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Born from the light, raised in the Dark
Joined 3698 days ago
Last seen 3696 days ago
Born from the light, raised in the Dark
Posted 3698 days ago
As all gods are birthed, from the seed of Oberon and the pure energies of the cosmos; Time and space itself becoming one to form a new being of substance beyond understanding to all those besides Oberon himself. Thus was the same for Eradicus he like the rest was created in the very heart of a magnificent star. Formed by the raw power that was his father Oberon, and the pure energies of this star. He became the being of consciousness that a godly entity is, though a single accident caused him to become something that he was never meant to become. One of his many brothers/sisters unknown as it is now who it was, caused a ripple in the fabric of space too close to his birth star. Which caused it to collapse on itself, thus pulling the godly being into a space of darkness, a darkness he awoke upon. A darkness that was an endless void of torturous imprisonment. For an uncountable eternity he was trapped, alone, lost, and within this single entity of mass, and energy of uncontrollable gravity he became strong. He became a being of something more than just a god, he became one with the darkness. He learned much from the maddening grip of the voids insanity, when he contrived that what we mortals call a black hole, or a white hole. Is a space of near singularity to each other, a endless space of emptiness that became one such thing we call a pocket dimension. He for the first time was able to leave that void, and walk the same dimension that which his fellow brothers, and sisters lived. And at that time for the very first time he knew who he was, and thus was the creation of Eradicus. There forth Eradicus looked upon the ocean of space, and watched the twinkling of the stars and knew he was finally home. But even still if one were to look into the mind of this godly being we know as Eradicus, we would find a being of pure chaos, and insanity wrapped in the gauze of intellect, and an all-knowing gaze of destruction.
- From the journal of Aphiroph, the Prophet of Old
Joined 3698 days ago
Last seen 3696 days ago
Re. Re. Re. Re. Re. Born from the light, raised in the Dark
Posted 3698 days ago

A drawing of Eradicus, in his physical form
From the journal of Fyadriux, lost in the Great Library of Raphos - The Raphos empire fell millennia ago, their structures, and artifacts being rarely found among the stars. The explorer, writer and artist Fyadriux was of the Raphos empire, and was known to travel the stars in search of even a glimpse of gods/goddesses and spectacles only known to the luckiest of explorers.
Joined 3698 days ago
Last seen 3696 days ago
Re. Re. Born from the light, raised in the Dark
Posted 3698 days ago
Mortimus Bal'Vahrin - Arch Bishop of the first covenant of Helix - Belief of the one ''God'' and ''All powerful'' Eradicus, destroyed 800 years after it's creation when a plasma storm surged over the Hiko star. Destroying the planet and throwing the remnants, and surviving treasures of the world across space. - Quote from the journal of Mortimus Bal'Vahrin ''To the dust of time we are scattered as yet only another chapter in the book we call life. Our god, and creator giveth to us the seeds, to plant, and thy lamb to feast on. With the gift of knowledge he has given unto us, we give back our souls to power his godly energies over the cosmos. And which he has told unto I, I knoweth that when the day of destruction comes, that will be the day we are freed from this and all worlds. To pass on into the embrace of our one and only deity, and to be known as a force of endless energy in the eye's of all other mortals.''
- Translated from Qyaun to English in the star date 374, translator - Unknown - Journal lost to space when being transported to a secure location.
Cause of loss? - Ship Record X1009, outgoing message: ''Mayday! We are calling for ba-'' Static ''Please someone respond! We are being attacked by a fleet of unidentifiable ships. We need immediate evac, multiple hull breaches, and loss of power threaten to-'' There's a large explosion before static, the connection is lost. Evac team later finds the remaining wreckage of the ship, most of it seems to have been looted already from whatever attacked the ship. The journal, nor any of the artifacts on board could be located. Body guards, and all defense systems seem to have been completely and udderly overpowered.
File closed due to lack of information.
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Born from the light, raised in the Dark
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