space center and a rocket-fuel factory.
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3882 days ago
Year 6 events:
Tensions amazingly fall in Anection after a cultist saves Anection President Marvius's life from a building fire.

Augustusus is pleased to see that the labs, temple and walls are completed during the year. Augustusus's people are also pleased. News of this spread to Yupher Square, where a different team of scholars agreed and came to build the Particle Accelerator. The locals were very displeased, but Augustusus successfully intervenes and gets the locals to agree to this. The Paladin engineers fixed up the brownouts and upgrade the local arsenals to muskets before leaving.

In Jooroosooloom, the military still hasn't recovered enough to resume slave raiding, but they successfully added in a few Paladin techniques to the regiment. Meanwhile, to Cardinal Tordius's joy, the monument and the mission are both completed. However, the Proletariat used the monument as a symbol of their oppression. Causing...
ATTEMPTED REVOLT by the Proletariat and Craftsmen. (10'800 MP) Stopped by the military (6'750 MP)
Round 1: The fanatics move in quickly to suppress the revolt, they take major casualties while the rioters take light.
Round 2: The superior numbers of the rioters overpower the fanatics, causing the fanatics to take major casualties while the rioters take minor.
Round 3: Despite being very good at taking out Paladins, the fanatics can't seem to handle the riot, taking massive casualties while the rioters take moderate.
Round 4: The riot breaks the fanatics and forced them back due to sheer numbers.
The monument is burnt, and the rioters are demanding democracy and equality. Despite the riots, none of the Paladin prisoners escaped as the locals also hate the paladins.

President Atlus has his people upgrade the infrastructure to increase the local tech level. (Again, erlae0000, you are being way too specific with the orders, look to what Scroby and Grant are ordering. The cities mostly run themselves, you make the major decisions like super-projects, military attacks, and foreign relations.)

Player: Scroby
Town Name: Monthayearalandia
Location: Mountainside; Near a river; Near a gorge; Very light forest
Leader: Timely Watcher Augustusus
Government: Theological Representative Democracy
Local Tech level: Gunpowder Production
Population: In the 10'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 1'000s (15% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; armed with muskets; Paladin Trained)
Special buildings: Paladin Training Grounds, Particle Accelerator Frame, Reinforced, Powered and Walled Strategic Outpost System, Green Power system, Underground Labs, Grand Temple
Calanderists: 40%-60% of population; Strong Approval
Militarists: 20%-40% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Approval
Anection Capital: Neutral
Yupher Square: Approval
Cultests: Strong Disapproval

Player: Grantrithor
Town Name: Jooroosooloom
Location: Arid and cracked riverbed
Leader: Cardinal Tordius
Government: Theological Oligarchical Dictatorship
Local Tech level: Steel mills
Population: In the 100'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 10'000s (35% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 1'000s (5% of population; armed with steel weaponry; Grand Barracks; Paladin techniques)
Special buildings: Grand Barracks, Grand Mission
Theologists: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
Proletariat: 40%-60% of population; Strong Disapproval
Craftsman: 20-40% of population; Disapproval
Fanatic Warriors: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Disapproval
Anection Capital: Disapproval
Yupher Square: Disapproval
Cultests: Disapproval

Player: erlae0000
Town Name: Wakabyashi
Location: Island with mountain, forest, and marsh
Leader: President Atlus
Government: Democracy
Local Tech level: Gunpowder Production
Population: In the 10'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 1'000s (20% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 1'000s (20% of population; armed with steel weaponry)
Special buildings:
Locals: 80%-100%; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Neutral
Anection Capital: Neutral
Yupher Square: Neutral
Cultests: Neutral

Inter-Anection Relations:
Anection Capital: Neutral to Yupher Square; Neutral to Cultests; Neutral to Paladins
Yupher Square: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Neutral to Cultests; Disapproval to Paladins
Cultests: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Neutral to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Paladins
Paladins: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Strong Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultests
Joined 5351 days ago
Last seen 2195 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3882 days ago
The cardinals join for a try and figure out the instigators of the riot and leaders that are popping up in the masses. Once identified the fanatics go into the night and assassinate them.

This is done in such a way that doesn't suggest human involvement but, divine punishment by God for the destruction of His monument.

Afterwards, Cardinal Tordius does a speech at the newly constructed cathedral pleading with the people to act accordingly to God's word as He has told Tordius if the wrongs against God are not put right all will suffer.

If the Proletariat react poorly then, the quarter they live in is mysteriously set ablaze and the crops are ruined by a pestilence.
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Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3882 days ago
President Atlus issues Mass production of Rifles to increase military power and a Space Center to go to the moon
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3881 days ago
Year 7 events:
Agustusus welcomes the Yuphers, whom get set up in the labs, they request a lab upgrade and say that the local tech is too low. THe lab upgrades go slow due to arguments between the Yuphers and builders, while the local tech is upgraded without a problem.

Cardinal Tordius orders the assassinations, that go on without a hitch. After a speak to reignite the fear of PaiPai in people, things started going more-or-less back to order, except that some Paladin prisoners successfully break out of the prison and flee.

President Atlus orders to upgrade the local weaponry and start on a space program. Poor local tech went in the way of the space program, so the engineers upgraded the local tech instead.

Player: Scroby
Town Name: Monthayearalandia
Location: Mountainside; Near a river; Near a gorge; Very light forest
Leader: Timely Watcher Augustusus
Government: Theological Representative Democracy
Local Tech level: Aluminium Mills
Population: In the 10'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 1'000s (15% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; armed with muskets; Paladin Trained)
Special buildings: Paladin Training Grounds, Particle Accelerator Frame, Reinforced, Powered and Walled Strategic Outpost System, Green Power system, Underground Yupher Labs, Grand Temple
Calanderists: 40%-60% of population; Strong Approval
Militarists: 20%-40% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Approval
Anection Capital: Neutral
Yupher Square: Approval
Cultests: Strong Disapproval

Player: Grantrithor
Town Name: Jooroosooloom
Location: Arid and cracked riverbed
Leader: Cardinal Tordius
Government: Theological Oligarchical Dictatorship
Local Tech level: Steel mills
Population: In the 100'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 10'000s (35% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 1'000s (5% of population; armed with steel weaponry; Grand Barracks; Paladin techniques)
Special buildings: Grand Barracks, Grand Mission
Theologists: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
Proletariat: 40%-60% of population; Strong Disapproval
Craftsman: 20-40% of population; Disapproval
Fanatic Warriors: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Disapproval
Anection Capital: Disapproval
Yupher Square: Disapproval
Cultests: Disapproval

Player: erlae0000
Town Name: Wakabyashi
Location: Island with mountain, forest, and marsh
Leader: President Atlus
Government: Democracy
Local Tech level: Aluminium Mills
Population: In the 10'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 1'000s (20% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 1'000s (20% of population; armed with muskets)
Special buildings:
Locals: 80%-100%; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Neutral
Anection Capital: Neutral
Yupher Square: Neutral
Cultests: Neutral

Inter-Anection Relations:
Anection Capital: Neutral to Yupher Square; Neutral to Cultests; Neutral to Paladins
Yupher Square: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Neutral to Cultests; Disapproval to Paladins
Cultests: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Neutral to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Paladins
Paladins: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Strong Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultests
Joined 5351 days ago
Last seen 2195 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3881 days ago
Cardinal Tordius now sends fanatics to the dead collaborators families. If they do comply in serving a lifetime of hard labor they are killed, their children are killed and their house and possessions are given to the state.

Cardinal Tordius says this is what must be done in order to please God and that if we do not straighten our act and turn our attention to his divine works and the destruction of heretics even more drastic actions will have to be taken.

Restoration of the monument commences.
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Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3881 days ago
It seems that my population is not growing so i pass a immigration act and just for tech i will raise funding for research and schools and start the organization of Atomic Space technology that will research rockets and nuclear weapons.
Joined 4602 days ago
Last seen 878 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3881 days ago
Augustusus goes to damage control mode between the builders and the Yuphers, making sure they all love each other like brothers within a year's time.

Augustusus orders the construction of a town-wide indoor plumbing system and a very efficient waste management system in an effort to please the ghost of the 17th month of the Year, Innitawinnit, who has been suspected of haunting numerous citizens for a few consecutive nights over having to have walked so far to the River Januarineez to take a piss during his time in the land of the living.

Augustusus has his artisans and painters and makers of frilly things make gifts and culturally pretty things. He sends these gifts to the Paladins in appreciation for all their awesomeness.

He sends a diplomatic team to the Yupher Capital in the hopes of being recognized as a sovereign city-state with the Capital, to solidify their relationship much as it has been solidified with the Paladins.
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3879 days ago
Year 8 events:
Augustusus manages to get the locals and the Yuphers to kinda like eachother, but tensions are still higher then he would like. The local builders do not want Innitawinnit to be displeased, so they quickly made a great sewage system, streamlining waist management and making people happier. Monthayearalandia gets written as Happiest Place of the Year in magazines spread around the Anection Capital, causing high immigration of Communists from there. The Paladins like the gift boxes, so they send some specialists to upgrade the local tools. The diplomats to the Anection Capital report minor success in the talkings.

In Jooroosooloom, Cardinal Tordius solidifies the fear of PaiPai in the people, but they still strongly disapprove of his leadership. The monument rebuilding suffers from haste makes waste, as the hasty rebuilding causes an industrial accident ruining all progress for the year.

In Wakabyashi, the local congress grinds to a standstill as a congressman tries to usurp the president. He is elected out of office at the end of the year, but he caused nothing to get done this year. What a jerk >:(

Player: Scroby
Town Name: Monthayearalandia
Location: Mountainside; Near a river; Near a gorge; Very light forest
Leader: Timely Watcher Augustusus
Government: Theological Representative Democracy
Local Tech level: Aluminium Mills
Population: In the 100'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 1'000s (15% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; armed with muskets; Paladin Trained)
Special buildings: Paladin Training Grounds, Particle Accelerator Frame, Reinforced, Powered and Walled Strategic Outpost System, Green Power system, Underground Yupher Labs, Grand Temple, Grand Sewer System
Calanderists: 40%-60% of population; Strong Approval
Militarists: 20%-40% of population; Strong Approval
Communists: 0%-20% of population; Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Approval
Anection Capital: Approval
Yupher Square: Approval
Cultests: Strong Disapproval

Player: Grantrithor
Town Name: Jooroosooloom
Location: Arid and cracked riverbed
Leader: Cardinal Tordius
Government: Theological Oligarchical Dictatorship
Local Tech level: Steel mills
Population: In the 100'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 10'000s (35% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 1'000s (5% of population; armed with steel weaponry; Grand Barracks; Paladin techniques)
Special buildings: Grand Barracks, Grand Mission
Theologists: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
Proletariat: 40%-60% of population; Strong Disapproval
Craftsman: 20-40% of population; Disapproval
Fanatic Warriors: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Disapproval
Anection Capital: Disapproval
Yupher Square: Disapproval
Cultests: Disapproval

Player: erlae0000
Town Name: Wakabyashi
Location: Island with mountain, forest, and marsh
Leader: President Atlus
Government: Democracy
Local Tech level: Aluminium Mills
Population: In the 10'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 1'000s (20% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 1'000s (20% of population; armed with muskets)
Special buildings:
Locals: 80%-100%; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Neutral
Anection Capital: Neutral
Yupher Square: Neutral
Cultests: Neutral

Inter-Anection Relations:
Anection Capital: Neutral to Yupher Square; Neutral to Cultests; Neutral to Paladins
Yupher Square: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Neutral to Cultests; Disapproval to Paladins
Cultests: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Neutral to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Paladins
Paladins: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Strong Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultests
Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3879 days ago
With me being in office again i first kick the congress man out for good. then i issue a hydrogen power plant to start up a power grid on the island
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3878 days ago
Year 9 events:
Anection President Marvius is assassinated by his Vice President, Kerius, for being a cultist sympathizer. Kerius quickly increases funding and authority of anti-cultist groups. Shortly thereafter, The Anection Capital and the Boxpipe Cultists are effectively at war.

The local workers of Monthayearalandia helped the Paladin contractors to upgrade the construction equipment with no issue. They then went to upgrade the local weapons, and blew up the armory and the Paladin Training Ground. The Paladin contractors sneak away, leaving a flaming mess behind. The fires are put out before they spread, but the weapons are lost and the Paladin Training Ground needs repairs. The Yuphers send to get contractors of their own to fix the Paladin Training Grounds, winning popularity as Duhnin loses it. At the end of a year, an embassy from the Anection Capital shows up requesting that Monthayearalandia joins in the cultist hunts.

In Jooroosooloom, construction happens, nothing special.

President Atlus's popularity rises when he kicks out the congressman. A local Paladin caravan recognizes the congressman as a cultist and execute him on the spot. Relations with the Paladins increase. The hydroelectric power plant exceeds expectations, requiring a lot less maintenance then expected.

Player: Scroby
Town Name: Monthayearalandia
Location: Mountainside; Near a river; Near a gorge; Very light forest
Leader: Timely Watcher Augustusus
Government: Theological Representative Democracy
Local Tech level: Aluminium Mills
Population: In the 100'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 10'000s (15% of population; with electric tools)
Military Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; armed with muskets; Paladin Trained)
Special buildings: Paladin Training Grounds, Particle Accelerator Frame, Reinforced, Powered and Walled Strategic Outpost System, Green Power system, Underground Yupher Labs, Grand Temple, Grand Sewer System
Calanderists: 40%-60% of population; Strong Approval
Militarists: 20%-40% of population; Strong Approval
Communists: 0%-20% of population; Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Approval
Anection Capital: Approval
Yupher Square: Approval
Cultests: Strong Disapproval

Player: Grantrithor
Town Name: Jooroosooloom
Location: Arid and cracked riverbed
Leader: Cardinal Tordius
Government: Theological Oligarchical Dictatorship
Local Tech level: Steel mills
Population: In the 100'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 10'000s (35% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 1'000s (5% of population; armed with steel weaponry; Grand Barracks; Paladin techniques)
Special buildings: Grand Barracks, Grand Mission
Theologists: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
Proletariat: 40%-60% of population; Strong Disapproval
Craftsman: 20-40% of population; Disapproval
Fanatic Warriors: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Disapproval
Anection Capital: Disapproval
Yupher Square: Disapproval
Cultests: Disapproval

Player: erlae0000
Town Name: Wakabyashi
Location: Island with mountain, forest, and marsh
Leader: President Atlus
Government: Democracy
Local Tech level: Aluminium Mills
Population: In the 10'000s (50% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 1'000s (25% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 1'000s (25% of population; armed with muskets)
Special buildings: Hydroelectric Plant
Locals: 80%-100%; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Approval
Anection Capital: Neutral
Yupher Square: Neutral
Cultests: Neutral

Inter-Anection Relations:
Anection Capital: Neutral to Yupher Square; WAR with Cultests; Neutral to Paladins
Yupher Square: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Neutral to Cultests; Disapproval to Paladins
Cultests: WAR with Anection Capital; Neutral to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Paladins
Paladins: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Strong Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultests
Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3878 days ago
Now that every thing is back to normal i issue the building of a secret hydrogen Bomb factory far underground and a training ground for troops. i also denounce the cults i also propose a trade agreement with the PaiPaipalidins
Joined 4602 days ago
Last seen 878 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3878 days ago
Augustusus secretly tries to assasinate a number of Anection Senators, recognizing them as secret cultists. However, unfortunately these Senators happen to be in strong positions for both the Anection Military and Funding Allocations commitees, which may or may not have the unintended effect of crippling the Anection Capital's ability for implementing it's policy of mass-cultist-related-hysteria.

Augustusus makes every attempt to increase security in Monthayearalandia, requests assistance in this from the Paladins, and secludes himself to his palace.. bunker.. place.. of.. safeness.

Augustusus orders his engineers to begin working on building the particle accelerator's circuitry, and requests assistance from Yupher Scholars.

Augustusus agrees with the Anection Capital officials and joins in the cultist hunts, trying to avoid pissing them off. Augustusus however makes all cultist declarations part of the legal process, innocent until proven guilty, and a mandatory ruling in a Monthayearalandian court of law is required for all cultist accusations on Monthayearalandian soil.
Joined 5351 days ago
Last seen 2195 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3878 days ago
When asked what he thought about the politics and war of today between cultists and the capitol, Cardinal Tordius spat, '' We need not have any concern for unbelievers. Either you follow the Lord and His word and convert or fall under His blade.''

Cardinal Tordius declares that this month one of celebration. A month for the people. To remember the sacrifices of our ancestors and of today and the glory of god. A feast centered around the glory of pie was held.

Small bands of highly trained elite soldiers go on raids. Sometimes for educated workers, blueprints, slaves, commodities. General war time looting since Jooroosooloom is on a Holy Crusade. Anything to buffer the army with supplies and experience,
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$str = str_replace(array(''\{'',''\}''),'' '',$str);
Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3878 days ago
Forgot to add this: i also propose a trade agreement with Monthayearalandia were i will trade technology for technology or whatever i also issue all tools be traded for electric tools
Joined 4602 days ago
Last seen 878 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3878 days ago
Forgot to add this: i also propose a trade agreement with Monthayearalandia were i will trade technology for technology or whatever i also issue all tools be traded for electric tools

Just for the record, you can edit your post after you post it. There's a little scissors icon.
Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3878 days ago
Ok. Thx
Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3878 days ago
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3877 days ago
Year 10 events:
The Yuphers decide to throw in with the Cultists, while the Paladins stay neutral.

Augustusus's ordered assassinations start working well, but the Anection Capital figures things out and accuses Monthayearalandia of working with the cultists, declaring war. However, both the Paladins and the Yuphers support Monthayearalandia more then the Anection Capital. The Paladins secretly send some specialists, whom decide to create the Monthayearalandia cencus bureau. Contruction resumes on the particle accelerator. Augustusus does not state his proclamation to the Anection Capital due to war. To the horror of the people, Senator of Time Denkius was abducted in a raid!

Jooroosooloom declares neutrality. The celebration did a good job at uplifting the spirits of the lower classes. The fanatics raid a convoy headed to Monthayearalandia, capturing a Senator of Time!

President Atlus denounces the cultists, and an attempted assassination on his life tells him that the cultists are not happy. Effectively WAR. Fortunately, both the Paladins and the Anection Capital approve. A bad accident in the underground lab revealed the plan to build a bomb, and the locals make a demand of no nuclear weaponry.

Player: Scroby
Town Name: Monthayearalandia
Location: Mountainside; Near a river; Near a gorge; Very light forest
Leader: Timely Watcher Augustusus
Government: Theological Representative Democracy
Local Tech level: Aluminium Mills
Population: In the 120'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 18'000s (15% of population; with electric tools)
Military Power: In the 67'000s (25% of population; armed with muskets; Paladin Trained)
Special buildings: Paladin Training Grounds, Particle Accelerator Frame, Reinforced, Powered and Walled Strategic Outpost System, Green Power system, Underground Yupher Labs, Grand Temple, Grand Sewer System
Calanderists: 40%-60% of population; Strong Approval
Militarists: 20%-40% of population; Strong Approval
Communists: 0%-20% of population; Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Approval
Anection Capital: WAR
Yupher Square: Strong Approval
Cultests: Disapproval

Player: Grantrithor
Town Name: Jooroosooloom
Location: Arid and cracked riverbed
Leader: Cardinal Tordius
Government: Theological Oligarchical Dictatorship
Local Tech level: Steel mills
Population: In the 100'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 10'000s (35% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 1'000s (5% of population; armed with steel weaponry; Grand Barracks; Paladin techniques)
Special buildings: Grand Barracks, Grand Mission
Theologists: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
Proletariat: 40%-60% of population; Disapproval
Craftsman: 20-40% of population; Neutral
Fanatic Warriors: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Disapproval
Anection Capital: Disapproval
Yupher Square: Disapproval
Cultests: Disapproval

Player: erlae0000
Town Name: Wakabyashi
Location: Island with mountain, forest, and marsh
Leader: President Atlus
Government: Democracy
Local Tech level: Aluminium Mills
Population: In the 10'000s (50% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 1'000s (25% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; armed with muskets; Training Ground)
Special buildings: Hydroelectric Plant, Training Ground
Locals: 80%-100%; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Approval
Anection Capital: Approval
Yupher Square: Neutral
Cultests: WAR

Inter-Anection Relations:
Anection Capital: WAR with Yupher Square; WAR with Cultests; Neutral to Paladins
Yupher Square: WAR with Anection Capital; Approval to Cultests; Disapproval to Paladins
Cultests: WAR with Anection Capital; Approval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Paladins
Paladins: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Strong Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultests
Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3877 days ago
I tell the pepole the nuclear weappons are for ou e protection and i do not plan to use them agter the speach i biuld a mssile factory and turrets around the island i also mobalize troops around the island and sheets for pepole to join the military
Joined 5351 days ago
Last seen 2195 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3877 days ago
The Senator of Time wakes up in a room with no clocks, no calenders and no watches. The only thing that lay in front of him is a sturdy metal table with a mountain of pie and a note. Finish these in 2 hours from the time you wake up and you will survive.

A) Senator of Time finishes the pie: H is converted by the special properties within the pie and comes to worship PaiPai as the Senator of Pie.

B) Her does not finish the pie is seen as a heretic paraded through the street hung up outside of town over a pile of calenders and dies in the fires of his own faith.

Military continues raiding. Restoration continues. Construction starts on a new square lined with bakeries which give out free pastries and pies.
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Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3876 days ago
Year 11 events:
The Anection Capital organized an effective cultist hunt, killing thousands in the capital, most of them were even cultists.

Timely Watcher Augustusus is pleased to see that the Particle Accelerator is completed. The Yupher contractors also repair the Paladin Training Grounds and the munitions are resupplied. The military forms up to march on Jooroosooloom on their own initiative. They will arrive next turn.

Cardinal Tordius has the captured Senator of Time executed for failing to convert. News of this spreads out. The Paladins send a sternly worded letter, while Yupher Square call Tordius an evil anti-PaiPai heretic and declare WAR. The Senator of Time also was a high-ranking cultist, so they also declare WAR. The military raiders find no good targets for attacks, and construction of the monument is stalled due to missing materials. The materials were acquired at the end of the year.

President Atlus starts to militarize Wakabyashi, however the militarization met with lots of protests. Investigations of the protests revealed that cultists are causing them.

Player: Scroby
Town Name: Monthayearalandia
Location: Mountainside; Near a river; Near a gorge; Very light forest
Leader: Timely Watcher Augustusus
Government: Theological Representative Democracy
Local Tech level: Aluminium Mills
Population: In the 120'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 18'000s (15% of population; with electric tools)
Military Power: In the 70'000s (25% of population; armed with muskets; Paladin Trained)
Special buildings: Paladin Training Grounds, Particle Accelerator, Reinforced, Powered and Walled Strategic Outpost System, Green Power system, Underground Yupher Labs, Grand Temple, Grand Sewer System
Calanderists: 40%-60% of population; Strong Approval
Militarists: 20%-40% of population; Strong Approval
Communists: 0%-20% of population; Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Approval
Anection Capital: WAR
Yupher Square: Strong Approval
Cultists: Disapproval

Player: Grantrithor
Town Name: Jooroosooloom
Location: Arid and cracked riverbed
Leader: Cardinal Tordius
Government: Theological Oligarchical Dictatorship
Local Tech level: Steel mills
Population: In the 100'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 10'000s (35% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 1'000s (5% of population; armed with steel weaponry; Grand Barracks; Paladin techniques)
Special buildings: Grand Barracks, Grand Mission
Theologists: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
Proletariat: 40%-60% of population; Disapproval
Craftsman: 20-40% of population; Neutral
Fanatic Warriors: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Disapproval
Anection Capital: Disapproval
Yupher Square: WAR
Cultists: WAR

Player: erlae0000
Town Name: Wakabyashi
Location: Island with mountain, forest, and marsh
Leader: President Atlus
Government: Democracy
Local Tech level: Aluminium Mills
Population: In the 10'000s (50% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 1'000s (20% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 10'000s (30% of population; armed with muskets; Training Ground)
Special buildings: Hydroelectric Plant, Training Ground
Locals: 80%-100% of population; Neutral
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Approval
Anection Capital: Approval
Yupher Square: Neutral
Cultists: WAR

Inter-Anection Relations:
Anection Capital: WAR with Yupher Square; WAR with Cultists; Neutral to Paladins
Yupher Square: WAR with Anection Capital; Approval to Cultists; Disapproval to Paladins
Cultists: WAR with Anection Capital; Approval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Paladins
Paladins: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Strong Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultists
Joined 4602 days ago
Last seen 878 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3876 days ago
Augustusus declares the people of Jooroosooloom to be false worshippers of the 1st month of the year, Piedeadlinary. He applauds the military for taking the initiative in this matter, and thank both the Paladins and the Yuphers for their support.

Augustusus has his scientists and engineers start smashing atoms in his deep, underground Particle Accelerator. He invites the Yupher Scholars and the Paladins to observe and benefit from the resulting data. He also appoints his peeps to be in charge of the commencement of a space program.

Augustusus confers with the officials at Yupher Square and the Paladins and proposes that they blockade Jooroosooloom, cutting off their supply of wheat from their farms to the city. This would cut off their flour, and in turn their pies. They would be unable to supply their citizens with the pies of falsehood and misworshippingness.
Joined 5351 days ago
Last seen 2195 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3876 days ago
All military forces leave the city and meet the army marching towards them.

They try and ambush, they try and bring militia with them from town.

Construction and reconstruction continues.
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Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3876 days ago
I send a military search party to do a cultist scan through the entire city I also prepare the space program for first rocket launch mean while I send a fleet of planes to bomb the power plants of the cultist and a navy fleet armed with chemical weapons to keep up I tell pepole to biuld a nnuclear bomb plant and I send agustus a note that we should be allies to start the United nations
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3876 days ago
I am going to write a brief description of each major Anection faction.

The Anection Capital (the name of both the city and the faction) is the official government of Anection. They are also the biggest faction, population-wise. It is officially democratic, however in practice it is a dictatorship. They are not very subtle and prefer using their massive army to take out people they don't like.

The Scholars at Yupher Square is the center of science for Anection. They are not a very centralized faction, and scholars tend to see others as rivals. They however do have a central government and show a unified face to other factions, and generally don't go far against the government's stance. They prefer to be subtle, not having the numbers of the Anection Capital nor the training of the Paladins. However, they do have many high-tech superweapons they can pull out if they deem necessary.

The Boxpipe Cultists are a shadowy organization. They do not have a capital city. It is however known that they have infiltrated the Anection Capital to a degree and the Scholars at Yupher Square to a higher degree. They almost never attack a place directly, preferring to infiltrate, manipulate, and take over the local government.

The PaiPaihian Paladins are original crusaders formed to stomp down all those whom do not worship the one, true god (UnclePaiPai). However, as corruption became more rampant and the Word of PaiPai lost meaning, they became more isolationist. Paladins are highly trained warriors and officers. They tend not to be subtle and prefer action, however they also know that subtlety has it's place.
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3875 days ago
Year 12 events:
The Paladins give minor support to some Yupher war campaigns, annoying the Anection Capital, but not causing any new declarations.

Timely Watcher Augustusus starts on a space program and sends his plan to the Paladins and Yuphers, whom both tell him ''Good Luck'' and offer no support. He then has the particle accelerator started up, and to the amazement of all, it summoned... Scroby!

Cardinal Tordius orders his army to march out and meet the Monthayearalandian one.
Jooroosooloom (8'156 MP) vs Monthayearalandia (70'313 MP)
The Paladins march forward, taking no casualties while dealing severe to the fanatics.
The Paladin march can't be stopped, again taking no casualties while the fanatics take severe.
Again, Paladins march with no casualties while fanatics take severe.
Paladins rout the fanatics still taking no casualties.
The Paladins have started sieging Jooroosooloom. Panic caused by the siege stops building of the monument.

In Wakabyashi the military starts doing a cultist sweep, making reasonable progress. The locals show a minor concern. However a local named Hanius announced his plans to run against Atlus in the next election! He adopts a platform of de-militarization and peace.

Player: Scroby
Town Name: Monthayearalandia
Location: Mountainside; Near a river; Near a gorge; Very light forest
Leader: Timely Watcher Augustusus
Government: Theological Representative Democracy
Local Tech level: Aluminium Mills
Population: In the 120'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 18'000s (15% of population; with electric tools)
Military Power: In the 70'000s (25% of population; armed with muskets; Paladin Trained)
Special buildings: Paladin Training Grounds, Particle Accelerator, Reinforced, Powered and Walled Strategic Outpost System, Green Power system, Underground Yupher Labs, Grand Temple, Grand Sewer System
Calanderists: 40%-60% of population; Strong Approval
Militarists: 20%-40% of population; Strong Approval
Communists: 0%-20% of population; Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Approval
Anection Capital: WAR
Yupher Square: Strong Approval
Cultists: Disapproval

Player: Grantrithor
Town Name: Jooroosooloom
Location: Arid and cracked riverbed
Leader: Cardinal Tordius
Government: Theological Oligarchical Dictatorship
Local Tech level: Steel mills
Population: In the 100'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 10'000s (35% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 1'000s (5% of population; armed with steel weaponry; Grand Barracks; Paladin techniques)
Special buildings: Grand Barracks, Grand Mission
Theologists: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
Proletariat: 40%-60% of population; Disapproval
Craftsman: 20-40% of population; Neutral
Fanatic Warriors: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Disapproval
Anection Capital: Disapproval
Yupher Square: WAR
Cultists: WAR

Player: erlae0000
Town Name: Wakabyashi
Location: Island with mountain, forest, and marsh
Leader: President Atlus
Government: Democracy
Local Tech level: Aluminium Mills
Population: In the 10'000s (50% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 1'000s (15% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 10'000s (35% of population; armed with rifles; Training Ground)
Special buildings: Hydroelectric Plant, Training Ground
Locals: 80%-100% of population; Neutral
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Approval
Anection Capital: Approval
Yupher Square: Neutral
Cultists: WAR

Inter-Anection Relations:
Anection Capital: WAR with Yupher Square; WAR with Cultists; Disapproval to Paladins
Yupher Square: WAR with Anection Capital; Approval to Cultists; Disapproval to Paladins
Cultists: WAR with Anection Capital; Approval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Paladins
Paladins: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultists
Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3875 days ago
I hire hanius to be a advisor and I fund a space program and demilitarize and send troops home for the pepole and tell the cultist they can live on our island if we can be friend's I also send a plane to rescue the pepple of joorosolom but no fighting I also start funding a space program and hire biulders to biuld the space propolsion lab and a nuclear bomb factory for space propolsion like project Orion we need spaceee! I also put funding into the schools to increase tech
Joined 4602 days ago
Last seen 878 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3875 days ago
Augustusus is amazed to find the Ghost of the 2nd month of the Year, Scroby, whose month-sake is named Scrobruary. Scroby reveals that he got bored being a Deity and decided to return to the realm of the living, establishing once and for all that it is not only possible, but godly people do it all the time! He is granted command of the entire Space Program, and under the guidance of Scroby's supreme rokkiting skillz, the program continues it's development.

The army of Monthayearalandia moves in and occupies the city of Jooroosooloom, making it a satellite state.

Monthayearalandia's scientists shut down the Particle Accelerator for now, and are ordered to focus all efforts on raising the tech level as much as possible.

Augustusus responds to Wakabyashi's request to build a Space Center with an altered proposition; rather than a unified Space Center, Augustusus proposes that each city have it's own space center for the sake of additional resources, but that the two cities work together to build an international Space Station, amongst other spacey cooperative thingies.
Joined 5351 days ago
Last seen 2195 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3875 days ago
Cardinal Tordius holds up in the mission anyone willing to fight is mustered. Since there are no city defenses besides the desert it rests in. fighters gather around both the mission and barracks if the barracks falls it is burned the mission is defended to the last man. A great number of civilians have taken refuge within the mission's compound.
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$str = str_replace(array(''\{'',''\}''),'' '',$str);
Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3875 days ago
I start sending alloy and workers to biuld the space center
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3875 days ago
Year 13 events:
Monthayearalandia's engineers needed a higher local tech level to build rokkits, so they raised it instead. The scientists report that the particle accelerator can't turn off. They even unplugged it and it's still going. The Yuphers yell at the builders for reckless use of enchanting stuff while building. The Paladin embassy flees the town in terror.

In Jooroosooloom, food shortages are becoming common, the Proletariat and Craftsman are getting uppity. Monthayearalandian forces march, only to get repulsed back by desperate fighting. Nobody on either side got hurt.

President Atlus does a 180 on his policies, making the people like him and he shoots up in the polls. Cultists stop being openly aggressive. As the local tech is not high enough for rokkits, the engineers upgrade that instead.

Player: Scroby
Town Name: Monthayearalandia
Location: Mountainside; Near a river; Near a gorge; Very light forest
Leader: Timely Watcher Augustusus
Government: Theological Representative Democracy
Local Tech level: Advanced Alloy
Population: In the 130'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 19'000s (15% of population; with electric tools)
Military Power: In the 73'000s (25% of population; armed with muskets; Paladin Trained)
Special buildings: Paladin Training Grounds, Particle Accelerator, Reinforced, Powered and Walled Strategic Outpost System, Green Power system, Underground Yupher Labs, Grand Temple, Grand Sewer System
Calanderists: 40%-60% of population; Strong Approval
Militarists: 20%-40% of population; Strong Approval
Communists: 0%-20% of population; Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Approval
Anection Capital: WAR
Yupher Square: Approval
Cultists: Disapproval

Player: Grantrithor
Town Name: Jooroosooloom
Location: Arid and cracked riverbed
Leader: Cardinal Tordius
Government: Theological Oligarchical Dictatorship
Local Tech level: Steel mills
Population: In the 100'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 10'000s (35% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 1'000s (5% of population; armed with steel weaponry; Grand Barracks; Paladin techniques)
Special buildings: Grand Barracks, Grand Mission
Theologists: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
Proletariat: 40%-60% of population; Strong Disapproval
Craftsman: 20-40% of population; Disapproval
Fanatic Warriors: 0%-20% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Disapproval
Anection Capital: Disapproval
Yupher Square: WAR
Cultists: WAR

Player: erlae0000
Town Name: Wakabyashi
Location: Island with mountain, forest, and marsh
Leader: President Atlus
Government: Democracy
Local Tech level: Advanced Alloy
Population: In the 10'000s (50% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 1'000s (25% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; armed with rifles; Training Ground)
Special buildings: Hydroelectric Plant, Training Ground
Locals: 80%-100% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Approval
Anection Capital: Approval
Yupher Square: Neutral
Cultists: Strong Disapproval

Inter-Anection Relations:
Anection Capital: WAR with Yupher Square; WAR with Cultists; Disapproval to Paladins
Yupher Square: WAR with Anection Capital; Approval to Cultists; Disapproval to Paladins
Cultists: WAR with Anection Capital; Approval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Paladins
Paladins: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultists
Joined 5351 days ago
Last seen 2195 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3875 days ago
Do to the consequences of being a city besieged Cardinal Tordius calls a rally to arms. Taking up arms himself. All able bodied men are called forth. The barracks armory is stripped of all its weapons, training and combat. To those who don't have weapons or armor farm tools and industrial tools are used.

As the sun rises the city's men sally forth in a last ditch effort to push back the enemy in a do or die charge in which Cardinal Tordius commands himself. Cardinal Tordius and the remaining fanatics at this point have become enraged and full of a religious blood lust charging at the enemy and will stop at nothing.
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Joined 4602 days ago
Last seen 878 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3875 days ago
Augutusus orders his forces marching on Jooroosooloom to fortify themselves for the coming of the crazed false worshippers of Jooroosooloom, and then, if succesful, and if they're not too tired or fat from celebrating, to march on Jooroosooloom and occupy the City.

Scroby pushes the Engineers to get started on rokkits, or upgrade the tech level until they can be launched.

Augustusus orders the scientists to begin de-welding all the electromagnets from the Particle Accelerator, effectively rendering it a big metal tube of nothing. At the same time, the city's builders are ordered to begin reinforcing the underground chambers of the particle accelerator with as much concrete as they can make.
Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3875 days ago
I tell the workers to start working on a processer factory for a super ccomputer.and personal computers I also tell scientist to increase the tech level

I send a notice to those workers who want to biuld a rocket llaunch pad
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3874 days ago
Year 14 events:
Augustusus's engineers manage to destroy and turn off the particle accelerator, and Scroby disappears. Nevertheless, the engineers produce a rokkit! THe military returns stating that Jooroosooloom is dead and the land isn't worth taking. The Yuphers and the Cultists both approved of this, and the Yuphers sent specialists to upgrade the military's weapons.

Cardinal Tordius orders his men to grab any weapon they can find for a final charge. He leads the charge and the peasents desert him. His forces run head long into the Monthayearalandian forces, and were cut to shreads. Jooroosooloom is no more.

Production starts in Wakabyashi, nothing special.

Player: Scroby
Town Name: Monthayearalandia
Location: Mountainside; Near a river; Near a gorge; Very light forest
Leader: Timely Watcher Augustusus
Government: Theological Representative Democracy
Local Tech level: Advanced Alloy
Population: In the 130'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 20'000s (15% of population; with electric tools)
Military Power: In the 75'000s (25% of population; armed with muskets; Paladin Trained)
Special buildings: Paladin Training Grounds, Particle Accelerator, Reinforced, Powered and Walled Strategic Outpost System, Green Power system, Underground Yupher Labs, Grand Temple, Grand Sewer System
Calanderists: 40%-60% of population; Strong Approval
Militarists: 20%-40% of population; Strong Approval
Communists: 0%-20% of population; Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Approval
Anection Capital: WAR
Yupher Square: Strong Approval
Cultists: Neutral

RIP - Jooroosooloom; led by Cardinal Tordius on years 2-14; played by Grantrithor.

Player: erlae0000
Town Name: Wakabyashi
Location: Island with mountain, forest, and marsh
Leader: President Atlus
Government: Democracy
Local Tech level: Advanced Alloy
Population: In the 10'000s (50% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 1'000s (25% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; armed with rifles; Training Ground)
Special buildings: Hydroelectric Plant, Training Ground
Locals: 80%-100% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Approval
Anection Capital: Approval
Yupher Square: Neutral
Cultists: Strong Disapproval

Inter-Anection Relations:
Anection Capital: WAR with Yupher Square; WAR with Cultists; Disapproval to Paladins
Yupher Square: WAR with Anection Capital; Approval to Cultists; Disapproval to Paladins
Cultists: WAR with Anection Capital; Approval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Paladins
Paladins: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultists
Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3873 days ago
I tell engineers to start biulding the biulding for rockets I also
Pass a law that will pay you for haveing kids
Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3873 days ago
I tell engineers to start biulding the biulding for rockets I also
Pass a law that will pay you for haveing kids
Joined 4602 days ago
Last seen 878 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3871 days ago
All engineers focus on the space program, and scientists focus on upgrading the tech level.

Builders are ordered to build a monument to the 18th month of the year, Thesquidlimuary, in honor of the victories over Jooroosooloom.

The military is ordered to begin trying to intercept convoys and shipments to the Anection Capital, in hopes of annoying them or hopefully capturing something shiney and/or useful in one of the convoys.
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3871 days ago
I apologise for not updating yesterday.

Year 15 events:
In Monthayearalandia the space program gets started, but local tech upgrade progress is slow. The military intercepts some Anection Capital convoys, but doesn't get anything good. The Yuphers upgrade the local weaponry. However, news spreads that the Anection Capital is massing up an attack!

President Atlus's engineers build a space program, but the bill didn't pass congress.

People are displeased with the current state of affairs in Anection, and a religous reformation starts off in the major city of Maffay. They call themselves the PaiPai Puritans and they believe that Anection is full of corruption and decay and needs to be fixed.

Player: Scroby
Town Name: Monthayearalandia
Location: Mountainside; Near a river; Near a gorge; Very light forest
Leader: Timely Watcher Augustusus
Government: Theological Representative Democracy
Local Tech level: Advanced Alloy
Population: In the 140'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 21'000s (15% of population; with electric tools)
Military Power: In the 130'000s (25% of population; armed with machine guns; Paladin Trained)
Special buildings: Paladin Training Grounds, Particle Accelerator, Reinforced, Powered and Walled Strategic Outpost System, Green Power system, Underground Yupher Labs, Grand Temple, Grand Sewer System, Space Program
Calanderists: 40%-60% of population; Strong Approval
Militarists: 20%-40% of population; Strong Approval
Communists: 0%-20% of population; Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Approval
Anection Capital: WAR
Yupher Square: Strong Approval
Cultists: Neutral
PaiPai Puritans: Strong Disapproval

RIP - Jooroosooloom; led by Cardinal Tordius on years 2-14; played by Grantrithor.

Player: erlae0000
Town Name: Wakabyashi
Location: Island with mountain, forest, and marsh
Leader: President Atlus
Government: Democracy
Local Tech level: Advanced Alloy
Population: In the 10'000s (50% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 1'000s (25% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; armed with rifles; Training Ground)
Special buildings: Hydroelectric Plant, Training Ground, Space Program
Locals: 80%-100% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Approval
Anection Capital: Approval
Yupher Square: Neutral
Cultists: Strong Disapproval
PaiPai Puritans: Strong Disapproval

Inter-Anection Relations:
Anection Capital: WAR with Yupher Square; WAR with Cultists; Disapproval to Paladins; Disapproval to PaiPai Puritans
Yupher Square: WAR with Anection Capital; Approval to Cultists; Disapproval to Paladins; Disapproval to PaiPai Puritans
Cultists: WAR with Anection Capital; Approval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Paladins; Disapproval to PaiPai Puritans
Paladins: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultists; Disapproval to PaiPai Puritans
PaiPai Puritans: Strong Disapproval to Anection Capital; Strong Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultists; Strong Disapproval to Paladins
Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3871 days ago
I increase funding of the space program and start a nuclear propolsion program I also tell engineer s to biuld large turrets around the island
The program launches a probe armed with bombs and a nuclear pulse engine to help agustus this is secret to the public

Atlus orders a tank factory be biult and the tank will be shiped to monthayearaland
Joined 4602 days ago
Last seen 878 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3871 days ago
Augustusus orders the immediate repair and activation of the particle accelerator. If Scroby reappears, then he leads the Space Program in their orders for this round.

Augustusus has his space program launch satellites and spy on the Anection Army, gaining tactical advantages. If there is time, he also orders the launch of non-nuclear warheads at the army to weaken their numbers.

Augustusus requests assistance from the Paladins the Yuphers in defense against the invading armies of the Anection Capital.

Augustusus orders his armies to fortify all outposts and the entirety of Mount Calendar, using the high ground to their advantage.

Augustusus orders that the Gorge from which the atomic-clock minerals are mined from be used as a shelter for civilians.

Augustusus orders engineers to plant traps in the forest near Mount Calendar.

Augustusus orders that the bridge be burned over the River Januarineez and that it be filled with voracious joy-spitting doom-buggies of doom.

Augustusus orders his engineers to design some form of artillery to use on Mount Calendar, which would take advantage of the high ground.

If any battles are fought at the outposts, all Monthayearalandian forces are to withdraw to Mount Calendar from that outpost if they suffer losses in excess of 50%.
Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3871 days ago
I increase funding of the space program and start a nuclear propolsion program I also tell engineer s to biuld large turrets around the island
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3871 days ago
Year 16 events:
Augustusus's engineers refuse to repair the particle accelerator. His engineers state that they don't have compact enough electronics for satellites. The Paladins wish Augustusus luck, but offer no support. The Yuphers don't even wish him luck. The civilians are taken to safety, the bridge failed to burn, and the artillery exploded during the test firing. A division of the Anection army appears (MP 520'000) and starts the siege of Monthayearalandia.

At Wakabyashi, increased space funding passes, but congress blocked both military bills, stating that militarization is unnecessary and that President Atlus did promise to stop doing that.

The Anection Capital gets Yupher square to do a minor surrender, losing a few border towns under their control and ending the war. The Puritans then declare war on every faction but the Paladins

Player: Scroby
Town Name: Monthayearalandia
Location: Mountainside; Near a river; Near a gorge; Very light forest
Leader: Timely Watcher Augustusus
Government: Theological Representative Democracy
Local Tech level: Advanced Alloy
Population: In the 140'000s (60% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 21'000s (15% of population; with electric tools)
Military Power: In the 130'000s (25% of population; armed with machine guns; Paladin Trained)
Special buildings: Paladin Training Grounds, Particle Accelerator, Reinforced, Powered and Walled Strategic Outpost System, Green Power system, Underground Yupher Labs, Grand Temple, Grand Sewer System, Space Program
Calanderists: 40%-60% of population; Strong Approval
Militarists: 20%-40% of population; Strong Approval
Communists: 0%-20% of population; Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Approval
Anection Capital: WAR
Yupher Square: Strong Approval
Cultists: Neutral
PaiPai Puritans: Strong Disapproval

RIP - Jooroosooloom; led by Cardinal Tordius on years 2-14; played by Grantrithor.

Player: erlae0000
Town Name: Wakabyashi
Location: Island with mountain, forest, and marsh
Leader: President Atlus
Government: Democracy
Local Tech level: Advanced Alloy
Population: In the 10'000s (50% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 1'000s (25% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; armed with rifles; Training Ground)
Special buildings: Hydroelectric Plant, Training Ground, Space Program
Locals: 80%-100% of population; Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Approval
Anection Capital: Approval
Yupher Square: Neutral
Cultists: Strong Disapproval
PaiPai Puritans: Strong Disapproval

Inter-Anection Relations:
Anection Capital: Strong Disapproval to Yupher Square; WAR with Cultists; Disapproval to Paladins; WAR with PaiPai Puritans
Yupher Square: Strong Disapproval to Anection Capital; Approval to Cultists; Disapproval to Paladins; WAR with PaiPai Puritans
Cultists: WAR with Anection Capital; Approval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Paladins; WAR with PaiPai Puritans
Paladins: Disapproval to Anection Capital; Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultists; Disapproval to PaiPai Puritans
PaiPai Puritans: WAR with Anection Capital; WAR with Yupher Square; WAR with Cultists; Strong Disapproval to Paladins
Joined 4602 days ago
Last seen 878 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3870 days ago
Augustusus requests assistance from the Paladins the Yuphers in defense against the invading armies of the Anection Capital.

For whatever it counts, these are his main points:

Yupher Square still as an underground laboratory thingy in Mount Calendar.

Yupher Square has assisted Monthayearalandia numerous times, making Monthayearalandia an ongoing investment.

Monthayearalandia was founded on Paladin principles and by Paladin peeps. As a result, much of our ancestry is Paladin-based, and Monthayaralandia is located close to Paladin territory. (This wasn't stated before, but we emmigrated from the Paladins, so it's a logical assumption. Dunno if it's valid.) Because it's close to Paladin territory, it could serve as a staging ground for Anection forces to attack the Paladins, and if the Anection Capital captures Monthayearalandia, they will already have an army ready to strike at the Paladin's border towns.

Monthayearalandia's forces have been trained with many Paladin techniques, and the Paladins have assisted Monthayearalandia many times, making Monthayearalandia an ongoing investment.

Augustusus has no choice but to initiate article 1337 of the Holy Timetable, and draft members of the civilian populace into duty.

New proposed values:
20% of the population doing maintenance.
55% of the population as builders.
25% of the population remains in the military.

No civilians are drafted into the military, since there is no time to train them adequately it would be a needless loss of life.

The civilians drafted into builder-service are not put in charge of projects. The experienced builders remain in charge of all projects while the novice builders simply help out however they can, nothing ridiculous like ''new guy tries to build a fortress.''

Those who are doing maintenance focus on repairing the city and making sure all defensive positions recieve adequate supplies before and during the battle.


Augusutus orders that the previously designated shelter in the gorge for civilians be fortified in the event it must be defended.


Augustusus orders all scientists and engineers to cooperate with making an artillery system, but this time based on missiles. He focuses the entirety of the space program to this goal, and urges his greatest thinkers to get a functional short-range missile launch system working or the city will suffer much the worse.


Augustusus, accepting that the people will not repair the particle accelerator, understands their concerns and instead orders that all electromagnets from the accelerator be placed around the city, and activated as soon as Anection Capital forces are within range of the magnet. This will hopefully screw up their electrokahoozits and possibly even jam their weapons. He realizes it's a long shot, but he is secretly running out of ideas.


In the event Monthayearalandia is breached, the Sewer System is used to flood whatever portions of the city the Anection forces take over, impeding their progress.
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3869 days ago
Year 17 events:
The Yuphers and the Paladins wish Monthayearalandia good luck, but neither offer any support. He cuts down on infrastructure people, willingly let some decay get through in the name of more defense. The builders pretty much fail every project. The siege continues, but does no damage to Monthayearalandia. There are worries of infrastructure decay, but nothing's breaking yet.

President Atlus's space program goes well, and people are happy because of it.

The Anection Capital's bureaucracy gets penetrated with enough cultists that it decides to stop with the war, they still continue the siege of Monthayearalandia. The Puritians continue to wage war, and the Paladins join in on the attacks on the Yuphers, declaring WAR.

Player: Scroby
Town Name: Monthayearalandia
Location: Mountainside; Near a river; Near a gorge; Very light forest
Leader: Timely Watcher Augustusus
Government: Theological Representative Democracy
Local Tech level: Advanced Alloy
Population: In the 150'000s (20% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 82'000s (55% of population; with electric tools)
Military Power: In the 140'000s (25% of population; armed with machine guns; Paladin Trained)
Special buildings: Paladin Training Grounds, Particle Accelerator, Reinforced, Powered and Walled Strategic Outpost System, Green Power system, Underground Yupher Labs, Grand Temple, Grand Sewer System, Space Program
Calanderists: 40%-60% of population; Strong Approval
Militarists: 20%-40% of population; Strong Approval
Communists: 0%-20% of population; Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Approval
Anection Capital: WAR
Yupher Square: Strong Approval
Cultists: Neutral
PaiPai Puritans: Strong Disapproval

RIP - Jooroosooloom; led by Cardinal Tordius on years 2-14; played by Grantrithor.

Player: erlae0000
Town Name: Wakabyashi
Location: Island with mountain, forest, and marsh
Leader: President Atlus
Government: Democracy
Local Tech level: Advanced Alloy
Population: In the 100'000s (50% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; armed with rifles; Training Ground)
Special buildings: Hydroelectric Plant, Training Ground, Space Program
Locals: 80%-100% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Approval
Anection Capital: Approval
Yupher Square: Neutral
Cultists: Strong Disapproval
PaiPai Puritans: Strong Disapproval

Inter-Anection Relations:
Anection Capital: Strong Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval with Cultists; Disapproval to Paladins; WAR with PaiPai Puritans
Yupher Square: Strong Disapproval to Anection Capital; Approval to Cultists; WAR with Paladins; WAR with PaiPai Puritans
Cultists: Strong Disapproval with Anection Capital; Approval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Paladins; WAR with PaiPai Puritans
Paladins: Disapproval to Anection Capital; WAR with Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultists; Disapproval to PaiPai Puritans
PaiPai Puritans: WAR with Anection Capital; WAR with Yupher Square; WAR with Cultists; Strong Disapproval to Paladins

Due to vacation, I do not expect to do the next turn until Sunday or Monday.
Joined 4602 days ago
Last seen 878 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3867 days ago
Augustusus requests assistance from the Paladins the Yuphers in defense against the invading armies of the Anection Capital.

For whatever it counts, these are his main points:

Yupher Square still as an underground laboratory thingy in Mount Calendar.

Yupher Square has assisted Monthayearalandia numerous times, making Monthayearalandia an ongoing investment.

Monthayearalandia was founded on Paladin principles and by Paladin peeps. As a result, much of our ancestry is Paladin-based, and Monthayaralandia is located close to Paladin territory. (This wasn't stated before, but we emmigrated from the Paladins, so it's a logical assumption. Dunno if it's valid.) Because it's close to Paladin territory, it could serve as a staging ground for Anection forces to attack the Paladins, and if the Anection Capital captures Monthayearalandia, they will already have an army ready to strike at the Paladin's border towns.

Monthayearalandia's forces have been trained with many Paladin techniques, and the Paladins have assisted Monthayearalandia many times, making Monthayearalandia an ongoing investment.

Augustusus has no choice but to initiate article 1337 of the Holy Timetable, and draft members of the civilian populace into duty.

New proposed values:
20% of the population doing maintenance.
55% of the population as builders.
25% of the population remains in the military.

No civilians are drafted into the military, since there is no time to train them adequately it would be a needless loss of life.

The civilians drafted into builder-service are not put in charge of projects. The experienced builders remain in charge of all projects while the novice builders simply help out however they can, nothing ridiculous like ''new guy tries to build a fortress.''

Those who are doing maintenance focus on repairing the city and making sure all defensive positions recieve adequate supplies before and during the battle.


Augusutus orders that the previously designated shelter in the gorge for civilians be fortified in the event it must be defended.


Augustusus orders all scientists and engineers to cooperate with making an artillery system, but this time based on missiles. He focuses the entirety of the space program to this goal, and urges his greatest thinkers to get a functional short-range missile launch system working or the city will suffer much the worse.


Augustusus, accepting that the people will not repair the particle accelerator, understands their concerns and instead orders that all electromagnets from the accelerator be placed around the city, and activated as soon as Anection Capital forces are within range of the magnet. This will hopefully screw up their electrokahoozits and possibly even jam their weapons. He realizes it's a long shot, but he is secretly running out of ideas.


In the event Monthayearalandia is breached, the Sewer System is used to flood whatever portions of the city the Anection forces take over, impeding their progress.

Basically, all orders are repeated exactly the same as last round, since all my projects failed.
Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3867 days ago
I tell engineers to start the international colonial space dock and to send a space.probe to scan the atmosphere of nearby planets
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3866 days ago
Year 18 events:
In Monthayearalandia, the Yuphers and the Paladins both say that they won't provide assistance unless Augustusus cuts ties with the other one. Low maintenance is hurting the infrastructure, increased health problems and industrial accidents cause no growth to happen. People start expressing displeasure but understand because of the siege. The bunker is fortified, but the engineers crew up on the artillery again. Also, work to dismantle the particle accelerator accidentally activated it again. Anection bombardment hits some major population buildings, to no effect because the population was already evacuated, and the Paladin Training Ground. Anection high command decided to send reinforcements to Monthayearalandia.

Yupher Square satellite defenses destroyed President Atlus's probes. Yupher officials claim that it was an IFF glitch.

The Puritans cleared and executed multiple cultist cells, the war ends with them victorious.

Player: Scroby
Town Name: Monthayearalandia
Location: Mountainside; Near a river; Near a gorge; Very light forest
Leader: Timely Watcher Augustusus
Government: Theological Representative Democracy
Local Tech level: Advanced Alloy
Population: In the 150'000s (20% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 82'000s (55% of population; with electric tools)
Military Power: In the 140'000s (25% of population; armed with machine guns; Paladin Trained)
Special buildings: Paladin Training Grounds(ruins), Particle Accelerator, Reinforced, Powered and Walled Strategic Outpost System, Green Power system, Underground Yupher Labs, Grand Temple, Grand Sewer System, Space Program
Calanderists: 40%-60% of population; Strong Approval
Militarists: 20%-40% of population; Strong Approval
Communists: 0%-20% of population; Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Neutral
Anection Capital: WAR
Yupher Square: Approval
Cultists: Neutral
PaiPai Puritans: Strong Disapproval

RIP - Jooroosooloom; led by Cardinal Tordius on years 2-14; played by Grantrithor.

Player: erlae0000
Town Name: Wakabyashi
Location: Island with mountain, forest, and marsh
Leader: President Atlus
Government: Democracy
Local Tech level: Advanced Alloy
Population: In the 100'000s (50% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; armed with rifles; Training Ground)
Special buildings: Hydroelectric Plant, Training Ground, Space Program
Locals: 80%-100% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Approval
Anection Capital: Approval
Yupher Square: Neutral
Cultists: Strong Disapproval
PaiPai Puritans: Strong Disapproval

Inter-Anection Relations:
Anection Capital: Strong Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval with Cultists; Disapproval to Paladins; WAR with PaiPai Puritans
Yupher Square: Strong Disapproval to Anection Capital; Approval to Cultists; WAR with Paladins; Strong Disapproval to PaiPai Puritans
Cultists: Strong Disapproval with Anection Capital; Approval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Paladins; WAR with PaiPai Puritans
Paladins: Disapproval to Anection Capital; WAR with Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultists; Disapproval to PaiPai Puritans
PaiPai Puritans: WAR with Anection Capital; WAR with Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultists; Strong Disapproval to Paladins
Joined 4602 days ago
Last seen 878 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3865 days ago
Augutusus cuts ties with Yupher Square, and requests assistance from the Paladins. Secretly, Augutusus communicates his apologies to Yupher Square, but the Paladin's proximity and military power make them better support in war.

Augustusus rebalances his population, with 0% Building, 50% in Maintenance, and 50% in the Military, resorting to a military draft to cope with the soon-to-commence Pastry shortages, as well as the ongoing siege.

Augutusus orders the military to train as much as it can.

Augutusus orders his scientists to raise the tech level using the underground labs.
Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3865 days ago
I Tell the space program to send another probe out into space with a nuclear pulse engine to search for habitable planets and engineers to start to build a international space station i send word to other faction astronauts if they want to come

i tell scientist to upgrade tech level and i increase days of school to all year but a month break
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3865 days ago
Year 19 events:
In Monthayearalandia, The Yuphers leave in disgust, but not before they rig the lab to blow, taking out the Particle Accelerator and damaging tool storage and munitions. The Paladins approve of the cutting of ties to Yupher Square, and wish you luck without sending any assistance. Soldiers training level is starting to decline due to the training ground being in ruins. Scientists are too busy with maintenance to do anything else. The Anection Army gets reinforced to 1'000'000 MP. In the siege, the Strategic Outpost system gets hit for minor damage and the Grand Temple is ruined in the siege. Local morale is falling to all but the militarist faction. Local high military command notes that if the Anection army charges, they have about an even chance of winning.

In Wakabyashi, the probes nuclear engine goes hypercritical and explodes. Fortunately, it was contained to only ruin the Space Program. Increasing the local tech level progresses slowly.

Dark omens are in the sky, people expect bad things to happen next year.

Player: Scroby
Town Name: Monthayearalandia
Location: Mountainside; Near a river; Near a gorge; Very light forest
Leader: Timely Watcher Augustusus
Government: Theological Representative Democracy
Local Tech level: Advanced Alloy
Population: In the 150'000s (50% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: 0 (0% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 93'000s (50% of population; armed with steel weapons; Paladin Trained)
Special buildings: Paladin Training Grounds(ruins), Particle Accelerator(ruins), Reinforced, Powered and Walled Strategic Outpost System, Green Power system, Underground Yupher Labs(ruins), Grand Temple(ruins), Grand Sewer System, Space Program
Calanderists: 40%-60% of population; Neutral
Militarists: 20%-40% of population; Strong Approval
Communists: 0%-20% of population; Strong Disapproval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Approval
Anection Capital: WAR
Yupher Square: Disapproval
Cultists: Neutral
PaiPai Puritans: Strong Disapproval

RIP - Jooroosooloom; led by Cardinal Tordius on years 2-14; played by Grantrithor.

Player: erlae0000
Town Name: Wakabyashi
Location: Island with mountain, forest, and marsh
Leader: President Atlus
Government: Democracy
Local Tech level: Advanced Alloy
Population: In the 100'000s (50% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; armed with rifles; Training Ground)
Special buildings: Hydroelectric Plant, Training Ground, Space Program(ruins)
Locals: 80%-100% of population; Strong Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Approval
Anection Capital: Approval
Yupher Square: Neutral
Cultists: Strong Disapproval
PaiPai Puritans: Strong Disapproval

Inter-Anection Relations:
Anection Capital: Strong Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval with Cultists; Disapproval to Paladins; WAR with PaiPai Puritans
Yupher Square: Strong Disapproval to Anection Capital; Approval to Cultists; WAR with Paladins; Strong Disapproval to PaiPai Puritans
Cultists: Strong Disapproval with Anection Capital; Approval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Paladins; WAR with PaiPai Puritans
Paladins: Disapproval to Anection Capital; WAR with Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultists; Disapproval to PaiPai Puritans
PaiPai Puritans: WAR with Anection Capital; WAR with Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultists; Strong Disapproval to Paladins
Joined 4602 days ago
Last seen 878 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3865 days ago
Augustusus surrenders to the Anection Capital.


Augutusus rebalances the population again:

20% of the Population is Military.
60% of the Population is doing Maintenance.
20% of the Population are Builders.

All Maintenance peeps do their maintenance and try to repair the decay brought on during the siege.

All Builders are ordered to begin repairs to the Grand Temple to bring up Morale, as well as the Underground Labs.

All Military forces are ordered to begin training again to account for the loss of munitions.

Scientists are ordered to try and remake the rifles the military had before.

Engineers are ordered to salvage all resources from the ruined Particle Accelerator and stockpile the materials for future use. The builders are allowed to use the material stockpile for any projects they are currently doing, such as the rebuilding of the Grand Temple.


If the Anection Capital stops Building projects, the builders are ordered to build additional houses to encourage population growth.

If the Anection Capital stops the Military from training, they are ordered to help the builders for the turn.

If the Anection Capital stops the scientists from doing their ordered sciency things, the scientists are ordered to work on upgrading the tech level.

If the Anection Capital stops the Engineers from doing stuff, they are ordered to help upgrade the tech level (I dont even know if the engineers are an actual thing. If they're not, disregard.)

If the Anection Capital stops the Maintenance people from doing Maintenance, Augutusus tells them they're being silly and that we need plumbing, so they can go suck an egg. Accept risks of execution.
Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3864 days ago
I tell engineers to rebuild the space program while i tell scientist to discover Light speed to reach the space age
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3864 days ago
Year 20 events:
Dark Omens breed bad luck this year.

Monthayearalandia surrenders to the Anection army. They make heavy demands, and Augutusus tells them they're being silly and that we need plumbing, so they can go suck an egg. He and all the Senators of Time were arrested on the spot as Monthayearalandia is put under direct control of the army of the Anection Capital.

In Wakabyashi, Congress blocks the space proposals stating that he governmental focus should remain more on the ground. The locals are not too happy about the governmental gridlock. The puritans declare that Wakabyashi is not following the PaiPaihian ideals and declare WAR. None of the other factions cares.

Player: Scroby
Town Name: Monthayearalandia
Location: Mountainside; Near a river; Near a gorge; Very light forest
Leader: Timely Watcher Augustusus
City Information Unavailable
Augustusus is currently being transported to the Anection Capital for trial.

RIP - Jooroosooloom; led by Cardinal Tordius on years 2-14; played by Grantrithor.

Player: erlae0000
Town Name: Wakabyashi
Location: Island with mountain, forest, and marsh
Leader: President Atlus
Government: Democracy
Local Tech level: Advanced Alloy
Population: In the 100'000s (50% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; armed with rifles; Training Ground)
Special buildings: Hydroelectric Plant, Training Ground, Space Program(ruins)
Locals: 80%-100% of population; Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Approval
Anection Capital: Approval
Yupher Square: Neutral
Cultists: Strong Disapproval
PaiPai Puritans: WAR

Inter-Anection Relations:
Anection Capital: Strong Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval with Cultists; Disapproval to Paladins; WAR with PaiPai Puritans
Yupher Square: Strong Disapproval to Anection Capital; Approval to Cultists; WAR with Paladins; Strong Disapproval to PaiPai Puritans
Cultists: Strong Disapproval with Anection Capital; Approval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Paladins; WAR with PaiPai Puritans
Paladins: Disapproval to Anection Capital; WAR with Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultists; Disapproval to PaiPai Puritans
PaiPai Puritans: WAR with Anection Capital; WAR with Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultists; Strong Disapproval to Paladins
Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3863 days ago
I send a team ot lawers to anection capital to help Augustus in his trail

I tell biulders to start up a war drone plant to keep the military home

i tell the military to be ready for attack and send cobalt bombs paipai puritans land and tell them 'good luck with the fallout '
Joined 4602 days ago
Last seen 878 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3863 days ago
In the event Augutusus is rescued, he sends a diplomatic mission of whatever few diplomats he can get ahold of to the Paladin homeland, where he requests that the Paladins provide support in exchange for the annexing of Monthayearalandia under the Paladins as a colony.

In the event Augutusus is not rescued and goes to Trial, he maintains his innocence to any criminal charges, gets the best lawyers he can... well, get, and states he is simply attempting to make sure Monthayearalandia does not lose it's value as a city. If Plumbing were to cease, then the ghost of the Innitawinnit would return, wreak havok, and there would be enormous turmoil and civil unrest throughout all of Monthayearlandia. Further, he profusely apologizes and requests that he and the Senators fo Time be released from custody at least, and tries to secure at the very least a figurehead government over Monthayearalandia under the Anection Capital Military forces, stating that would be far easier in controlling the populace than brute military force. Further, he offers free tortillas. He attempts to contact the Paladins requesting assistance as soon as things settle down.

In the Event Augustusus is released but is not reinstated as anything in any government, powerless or otherwise, (ie regular citizen), he attempts to communicate with the Paladins requesting assistance.
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5288 days ago
Last seen 2580 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3862 days ago
Year 21 events:
This is the last turn.

Timely Watcher Augustusus fails to get a good local lawyer, so he has to use with the ones sent by Wakabyashi. The judges don't believe in Innitawinnit, stating that the limits on infrastructure

maintinence would insure Monthayearalandia would be no threat to the Anection Capital. They also state that they don't trust Augustusus enough to govern and they reject the tortillas. They find

Augustusus guilty of masterminding the assassinations on various senators and sentenced him to death. The Paladins declare war over the execution.

The congress of Wakabyashi blocks all bills again, the people are very annoyed at the congress.

RIP - Monthayearalandia; led by Timely Watcher Augustusus on years 1-21; played by Scroby

RIP - Jooroosooloom; led by Cardinal Tordius on years 2-14; played by Grantrithor.

Player: erlae0000
Town Name: Wakabyashi
Location: Island with mountain, forest, and marsh
Leader: President Atlus
Government: Democracy
Local Tech level: Advanced Alloy
Population: In the 100'000s (50% of population doing maintenance)
Build Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; with steel tools)
Military Power: In the 10'000s (25% of population; armed with rifles; Training Ground)
Special buildings: Hydroelectric Plant, Training Ground, Space Program(ruins)
Locals: 80%-100% of population; Approval
No other factions with significance.
Foreign Relations:
Paladins: Strong Approval
Anection Capital: Approval
Yupher Square: Neutral
Cultists: Strong Disapproval
PaiPai Puritans: WAR

Inter-Anection Relations:
Anection Capital: Strong Disapproval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval with Cultists; WAR with to Paladins; WAR with PaiPai Puritans
Yupher Square: Strong Disapproval to Anection Capital; Approval to Cultists; WAR with Paladins; Strong Disapproval to PaiPai Puritans
Cultists: Strong Disapproval with Anection Capital; Approval to Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Paladins; WAR with PaiPai Puritans
Paladins: WAR with Anection Capital; WAR with Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultists; Disapproval to PaiPai Puritans
PaiPai Puritans: WAR with Anection Capital; WAR with Yupher Square; Strong Disapproval to Cultists; Strong Disapproval to Paladins

I am going to end this game now and erlae0000 is the winner!

This wasn't as bad as the previous round, but still a bit too high on the work and brainpower needed, so I half-assed the later rounds. Making it daily was the big issue. Meh, if I update too little interest fades, if I update too often it takes too long and drains my enthusiasm.
Joined 4065 days ago
Last seen 3596 days ago
Re. Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
Posted 3862 days ago
Forums > Off-topic > Live on Anection Round 7: Towns of Anection
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