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Joined 3846 days ago
Last seen 3697 days ago
Non-specific suggestions
Posted 3698 days ago
I am starting this topic since I would like to contribute a wide variety of ideas without having to go to multiple threads/topics just to post. If any others would like to do the same please feel free to post. Now onto my suggestions!
Your idea's have been revolving around cosmetic's for ships and such right? I believe for ships themselves, your planets and production can build and upgrade ships with specific weapons. The weapons, hull upgrades, etc. Should revolve with looks a default look for empires, Icons, races, etc can be added later for peoples profiles and custom lore behind the gods. Flags, and icons that might (just a suggestion in any case.) be shown on ships and above controlled space of an empire. Now the upgrades and such that change the look of your ships by default could automatically add bonuses and such as your planets and empire develop the tech for the ships themselves. Going into a custom menu or whatever to add specific variations of weapons. The store if you're going to pay money for such things, which I believe some people will. Could have special cosmetic add-ons to ships that a god wants, and can remove, or add to a ship at will. (As long as it's docked on a planet or whatever.)So pretty much it's just a custom look the dev's sell for specific empires, or ships to raise money for development. They provide no bonuses and are only there for a special flare or style of ship. This could also be later added to the look of planets and such if that could be incorporated into it. Different looks and styles of planets, or maybe even changing the look of stars creating a non-threatening black hole or something that the gods planets orbit or whatever. It's all just suggestions in the end, I hope you liked some of my ideas, and hopefully might put some into the game. Oh and I and I'm sure many others would like a customizable profile so other gods and maybe look at any lore behind our empire, or even race/god/ect that we could incorporate for RPing purposes. Have a nice day everyone! xD
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