Forums > Fan creations > Awakening of a God!
Joined 3875 days ago
Last seen 3864 days ago
Awakening of a God!
Posted 3864 days ago

My eyes open into a dark vastness.

What is this that I am seeing? Eyes bulged at the enormity that is before me.

I see shining lights... stars...

And I can also move! Move through this darkness!

These feelings are new and somewhat old. How long have I been asleep, forgotten about what it is to live? Or am I awaken for the first time?

No matter... I can move freely across the Universe! All the stars sweep right besides me as if they were nothing but mere pearls. I know... I feel they have a great power inside them but... it is so insignificant compared to mine.

I'm moving beyond time and space and all this dark vastness feels so Free. I am both amazed and happy as the emptiness passes through my hands.

But wait! All sorts of existential questions start rushing to my head as I wonder what place is this, Are there more beings besides me and What is the meaning of... existence? I feel attacked by my new-found loneliness.

I start climbing faster and farthest than ever before... climbing... climbing. I can start making out patterns, see different groups of stars... galaxies.

Does anyone live there? Am I alone? I get closer to one of these stars for the first time.

First post in the forums. I gotta say I was amazed to discover this game and how much you have achieved and how unique the game is. This first chapter mimics my first reaction to the game, having no manual, no clues about controls no nothing.

It was a great feeling when I started up the game and found myself lost in what to do but also in awe of the beauty and sense of grandeur that the game imprints on the player.

I really felt as a newborn God trying to move around and figure out what to do for the first time.

Forums > Fan creations > Awakening of a God!
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