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space-structures/laws of gravity/revolving planets
Joined 4487 days ago
Last seen 3573 days ago
space-structures/laws of gravity/revolving planets
Posted 3947 days ago
Hi all,
I would like to suggest the possibility to build structures in space. In my opinion it would be very cool if you could build in-orbit buildings like a docking ring or a space station, solar power plants or even asteriod mining stations (provided the solar system has asteroid rings left). Secondly, wouldnt it be great when the planets would actually revolve a star and that players must plot fleet trajectories complying to the laws of gravity? (I am astronomer so I notice stuff like this). Just something to think about though, since this would make it much more demanding for the computer i guess.
Joined 6436 days ago
Last seen 13 days ago
Re. space-structures/laws of gravity/revolving planets
Posted 3947 days ago
I would like to suggest the possibility to build structures in space. In my opinion it would be very cool if you could build in-orbit buildings like a docking ring or a space station, solar power plants or even asteriod mining stations (provided the solar system has asteroid rings left).
I agree, it'll come eventually. Always been part of the plan, just not a high priority at the moment.
Secondly, wouldnt it be great when the planets would actually revolve a star and that players must plot fleet trajectories complying to the laws of gravity? (I am astronomer so I notice stuff like this). Just something to think about though, since this would make it much more demanding for the computer i guess.
There's been a few early prototypes that had planets orbiting, turns out it's not that fun when you need to select things.
It's also a pain to balance since planet distances matter.
Not to mention the planet positions need to be synched properly so fleets don't appear inside planets and such.
I'm not saying ''Never!'', but don't hold your breath.
Joined 3846 days ago
Last seen 3697 days ago
Re. space-structures/laws of gravity/revolving planets
Posted 3845 days ago
What I think would be amazing right now even for an early build as this is. Is if you could add different skins and sizes of planets adding gas giants, desolate, and etc. But of course that would take a little bit especially since you could do so much with this later on, adding different gravitational pulls, so planets if too close could crash into each other, or pull in asteroids, then you could also make it so depending on how much gas, or metal you get it'd also change what kind of planet it is. I'd tried doing this before seeing if I could change the type of planet by making gas really high while making life 0 and metal not a big concern. Didn't exactly work...but yeah I love the concept of the game, and love how it looks so far, keep up the good work If this continues to get better, I'll get some people to join. Keep doing a great job!
Joined 6436 days ago
Last seen 13 days ago
Re. space-structures/laws of gravity/revolving planets
Posted 3844 days ago
What I think would be amazing right now even for an early build as this is. Is if you could add different skins and sizes of planets adding gas giants, desolate, and etc. But of course that would take a little bit especially since you could do so much with this later on, adding different gravitational pulls, so planets if too close could crash into each other, or pull in asteroids, then you could also make it so depending on how much gas, or metal you get it'd also change what kind of planet it is. I'd tried doing this before seeing if I could change the type of planet by making gas really high while making life 0 and metal not a big concern. Didn't exactly work...but yeah I love the concept of the game, and love how it looks so far, keep up the good work If this continues to get better, I'll get some people to join. Keep doing a great job!
The Metal, Life, and Gas values do affect the visual look of the planets. However, planet textures are all set to the same at the moment.
Planets having unique surfaces was the plan all along, and planets with high amounts of gas will have thicker atmosphere covering them.
Joined 3846 days ago
Last seen 3697 days ago
Re. space-structures/laws of gravity/revolving planets
Posted 3698 days ago
I believe one big step they will need to make later, since they will most likely incorporate some of this later in development. And also they will be adding ships, and most likely space battle. Is the likelihood of going over controls and sensitivity as it is right now. As it is for now, it's easy enough to fly from one star to the next, but sometimes it get's hard not over shooting the stars sometimes, and losing them. So I believe going over the controls and how sensitive things are can be a large set goal for later game play as you add ships. Since it would kind of be a big deal if you're going into a space battle and miss it completely if you get lost, lose track of where your ships are, or even can't find some of your planets. This in detail I guess would also mean the addition of an overlay, or menu that has all your planets, units, and territory mapped out or listed.
Joined 3698 days ago
Last seen 3696 days ago
Re. Re. space-structures/laws of gravity/revolving planets
Posted 3696 days ago
One thing they should definitely add, in game is space related weather events! Since it's very obvious already in-game. That the galaxy is covered in different stars, and visible dust from far, or close up. Is the addition of plasma storms, electrical storms, radiation storms, etc. This would add more depth to the game when ships came into play, since these area's in most cases would be events someone would go out of their way to avoid. In fear of ship damage, or just the negative buffs they would apply to ships overall until docked and cleaned/fixed. Later when space battle became a thing, this would sometimes change how a war is doing completely. Especially when both or just one side is afraid to go through. So instead they go around, or just wait till it passes. :D
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space-structures/laws of gravity/revolving planets
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